
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

To be new

The next morning Steph and David slowly approached the cabin. Inside the cabin waited for a rather nervous Silver Fox. Logan and she had a long discussion last night, then cuddled close in case this was the last time they could.

The door was slightly ajar, so they knocked lightly and entered the cabin. "Please have a seat, I have a favor to ask you." Silver fox looks nervously at her hands as she spoke. "I want you to evolve me here please so that Logan can see me before we go, even if it is at a distance."

David smiled slightly, it was more like Logan was making sure she did evolve, and if so, that it did not change her mental state, "For me it is easy, but you understand it might be very painful for you depending on the change?"

"I understand, I am too weak to help you or be a worthy companion to Logan, I am willing to endure the pain." Silver Fox said with determination.

Nodding David reached out towards Silver Fox, immediately her eyes opened in shock as she collapsed to the floor. Her back arched as claws emerged from her fingers, they seemed slender and weak but penetrated the floorboards with ease as she gripped them tightly. Her ears stretched upwards and moved to the top of her head, taking the shape of fox-like ears, covered in black fur. Light blue lights began to encircle her as her clothes at her lower back ripped open. Three large, fluffy sliver tails tipped in black broke free. Silver Fox stopped gripping the floor and looked up, she slowly stood up while looking around her in surprise.

Steph looked at her, then leaned close to David and whispered, "You never did that on purpose, did you?" David almost chocked as Silver Fox turned her head to look at them, "I heard that I can hear allot, my senses are amazingly enhanced. These orbs, I can use them to hurt others, it is amazing that I know what I can do. I can even hear Logan muttering." Silver Fox giggled then seemed to disappear.

David rolled his eyes skyward as he noticed she might be slightly more mischievous than she was before. Reappearing she grinned, "I am good to go now, just had to kiss him again. We can leave the cabin; I am ready to start over."

"Okay, then it is time. Fair warning though, Logan might be going through his own personal hell if he is caught, he might not know you, or believe you have died." David warned, waiting a few moments Silver Fox said nothing so David teleported them to South Brother island.

"Until we can set a home up for you, feel free to use a room in the mansion. Steph can help you out there." David said while a little absent-minded, he knew he slept a long time, but he never thought his ability to evolve others would be that strong. Silver Fox had gone from a weak level 2 mutant to a strong level 4. If Logan had agreed what a sight that might have been.

'GCA we will be needing docks complete soon and add helipads; is there some way we could justify a helicopter?' asked David 'David, drawing plans were available in France in 1907, but the first produced was 1942, we might make drastic changes to WW1 if we created them to early' GCA replied.

'Urgh, okay then. So next we need to create something to counter the Spanish flu. Depending on how our future Mayor behaves I might release it through him. We need to wait though. It needs to be a killer flu before we act.' David knew it would mean letting people he could save die, but he could not take the chance it would alter the timeline too much, and it would look odd if they suddenly have a vaccine as soon as the outbreak occurred. He was not totally cold-hearted though; he had some plans for the initial victims' families, as these should be families of experienced soldiers.

While he was mulling over things he needed to do in the future, he constructed an underwater tunnel from the South Island to the North, he also raised the floor of the river bed between the two to prevent any travel but high enough to allow leisure boats.

Then he completed the hard part, he created a camouflaged tunnel between North island and Ryker's, doing the same with the North and South Shore. As he was finishing this off a thought occurred to him. 'GCA is the tunnels below New York in existence yet?' 'Some are, yes David' 'Great, let us make our own network then, we can set up camera's and dead-ends at all the exits from North Island. We can then use the tunnel network to move about the city unnoticed and unimpeded. If the homeless start to use them, leave them be, just monitor them closely.' 'Will do David, we have an earth mover mutant among the elite security, he should be fine with it.'