
Return of Ruthless queen

" I am not someone who forgive others but rather someone who bear grudges, people who offend me must die people who come in my way must also die.I don't like being saintess because.... I love villains most."- Li Qingya.

Aaravi · Urban
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9 Chs

Rebirth 1

At last eveything turns into darkness and she lost her consciousness.

Lingya what happens to you why are you not saying anything, a girl is crying beside her someone who seems to unconscious is lying on the grass. A girl who is about 17 or 18 years old is lying. She is wearing light green cloth , her skin looks shiny and soft . If one looks her closely one can say she is really a beauty . Even though she is not conscious one can say she belongs to noble family.

Bai Rou li heard someone is crying and shaking her bodily . She felt an unbearable pain in her head as well in her heart. She don't know who is crying beside her but she is certain that it is voice of a teen girl . She don't know why but she feels a kind of familiarity in her voice. She tried to open her eyes to see who is crying. But no matter how much she tried she failed to open her eyes . She felt anxious and at this moment she saw a girl before her . Her eyes are blue and her hair is golden in colour but she looks pitiful .She is confused when she saw her. She is certain that she never met her.

I know what you are thinking right now , that who am i ? I am Qi Lingya and right now you are inside my body . Like you i also don't know what happens but i think it's a fate . When i don't want to live anymore you came inside my body. Since you came i can leave now but before this i want you to avenge me. I will give you my memories which will help you. I don't have much time so i can only say you to save my brother and do not believe anyone who is around you. After that she disappeared.

What the hell is going on ...who is this girl . She didn't even give her chance to say anything and speaks whatever she wants and now she had the guts to disappear . Whom does she think she is . No one has ever dared to talk to her in this way, she even ignored her opinion .She is angry because of that unknown girl but....wait what does she said to her that she is inside her body . What is going on can anyone explain her.

People are going more and more audacious just now one girl blabber something before her which she really don't understand and now there is also someone who dare to touch her body when she has stabbed herself . And more than that shaking her body . Do you think she is weak since is going to die and they can do whatever they want . No i must teach that person a lesson before i die, afterall she is ruthless queen whom everyone feared . They must know even though she is going to be die she is not someone they can offend. Because of her anxiousness and anger Bai Rou li forgets that she heard a cry of a girl beside her . At this point she only wants to kill that person who touched her body . Troughout her life she never let anyone to come near her. So now she wants to kill that person. She tried to Mopen her eyes and surprisingly this time she didn't feel any kind of pain in comparison to her earlier attempt. Infact she opened her eyes smoothly without any pain. But the thing which comes in her sight after opening her eyes puzzled her . She felt like she is dreaming. Is this a life of afterlife. O heaven where she is . Where is this place . And who is this girl who is shameful enough to wear a short dress which barely covered her body . Is that girl a fairy but if she is a fairy why her looks is so ordinary and why she is crying . More than that she is shaking her body continuously. As if she is kneeding a soil to make a pot.