
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs


{Note: By Outside of time I mean that he will not be affected by any changes to the timestream.}

"Well, I expect you to focus on your birthing and then your son till he is one. After that, I will send you on missions that can be expected to be complete in one day. Once he is three, I will expect you on normal duty. You agree to this?" David had purposely given Raven a lax time to adjust to her son, he knew that when she committed to someone, she was loyal until betrayed and her soft spot is and always will be her child.

Although things were convoluted, they actually went allot better than David had thought. This showed him that mistakes are easily made if he relied on the time information alone.

As he was considering how other events might change, he suddenly smiled, both girls were caught off guard.

"His mind flickered!" David vanished from before them and appeared in the lab next to Kal-EL sitting down he linked to the very basic consciousness, 'I heard you Kal, I am here. No need to rush, do not push yourself. I will be here waiting for you. You heal yourself as best as you can. I will help you from the outside. If anything hurts just think it and I will help.' David got the tub of nanites suspended in a radiation conductive goo and gently placed Kal into it, then moved the yellow sun radiation lamps back over him. The nanites were programmed to assist in any repairs the body was attempting while the good would ensure he was absorbing the yellow sun radiation all over his body.

David leaned back, Kal was going to be his general. As he spoke before he had inserted subtle empathic tendencies in Kal towards him. That was the reason for him talking so nicely to a mind with a basic consciousness. Kal would see him as a father who had worked hard to save him. A father who deserved his loyalty and love. David had no intension to lie to him or change him, he just wanted to ensure he was not doing all this work for nothing.

Thinking about the power Kal would bring he was very tempted to try enhancing himself again using the time distortion of the Ka stone, but abusing it came at a price. He was not willing to be influenced by anything else. If he had to rate magic items, for someone of a normal disposition the Ka stone was best. The Book and the Eye both required people at either side of the morality spectrum. Of course, once you broke the eye and removed the time stone all that changed.

By now he was a first-class sorcerer, he had diligently studied all he had learned from Selene. It was fair to say she was the most powerful human magic-user on earth. Now that he had ample knowledge, he was considering facing the Ancient one to prevent them (the sorcerers) interfering. If they knew Strange had set this in motion, they most likely would not interfere. He was covering his bases by ensuring he was versed in magic on the off chance the Ancient one acted against him.

Chuckling to himself David teleported to his study where he proceeded to make two cups of tea, putting honey in both of them. He then placed the teas on the tea table and sat on the one sofa.

He was going to feel like a fool if his hunch never paid off, but it would be fun to see if it was right.

A golden circle of sparkles began to form in front of the other sofa as David was preventing himself from laughing maniacally, stepping out of the portal looking a slight bit surprised was a very old man, with a cane in one hand that he was actually using to assist himself, his small white beard was neatly kept while his white eyebrows seemed determined to act as sideburns and loose Taoist robes of orange and white. David was shocked for a moment until he recalled this man was born in 1430 and was close to the end of his line and would take Strange as his last student.

Standing up David smiled, "Welcome to my home Yao, it is a pleasure to meet you. You might know me as En Sabah Nur in documents, I have chosen the name David though."

"Have you lured me here to kill me? I still have power enough in me to face you.�� As he spoke the old man's fingers seemed to move very smoothly and almost unnoticeably.

David smiled and sat, indicating the old man to do the same.

"Take a moment, focus on the energies around me, especially those that feel familiar. Then we can talk calmly." David would have liked to avoid killing the old man, having seen him he actually had an idea.

Yao nodded and sat down, then waved his cane before his eyes, shock briefly flickered across his eyes.

"Do you think we can talk without preparing all the defensive spells now?" David smirked; he knew only those well versed in the arts would know what the old man was doing.

"Very well, but you are going to need to explain. Is this the reason you became this powerful without me being able to notice? I am still not sure where I am." The last sentence was mumbled as David started to think of Yao very fondly just from his mannerisms so far.

"I assure you; you are very safe. I owe Strange a great deal. After seeing you, after I explain, I hope you will let me repay him by helping his teacher."

"Well, stop fussing and get to the point, you were a monster who returns was dreaded by many great powers, now you sit before me much more powerful than ever thought possible, and yet I have heard of no slaughter beyond what man brought upon itself."

"Well the humans are taking care of slaughtering themselves these days, I am merely acting to reduce the deaths as best I can.

Let me start after the rebellion, I am sure you are aware of me being buried under my pyramid.

I woke moments later, Strange was in front of me. He said he had awakened me early as there was a great enemy in the future, one the heroes were unable to defeat. He had repeatedly reset the timeline and tried to make changes in an effort to ensure humanity's survival but failed. I was his last attempt and he was hoping since helping heroes prepare never worked, showing me the truth might help.

I have knowledge of the previous timeline and am now unaffected by any changes to it.

If I am honest, him waking me did not change me. What he did on a whim did. He restored my horseman Death to life. She and I have spent a long time together and tried to make minor changes in preparation."

The old man nodded slightly then leaned forward and picked up the tea, he took a small drink and placed it back.

"Thank you." David was relieved

"I know some of what you said was half-truths, but it seemed the parts that matter were truths."

Smiling David created a portal and reaching into his lab, grabbing a serum out the fridge he pulled his hand back and placed it on the table.

"No strings, this will return you to your peak health and keep you there for a lot longer. This is not only to repay Strange, having you there to fight could change the battle. I will need to ask that you do not interfere too much or change your plans until then. We have no idea how it would impact the timeline if someone as powerful as you did something different."

The old man leaned back in the sofa, the forefinger of his right hand gently drumming the top of his cane as he thought, "Are you expecting me to take this now?"

"No, take it with you. Have it checked in every way you can. I do not expect you to trust me that much after one chat." David was aware that he had only drunk the tea because all his protections were active, for all Yao knew this serum was the true trap.

The old man hmphed and stood up, taking the potion into his robes he nodded at David.

Creating a portal for himself he stepped though mumbling about his heart not needing more shocks.