
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

To help a little

Early 1910 the world below ground was complete, so was the mansion and it seemed the security details were doing well. David was assigned two top-class security and he noticed one woman that was always close, although others never responded to her, so he assumed she was part of Steph's team. He did find it humorous that he had guards but for the sake of appearances, it was required.

Today he was planning on meeting someone he hopped had an open mind and a will to live. If his long-term plans were to work, he needed this. Seated across from him was a young man who had done well for himself in the political arena, John Purroy Mitchel was currently the elected president of the board of aldermen (something like the city council).

David knew that soon this 30ish year old, well-groomed young man would get a chance to stand in for the Mayor of New York this year, then in 1914 become Mayor. Overall, he was a good man, although some felt towards the end of his time in office he was too concerned with the upper class and it might have lost him his re-election.

"Thank you for the invitation Mr Bater, although I must confess a certain amount of confusion. Upon receiving your invitation, I naturally attempted to find out who I would be lunching with. Much to my dismay, I have learned nothing more than you are the true owner of the Brother Islands and employ a sizable number of New Yorkers."

"A pleasure to meet you Mr Mitchel, I am very impressed with your determination, you already have a reputation for decency and honesty." Replied David, a little amused he had made the effort, but then politics was often a shady business.

"Well Mr Bater, I do hope you understand then that if you require any help it would be best to request it through the proper chann …"

David's light chuckling cut off John's words.

"I need nothing at all, Mr Mitchel. You will need me though. So, I will give you some goodwill to show you that. This year, you will serve for a short time as Mayor, staying neutral in garment strikes will help you allot. 1914 will be good and bad, you will be elected as Mayor, but the world will go to war in July, over an assassination, if you wish to win re-election, find me before you run. You know where I live."

As John was still trying to understand what he had just heard, the man before him and his bodyguards vanished.

Realizing he had been too distracted to take in David's appearance he turned to his own bodyguard and waved him close, "The man that was here, would you be able to describe him for a sketch?"

"Sir you have been alone, I have been waiting for your guest to arrive."

Chuckling to himself David appeared on South Brother island with his bodyguards, out of kindness he included the female guard in the teleport; he had always wanted to do that.

Steph was standing at the front of the mansion looking at him shaking her head, for some reason this made it even more humous to David.

"So; is there anything else we need to do, you said things were slow at the beginning." asked Steph.

"There is someone we need to deal with, the animal I told you about, are you sure you want to deal with him? He should not be a problem if you manage to get him unaware"

"Oh yes, he is definitely mine." Steph replied, her eyes seemed to glaze over slightly as she seemed to anticipate something.

"Urm, okay then, let head out. Mount Logan, Yukon the Canadian Rockies here we come." Said David trying to draw Steph's mind off what she had planned.

The teleport was smooth, no-one noticed their arrival. The change of clothes was not. Steph insisted on wearing native Indian clothing, the problem was she was blonde with blue eyes, she stood 173cm tall and was rather well off, 38F if he had to guess. Not really a typical native American Indian, well the athletic build helped.

They paid for horses as soon as possible and headed to Black Foot tribe lands, to find a certain cabin and a certain couple.