
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A New look

Thinking about it, Steph had made him consider something that normally was not a concern for him, his looks.

Right now, not many would say he was appealing, his grey skin having been with En Sabah Nur since birth and through every transference. David knew En Sabah Nur had been proud of this difference once he had gained power and no one was around to bully him for it anymore. Knowing that he would need to look like someone trustworthy to at least gain an initial feeling of acceptance from others it was time to leave the grey skin behind.

Steve Rodger's look would have been the obvious choice, the blonde hair blue-eyed boy. That look was taken though and honestly not really suited to him. As he was thinking about it, he slowly tried shifting himself to have black hair, green eyes, more chiseled features around his face, handsome but trustworthy with a well-toned and lean muscled body, he figured 183cm would be fine for his height. He tried for a slightly lighter-toned skin, allot like Steph's���.

"Shorter, make your hair shorter!" came the sudden demand from Steph at the side of him, her eyes we fixed on him as he thought he saw her lick her lips. His hair had been shoulder-length, he shorted it to short back and sides, with a bit of a fringe, Steph nodded happily. He guessed his look seemed to be early 20's, it seemed fine to him.

Suddenly recalling something he turned to Steph, "Have they started to call me Apocalypse yet?"

"Oooo no, but that sounds cool!" Came a happy reply.

"No, we want to avoid that. So, I am only known as En Sabah Nur so far?" David replied slightly relieved.

"Oh no, you are as your name says, "The First One", High Lord, Son of Morning Fire, Set, Huitxilopochti, Aten …"

"Okay, stop, I get it." Interrupting her David sounded a little irritated. 'It seems even the original was unaware of his fame at this point. This might cause me some issues down the line' he thought.

At least money was no issue, he would have a lot of treasures from the pyramids and could gather some coins to be sold later. Ensuring he would remember what to do when he told the GCA who was now linked to the supercomputer to remind him what to put aside when and sell when.

Even just what had fallen with him was enough to keep him rich for ages if you considered some of it would be regarded as priceless treasures later. With that thought in mind, David teleported up to the temple that was still barricaded shut, telepathically taking all the treasures he grinned to himself, "Serves you all right." He then teleported down again.

In the original timeline, En Sabah Nur had never rested for long during this time as the altar had no power, meaning he would be more powerful than ever before. He was planning on sleeping till just before 1910, then heading to Canada's frontier to do a 3 for 1, he might need someone to plunder the pyramids, but within reason naturally.

When that thought occurred to him, David felt like an idiot, the Ka Stone, he could retrieve it easily before Anath-Na Mut found it and was turned into the Sphinx, a powerful immortal. Then he could have Anath-Na Mut work for him after he gets expelled for failing his duties as a chief wizard, after his defeat at the hands of Moses. The thought then occurred that the man originally hated his immortality, maybe someone else was best.

With that thought and the knowledge of where the stone was thanks to his own worlds' history, although there is was just an expensive jewel that was discovered allot later. David moved himself quickly though the sands, finding the temple easily. As with the timeline Strange had given him, the stone was just lying there, on an altar.

David picked up the Ka Stone and placed it on his forehead, feeling it merge with him as soon as it made contact he gained a sudden understanding of the stone that was once a part of the Life-stone Tree. David made sure to draw it further into his head, it would not do to have it on show.

For some reason it felt very anti-climactic, should there not have been some adventure though the temple with getting boulders chasing him? Although not many origin stories had that, gaining your powers was seldom hard, painful yes, hard? No

Although it granted him no new powers, it increased a few he already possessed. With that sorted, he headed back.