
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Earth Temp (Contains scenes of implied child abuse)

David was currently hovering above a world; Steph was asleep with her head on his lap. It would seem like any other couple cuddling if they were not hovering in space with a light blanket over them. Due to delays, Steph agreed to spend some time in David's dimension.

The Planet beneath David looked a lot like Earth, in fact, all around them looked like the Sol system accept for the fact that you would think David had finally lost it and was remaking everything the way he wanted.

Currently, only animal life existed on the planet, Cities had just finished appearing, they had names like New York, Gotham, and Central City, "Hm, if I merge Metropolis then take killing heroes like punisher and put them in Gotham. Supes can have the nicer area of New York … okay that seems to work. I wonder how Namor and Aquaman were going to like sharing the oceans, I always thought it was way too big for one ruler, hehe."

"Hunny, you starting to sound evil again." Came a mumble from David's lap as he reined that train of thought back,

He was going to do it anyway, just not put them right next to each other like he originally wanted to.

This was David's experiment, he was currently in his own dimension and he had recreated the basic Universe, he lowered the hero count as having all DC and Marvel heroes on one world was asking for it to be broken.

Off the bat no reality benders of any kind, even though he had Oneaboveall authority in his dimension it just seemed like a headache leaving them in it. Any Gods would be at the Asgardian level (Remember David thinks of them as fake gods) and this would make Supes power more realistic. David had always liked the idea that a moral could at least face a God, but it always sounded unrealistic to him since Gods were fonts of magic and Sups was vulnerable to magic. (In one comic Superman actually questions his vulnerability to magic saying, "I arrived in a space ship, not a magic carpet." as he has no defense against it.)

The one thing David was changing was how judgments and election worked, he had created something called the "Will of the people" this looked into the soul of all the people affected by something and saw their true opinion, even if their true opinion was no opinion.

If a criminal was guilty of committing a crime he would be taken to the stone, his soul would then be judged by the people who he had affected. They would not feel anything or even know it was happening, their true judgment would be what happens to the criminal. The same for elections or any major law changes.

David was very curious to see how things changed if they did at all, humans adapted well, and he could always just restart if it all fell apart.

He was using the female Ancient One and Dr. Fate for funzies.

He had naturally made the Earth a lot bigger due to the many small cities.

This whole thing was merely a side project to David, he was spending relaxed time with Steph and was waiting on Hela to be free so they could go study a rock together.

David never thought of this world as anything serious simply because everyone he created in it would be his own version of them, they would be exactly as he imagined them and even though once created they could grow as people it was just not the same, he could now understand why the Oneaboveall just sat back and watched.

Hela had finally completed what she was doing, David knew it was something to do with her Mom and possible Dark Elf invasion in a few decades. Or maybe she was just clothes shopping with her mom, either option was just as viable.

With that, David left the dimension with Steph, and then, with his avatar headed to Fawcett City with Steph, Hela, and his avatar, his main body was working with Kal, they had decided on shielding traps with Vibranium A enhanced armament on the inside. With its natural properties, it would already have been a nasty weapon, now it affected any materials, not just metal, thanks to Selene's work.

They were considering calling it a World Ender.

Within Fawcett City David was pleased to find out his guess seemed to be correct, by searching for the warding spell of a God, and not a sorcerer it only took them a little over a day to find the sealed entrance to the Rock of Eternity.

Currently, David and ladies were standing before a highly graffitied wall, there seemed to be many boxes about, and although it was mid-morning the sound of snoring could be heard from a few of the boxes.

David stared at one of the boxes and made a low growling noise, both girls turned to look at him as he nodded towards a small box at the end, it was stuck between a half-broken wire fence and a much larger box.

David's annoyance came from the fact he could see a thick rope running from the smaller box into the larger, and the nightmare ridden whimpering coming from the small box.

David walked to the small box and raised the small plastic flap that covered the entrance. Inside his eye flashed with anger. A small girl was curled up, she could be no older than eight years old, she was very lightly dressed with bruises showing all over her body, her arms had repeated puncture wounds as she shivered to hold herself rightly, the rub marks from the rope on her neck showed she had been kept like this a short while.

David saw no sign of drugs within her box, nor did he expect to, lowering the plastic on her box he ripped off the plastic on the box next to the girls where the thick rope led. Inside was a scrawny man in a drugged sleep, the rope led to a wooden stake embedded into the ground, next to it was a girly lunch in that seemed to be well used and rusting in parts.

As David leaned forwards, he felt a gentle hand hold his arm back.

Steph looked towards Hela and the two nodded to each other.

Steph lightly opened the cover to the little girls' box and crawled inside next to her and gently instructed her to sleep peacefully. With that, the girl stopped her nightmarish dreams and relaxed into a deep sleep.

While Steph was doing this, Hela reached forward into the scrawny man's box and stopped her hand close, "Feel the pain of death, but never die until I allow you. Always know that when I come for you, I will have a special place in my realm just for you."

David shuddered; he was just going to rip the man apart piece by piece. Hela had condemned him to an ever-dying body, he would feel his body rotting and withering, but never to die. And when he finally did, the man was aware worse was waiting for him. Women were, in David's opinion, much more vicious than men.

Breaking the rope with a thought Steph gently levitated the girl into her arms, "Should I see who she is?" Steph whispered softly.

David shook his head and pointed to a streetlamp, not 100 meters away with the picture of a happy smiling girl who was missing.

David had already seen her name and was wondering just how cruel this Universe was, it was almost like someone hated the DC hero's and made this Universe to punish them. For them to suffer and still see people with powers they are never destined to have.

Superman who cherished his family, to die slowly and alone from the radiation coming from a keepsake his parents had given him. Wonder Woman's first love dying within arm's reach of her and the safety of her arms. And then to find her, a girl who was quoted as saying "I'm quite capable of taking care of myself. Without, I might add, resorting to hair pulling!" Although said in humor it represented her well, to be treated like this.

Sighing deeply David created a blanket for the girl and wrapped her, he was not sure why the ladies were not cleaning her, but he assumed they had a reason.

Smiling sadly at him Steph seemed to realize his thoughts, "A mother needs to know the truth never mind how cruel it is."

With that, David shifted them to the home of Mary Baston. (Please keep in mind the Marvel family was supposed to exist in WW2, I am moving them a little later.)

Okay, just to you know I personally have a deep hatred for any kind of abuse, so writing it was not easy.

I originally made the abuse seem a lot worse because I knew what the punishment was going to be given, but then realized my readers would obviously not know.

Please let me know what your thoughts are on reading about abuse, but know in my novels abusers we always be punished harshly.

Celelondcreators' thoughts