
Resurrection — My Ordinary Life as a Half-Demon

Failing his suicide at a train station in Tokyo, George Serizawa is brought back to life as a half-demon and as the host of the archdemon and ruler of hell, Baal. He must use his recently acquired superhuman talents to fulfill the mission that Baal has given him: to track down and destroy the demons who have made their way to Earth. Between living as a student and hunting down demons and their hosts, can he retain his regular life while embracing his unusual abilities and responsibilities? If not, will the burden of his destiny prove to be too much for him to bear?

4166leancuttt · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Baal's Disappearing Act

"You're under arrest! Drop your weapons now or face the consequences!"

"You can try if you're looking for a one-way ticket to hell."

George's lips curled up into a menacing grin. His eyes darkened as he spoke.

"Ignite, Kokorowatari."

The air crackled with energy as a sable light erupted from his sword, followed by a maelstrom of black fire that let out an oppressive heat. Brimstone and smoke billowed forth in a cancerous cloud, shrouding the surroundings in a dark and oppressive heat. The power of the sword was so palpable it threatened to swallow them alive.

"Malevolent Sl-"

With the Malevolent Slash's motion, he raised his sword high in the air, ready to unleash a devastating blow. But before he could strike, Baal suddenly took control of his body, forcing his muscles to tense and his sword to clatter to the ground. Instantly, the fierce black flames around them snuffed out like a dying flame.

"What the hell are you doing, Baal?!"

<<You reckless brat, you're doing us a disservice. If you killed those soldiers, you'd trigger an all-out war! Not only would you have to fight the demons, but you'd also have to fight the humans too>>

George's legs pounded the pavement with superhuman force as Baal took over his body. He sprinted away from the police, leaping over several officers and jumping around vehicles with lightning speed. His movements were so agile and precise that it was almost as if he had disappeared and reappeared from a distance away, evading each obstacle that the officers threw in his path with effortless grace.

The JSDF soldiers and police spun around, but all that remained was a lingering shadow. It was as if the person they were supposed to apprehend had become one with the shadows, evading capture by vanishing into nothingness. Nothing but a faint trace remained, taunting them with their failure.

The police officers were stunned into silence, gaping at the empty space where George and Baal once stood. In a split second, they were gone, and the air felt charged with an inexplicable energy. Frantic eyes darted around the area, searching for answers to the strange disappearance. Suddenly, one of them broke the tense silence with a cry of disbelief: "What just happened?"


The police swarmed the streets, eyes blazing with determination, but it was an impossible task. George and Baal had vanished into thin air, and there was no trace of them. All that remained was a path of devastation, with broken glass scattered across the pavement like a million tiny stars, mocking the police's inability to catch their prey.

However, their efforts were futile as George and Baal had already arrived at their house.

<<It's a shame we didn't find a trace of Separ. That bastard's dangerous. We need to capture him immediately>>

"This Separ demon... what's his ability?"

<<Sickness and Seawater Wave Manipulation. He can cause instantaneous necrosis on his enemies, causing your body to rot and have maggots breed in them>>


<<That's not the dangerous part. That guy could control tides causing a tidal wave that could swallow an island country. And as you can see, we're an island country, surrounded by sea. Fuck, if I capture that bastard, I'll make sure to smash his goldfish brain into the goddamn pavement>>

"Should we scout the city in the morning as well?"

<<Don't bother. We've got time. Besides, you have something to do in the morning. I enrolled you at the nearby university, and your class is at 10 today.>>

"You didn't have to do that... I don't want to go to school. No, to begin with, how did you get money to pay for the enrollment?"

<<We have enough money to live a lavish lifestyle. We could even buy a penthouse apartment right now if you want to. At the very least, it's a lot better than this abandoned house. Plus, there's water, light, and internet already installed. All we have to do is enjoy living inside>>

"Don't. It's a waste of money."

George stretched his hands before standing up and looking towards the window.

"We should go. The department stores should be open by now. I have to buy a small bag, a few school supplies, and a notebook."

<<Don't worry about that. I've already prepared it>>

"Damn. You're awfully prepared... are you really from hell?"

<<Who said it's my first time here? I've already been here a couple of times, though; this one is my first official visit>>

"So you ran away multiple times?"

<<Anyway, go now. You have to be early so your teacher can introduce you to your new class.>>

George nodded and opened the door. As he walked out of the abandoned house, he was met with a bright morning sun. He sighed and closed the door behind him.

He then walked along the sidewalk and entered the university campus.

"Uh, can I ask where the faculty room is for senior high school students?" George asked the guard stationed at the gate.

The guard stared at him for a moment before replying. "Are you a new student? It's on the 6th floor of that building," the young guard pointed towards the building in the northeast area.

"Just ride the elevator until you reach the 6th floor. There's a guard stationed there. You can ask him to bring you to the faculty room."

George thanked him and headed towards the building. As soon as he reached the sixth floor, he looked for the guard supposedly stationed there, but he didn't see anyone.

He could see that there was a desk with a journal and a chair in the middle of the hallway, "Did the guard go out for a bathroom break or something? Damn. What should I do?"

He frantically glanced around the sixth floor, desperate for any sign of human life, but it was utterly deserted.

He thought, "Maybe I should find someone on the 5th floor," as he walked towards the stairs when he suddenly bumped into someone.