
Resurrection — My Ordinary Life as a Half-Demon

Failing his suicide at a train station in Tokyo, George Serizawa is brought back to life as a half-demon and as the host of the archdemon and ruler of hell, Baal. He must use his recently acquired superhuman talents to fulfill the mission that Baal has given him: to track down and destroy the demons who have made their way to Earth. Between living as a student and hunting down demons and their hosts, can he retain his regular life while embracing his unusual abilities and responsibilities? If not, will the burden of his destiny prove to be too much for him to bear?

4166leancuttt · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Against The Rampaging Beast

George and Baal looked on from the roof of a ten-story hotel as the beast laid waste to the streets below.

The monster's roars of rage and destruction echoed through the streets like a wave of terror, sending clouds of dust and debris into the air. The ground trembled beneath their feet as their hope of salvation dwindled away.

"Baal, the sword. Give it to me."

No. You must battle him on your own. This time, I will not assist you.

"What?! Why? Didn't you say you're going to assist me every time we hunt?"

Not this time; I need to see how you engage in combat first.

"Alright... fine. So how do I hide my face?"

Baal didn't respond.

The air around George felt heavy and almost alive, as if it were emanating its own energy.

George felt his arm and shoulder move involuntarily.

His arm moved without his permission, and soon, his palm moved in a sweeping motion, and a black smoke began to curl into the shape of a fearsome mask over his face, its eyes glowing red in the night.

The black, demonic mask had a V-shaped design that resembled horns, with a set of sharp teeth in the mouth area.

It only partially covered George's face, leaving his cheeks and forehead exposed. The mask was tightly fitted to his facial skin, muscles, and nerves so that he could open and close the mouth.

This is our demonic transformation. Its final form generates a bone armor that completely covers your body. In its incomplete state, it may be used to construct gloves, boots, or a mask.

"Okay... I'm jumping down."

George leapt from the building, a human cannonball hurtling through the air.

He plummeted towards the ground, accelerating with a deafening roar, his body brushing the air like a shooting star.

His feet crashed into the ground with a thunderous boom that shook the earth, an explosion of dust and debris that caught the attention of the monster lurking in the shadows.

The ground shook violently as the monster let out an earth-shattering roar. Its piercing eyes burned with fury as it bore down on George, its razor sharp teeth gleaming with hatred. An aura of pure terror smothered the air.

It moved like a blur, its movements so fast that George could barely keep up. Its four legs pounded against the ground as it raced towards him, thick saliva dripping from its open mouth.

It came at George like a freight train, the air around him shaking with its pounding energy.

When it was just a few steps away, it suddenly spun in a circular motion and its tail swiped across George's body with the force of a meteor falling to Earth. The force was so great that George was sent flying backwards.

George flew through the air, propelled by the force of the monster's powerful tail. He crashed through a nearby building, sending debris and fragments of the wall everywhere.

The people inside, who were cowering in fear of the monster, cried out from the confusion and the cloud of dust that permeated through the air. They began to scramble to get away from the danger they sensed.

George leapt to his feet, sprinting towards the destroyed wall.

With each step he could feel the vibrations of the monster's destruction, like an earthquake of destruction.

As he reached the wall, he saw the monstrous beast outside, smashing everything in its path with a wrath that seemed unstoppable. Pain surged through George, but he took a deep breath and leapt through the broken wall into the carnage.

George had no choice but to take on the creature, adrenaline surging through his veins.

He tried to keep up, but it moved like a hurricane, faster and faster. He knew he had to come up with a plan - quick - or else the beast would kill him.

He felt the pressure of imminent danger, sweat beading on his forehead.

The terrifying creature came at him from out of the shadows, looming ever closer.

With every step, panic surged through his veins, numbing him.

Desperately he went through every imaginable solution in his head, but before he could come to a conclusion, the monster suddenly vanished into thin air.

"What the- Where did it go?"

Above you, BLOCK IT!

George reflexively covered his head with both hands.

The demonic beast who was in midair was spinning like an unstoppable wheel of destruction, a dark energy radiating from its body. Its tail shot downwards like a whip aimed directly at George, ready to smash the very soul of its target.

George screamed out in agony as the overpowering impact sent a scorching fire of pain through his veins. His consciousness was fading away, but he fought against the darkness in his mind to stay awake. With every ounce of determination he had, he pushed through the pain and struggled to stay alive and fight back. Three-fourths of his body sank into the pavement.

The monster reared back and bellowed a deafening roar, sending shockwaves of terror through the air.

From its horns a ball of blazing red energy was summoned, slowly at first, then quickly swelling to a fiery maelstrom that threatened to consume all in its path.

"Oh sh*t..." The last thing he saw was a flash of red before darkness overtook him.

Agonizing pain surged through his body as he felt the searing heat of the crimson burst of energy rip through his clothes, the skin and the flesh beneath, until not even a single scream of anguish could be heard.

The beast slowly advanced towards George, its burning eyes fixed on its target.

