
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Clone work

As the Queen recalled that Odin was now aware of her being back in the realms, she glanced about feeling vulnerable in open space, her hands moved to the ax that hung as her belt almost instinctively.

Suddenly a large soundless rip appeared in the space before her as she felt a hurricane of Godly energy break free from it and rush over them, racing across the mountains and hills, old withing plants came to life, sick animals seemed to shake off their ailments and those living on the world felt revitalized, The scene distracted her from the large hoof that stepped through the rift, it was a golden color trimmed in royal blue, the hoof ended at the lower calf, but the color changed to an onyx/grey color as it now became skin. Stepping out now in full view was a 30-meter-tall man, hooved feet and covered on his waist by a royal blue covered metal link kilt of sorts. His form was well-muscled and well defined. His face mostly resembles a much more handsome version of David except for the large horns growing from his forehead and curling upwards with a golden flame between them (Think Hellboy in his full power), with his hair remained mostly the same with royal blue highlights. David had done his best to limit his changes when he realized how he was starting to look. Once he saw his feet change David had got a little scared to be honest, yes, he could change his form, but when it came down to it, this was him.

"Worry not, he is aware you are under my protection. //As David was talking and still considering reducing his height, he felt his calf being latched onto by Steph// We will first settle on a place for me and mine, then I have some important things to do. We can hold a ceremony after that." David said as he reduced his height to 2.5 meters and hugged Steph close with a smile on his now royal blue lips. Then nodded thanks to the ladies for their help, his eyes lingered on Hela longer than the rest.

"Yes milord, I have some placed in mind you might like." Angel offered.

"Oh, for now, the wingless Angel, you shall act as guard and guide to the ladies." David hoped he was giving Hela a chance to get to know her sister, she would later have a very blunt chat with Angela.

Angela adapted fast and kneeled on one knee, "Yes milord"

The area David settled on was the top of a lush waterfall, he made the castle all in white in a delicate elven style and set the arrival point over the waterfall itself on a transparent ledge. David justified the look by saying he was counteracting his own look, but it was mainly so giving the girls a pretty place, he was well aware they were an important part of his team. The portal from Genesis would now take you to the arrival point.

David then headed to his chambers, in tow behind him was the girls looking at the castle while Angela played guard.

Sitting on a relaxed white padded chair, across from him another David appeared without any horns.

"You made another clone?" asked Steph.

"No, this is my avatar, if I enter earth with my level of divinity, I might easily destroy it in battle. My avatar is literally me, without my divinity. When I changed something happened to Billy and he is no longer linked to me in any way, Libby is upset and needs to go awaken him and explain things to her, as he might be different now."

Steph seemed slightly taken aback, then nodded to David.

"When I come back, I would like you all to consider being Goddesses within my pantheon. Hela, I mean you as well, since Odin never gave you your divinity it is your choice who you follow, also, remind me we need to chat about a deduction I made// Hela nodded to David's words//. Diana, I am keen to offer you a position but will respect your beliefs, I am happy just to have your friendship. Obviously, all previous offers to your people stand, they are welcome to join us here. Lastly, Domain can be anything, Race, profession, an element I am sure you get the idea. Think about it carefully."

"Diana I am having new weapons brought here for the Angels. Okay, that is weird, as I decided on my action the computer set the order, I am going to have to be careful, hehe" David chuckled as the ladies in the room gave anything from an eye roll to a humph in response.


In a New York apartment Libby was doing her best to keep thinking straight, Billy had suddenly started turning into dust and floating away, and when it stopped, and he collapsed. Holding the glass of water, she had been trying to feed Billy she sat on the edge of the sofa and placed the glass on the coffee table.

"He is fine, I promise."

Libby just about flipped the table as she spun around to see the shape of a large hooved man in her apartment.

"Yes, oh I see, wait a moment //David focused on a fully human-looking body but with the same overall changes the Godhood had made to his face// Is this better?"

Libby nodded a little then shook her head as she realized something, "Billy, something happened to Billy."

"I know, we need to talk but he will be fine. //David sat across from the girl watching her trying to contain her angst. // I have ascended, and during that period everything that is me returned to my body. Relax, what made him Billy stayed with him. Right now, he is a human body with only the memories Billy created on his own. I am here to give him his own memories before I created him and the same power you have." David smiles gently as he spoke.

Libby nodded slowly as David spoke, she was just relieved Billy would have his memories of them, she could work through the rest.

"Billy told me he was happy as he was, with you. He was not looking for more. I have given him a happy childhood, his parents died naturally as they had him late in life. He entered a test program with you, something went wrong, only you two survived and managed to gain powers out of it. I am making it vague so that you can easily get through any questions he might ask.

You are currently managing the company for someone who knows about your powers and trusts your decision making.

I have changed allot Libby, I want you to stay close to my family, but I am afraid it might hurt Billy so please contact me when he is not aware and I will do the same.

I have moved company funds to the various accounts, leaving over enough for the company and you two."

Libby was nodding her way though everything David said as he realized she was just waiting for him to wake Billy. Smiling David stood up, leaning forward he placed his hand on Libby's head, the girl tried to look up as this was not what she was expecting at all.

"To all who dare, know that this woman is under the protection of Genesis, King of God s, God of Reality and Owner of the 10th Realm." Nothing obvious seemed to change but Libby felt like something warm and fuzzy had just snuggled up in her chest.

David removed his hand and smiled, "He will wake the moment I leave, be safe Libby."

"WAIT, sorry, I never meant to shout. Is that true? Is that why you are leaving Billy with me? You are an actual God now?�� Libby asked with disbelief.

"Yes, that is why I needed to break away from Billy. If I send you a message mentally I instinctively remove my divinity from it, with Billy it was different, I would not have been able to and it would have driven him mad or he would have exploded."

"Wow, I know a God." Libby grinned seeming to get some of her old self back now.

"You know a King of Gods." David's voice faded as he did.

Libby and Billy will still be in the story, but later on and obviously not as predominate.

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