
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

I can fly

Billy turned and looked at Libby, "So, you still think I am a pervert trying to get you alone?"

"Yes, but that does not mean I do not believe the rest now." Libby seemed to be returning to her old self, things in her world had changed allot in less than an hour, but she was starting to get a handle on it.

Steph giggled then smiled warmly at Libby, "Would you like to go sit down where we can have a drink and you can ask some of those questions that must be running around your mind?"

[Dad, should I be going with them?]

[Nope, although expect your mom to tell her way to much. So, are you doing to give her the DC powers she had or something more like Black Widow?]

[Hm, not sure. Think I am inclined to customize her powers.]

David nodded then lost himself staring at the serum formula on the board, it took only moments before Billy was doing the same thing. In this way, they were unaware of time as they were doubling their mental effort to resolve the side effects of the serum.

David was first was the first to realize the ladies had returned, this was mostly due to Steph snuggling into him from behind and laying her chin on his shoulder.

"Oh, welcome back ladies. Have a good talk?" David asked with a slight smile on his lips.

[Dad, I know you are hoping mom told her things to embarrass me, I think you forget I have not been alive long.]

"Billy, is what your mom said true? You are a clone?" Libby started off with the punchline.

David grabbed his tummy and started laughing as his wife held him up, so he never hit the floor.

"Yeah, dad made me be a clone of him when he was young in this world, he is a lot stronger now though." Billy sighed and thought it was best to get this over with.

"So, a copy of him before he grew up then?" added Libby.

Billy glared at his mom and dad, "Thanks."

Steph smiled happily while David was still trying to stop laughing.

Billy decided to change the subject was probably the best right now, "So did mom help you make up your mind then?"

"You have the same values as your dad where women are concerned then? I mean all I know is what your mom said."

"My view is simple if you can do the job I do not care about your gender."

Libby nodded, Billy had said it so casually, he obviously never realized how powerful those words were in that day and age.

"Okay then, but do I get to choose my abilities?"

"Well one is a given, you see you have a gene that is dormant, I can awaken it for you. You have an Evasion ability within it. It means anything headed towards you from 10 meters away you can dodge, and the faster you get, the closer that distance becomes." Billy remarked with a straight face, he was just glad he was in control of the conversation again.

Libby nodded slowly, "Then we look at subterfuge? I hate to admit it but going one on one with a male is not the brightest move for me if they have any decent fighting experience."

"You right about subterfuge, but that is all you right about." Billy smirked, "I was planning on giving you a full super soldier serum as your base, then camouflage. Although it is not invisibility, used correctly it will do the same job."

"What is the serum? Although Mrs. Bater explained allot to me, it just seems strange you can give people powers." Libby questioned.

Billy was eager to show off, "Well the serum is a bit of a jack of all trades. It will give you peak level Strength, Speed, Durability, Reflexes, Stamina, Healing, Longevity, Endurance, Immunity, and boost your intellect a bit. I then plan on using Nanites to train you in Martial arts, acrobatics, assassination, weapon, disguise, driving and flying, and lastly hacking."

Libby stared blankly as Billy, "How long is this going to take, and what the heck is hacking?"

"That is something you will not need for about twenty years, but it will be very useful though." Billy was not planning of explaining everything, he was hoping Libby could learn what she needed from the nanites.

"Billy, you want to add flying, almost all girls want to fly," Steph added then winked as Libby.

"Wait, like really fly? Just my body and I can fly in the sky?" Libby was starting to go from worried to excited, she would be able to fly!

"Yes sweety, just like everyone here," Steph added and indicated those present in the room.

"Yes, I want to do this. When can I start?" Libby was grinning now; she was eager to fly.

The serum took the longest and was the most painful, unlocking the gene actually felt embarrassingly good, camouflage and flying were painless. Billy had left Flying till last to stop Libby from being distracted.

Billy spoke to Libby who was happily flying about the room, "We can give you all the knowledge when you ready, then you will need a few days to get used to it all and understand how to use it, CAN YOU STOP THAT?"

Libby looked over to Billy, she was currently flying on her back, she had her head leaned back so was basically looking at Billy upside down.

Smiling radiantly at Billy, Libby announced "I can fly!"

Billy sighed.

The next day Libby was uploaded with her knowledge and her testing started. It was at this time they realized Libby could dodge anything that came at her from further and 2 meters away. The serum had literally increased her reflexes by 10 times, no wonder Black widow had been able to dodge bullets.

It took just over a week for Libby to feel comfortable with her new abilities, and during this time Billy and Libby came to call each other by their first name and nickname.

The only concern Billy had was trying to get Libby to stop flying, he was wondering if Libby and Steph had arranged this ahead of time.