Its enormous frame swallowed the light, casting a shadow of death that deepened as it came closer. Its roar shook the air, shaking George's bones.

An unearthly screech pierced the air as the creature inched closer, its long leg reaching out with a razor-sharp claw. With an excruciating crunch, it stepped down on George's charred body, driving its talon deeper and deeper into his skin as he lay motionless.

With wide eyes and an ear to ear grin, George moved his arms, clamping his hand around the monster's foot. His fingers dug into its hard skin, refusing to budge as if held in place with an invisible force.


A pitch black sword materialized from the depths of oblivion, its obsidian surface reflecting an eerie glow. It hovered in the air, radiating an aura of malevolence and death.

Malevolent Slash.

The monster roared in agony as the pitch black light ripped a flaming gash through its calf.

Hot, scarlet blood sprayed like a geyser, showering the ground as the creature clawed at its wound, desperate to stop the flow.

The air was thick with the scent of burning flesh and screams of pain.

The beast snarled at George and turned away, limping painfully and growling with rage. Its gait was staggered as it stumbled away, leaving a trail of crimson blood dripping from its wounds.

It was as slow as a turtle in comparison to its impressive speed only moments before.


George cackled like a madman as the demonic energy of the sword filled him with power.

He felt as if a euphoric drug had been injected directly into his veins, flooding his veins and cells with pleasure.

His laughter was that of an addict, who was overcome with a rush after months of harsh withdrawal.

The pleasure ran through his body, fueling his every cell with an urge to unleash his deep-seated violent desires that he never knew he possessed.

He staggered to his feet, his skin a raw, seared patchwork of agony, and every hair on his head singed away.

His mask remained unscathed, yet his clothes had been incinerated, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

George chased after the monster with speeds that were incomparable to him before. He was a walking nightmare, possessed by a ferocious energy that made him an unstoppable force.

He clenched the bone hilt of the pitch black sword, feeling his veins surge with adrenaline as he swung it with all the strength he could muster.

Anything that got in his way was cut down mercilessly, the blade slicing through whatever stood in its way like a hot knife through butter.

George hurled himself through the city, ripping and tearing through anything in his way.

Buildings crumbled, cars ripped apart, and trees crashed down like thunder as he fought his way closer and closer to the monster.

The beast lashed out with its long, hard tail, desperate to escape.

George drew his sword and blocked its attack--the sound the impact echoing in the air.

The monster scrambled wildly into the shadows of the alleyway, its breath coming in rapid gasps as George stormed closer. In a desperate attempt to flee, it pushed forward with every ounce of its strength.

With one final leap, the monster jumped from the ground and soared into the skies.

"Oh no you don't!" George roared as he lunged forward like a raging bull and grabbed the monster's tail with a deathly grip.

He yanked it backwards and slammed it to the ground with a thunderous crash, sending dirt and dust flying in all directions.

"Isn't it a shame that you have to leave when we've only just begun?" George said in a mocking tone.

The monster laid motionless in the murky shadows of the alley. Its claws curled into tight fists, its muscles tense with rage as it was unable to move, pinned helplessly to the pavement.

George raised his sword. He brought the blade down with a thunderous clang, chopping off the tail of his adversary in one precise blow.

The beast's horrific screams echoed throughout the night, reverberations of its torment shaking the very earth below.

Its tail twitched in pain as it soon oozed thick crimson liquid that spilled onto the ground, staining the soil with its deathly tears.

George's cruel smirk widened as he jeered, "Nice tail... oh wait, it's gone now," his voice dripping with malicious glee.

His mocking laughter echoed through the air and barely concealed his sadistic joy.

He fiercely gripped the hilt of the sword as he marched towards the massive beast.

With a violent thrust of his arm, he stabbed the blade deep into the monster's chest. The creature howled in agony as hot crimson blood spewed from the wound.

"Beg for mercy."

The monster let out a piercing howl and desperately scrambled in a wild frenzy. Its limbs flailed about and it raced at breakneck speed, its body blurring like a comet as it moved through the space.

Exhaustion set in but it kept running, as if its life depended on it.

George let out a maniacal laugh that echoed through the night as he watched the beast flee in terror.

His eyes glittered with delight as he savored the creature's fright, and his face contorted with pleasure in the moonlight.

He reveled in the moment, cherishing the power and might that he held over this hapless monster.

With a feral snarl, he uttered a final command. "It's over. Ignite, Kokorowatari!"

The sword emitted an otherworldly radiance, bathing the creature in a sinister black light.

Dark flames licked at its body, devouring it in a searing inferno until nothing but a vapor of ashes remained.

The creature was completely annihilated with a single, powerful stroke.

He recovered the sword high above his head, feeling the weight of hundreds of eyes upon him in the oppressive silence

He could feel the burning gaze of the police and JSDF on him, their air of hostility so thick it could be cut with a knife.

The tension was palpable as they waited in anticipation of a confrontation.

He heard a thunderous voice boom from somewhere in the crowd.

"You're under arrest! Drop your weapons now or face the consequences!"