

" what the status of this patient?" a doctor said to his collague, while rolling the gourney to trauma room.

" multiple fracture on right hand, light concussion and some laceration" the first responder reply.

" bring the patient to X-Ray, to see any possible Internal injury".

So far initial check, doesn't show any internal injury no loss of blood pressure". Quip one of emergency staff

" okay. after initial treatment put the patient in observation ward", Doctor William Rayleigh chime.

" what the hell this guy thinking, bolting like that to the street like 4wd Subaru?"

"Drugs probably" a nurse comment while pushing it. luckily for him our hospital have subsidy from Umbrella company, otherwise no treatment will be given considering this guy doesn't have insurance and known relative. " Yeah lucky him and us" giggle another nurse" Otherwise our paycheck hella lot less without Umbrella generosity".

Bright light shine so annoying,

The smell of antiseptic wafting through. The sound of A.C compressor tickled the ear. My hazy awareness returns and started feel miserable and sick. Feel something sticking to my left wrist. The eyes trying hard to focus what is it. Aarrgh my body screaming pain all over.Looking hard I can see IV drip sticking to my veins. Tried moving my right arms but it won't move. What happened? then anxiety start kicking in, panicking I try to move harder. Ah then i see it the white lump on my right hand. Thick gypsum cast that's why it can't move. Where the hell am I? I try to remember the sequence of happening, why i'm in a hospital ward? Groggily trying to reach the buzz button with the left hand. only managed to press it after ten minutes of tangling my IV drip with the bed railing. A lady with nurse uniform came. " you're awake mister...Chandra ..Khalid?" while looking at my charts. Nervously I said "Sorry what happened to me?where am I?". the nurse said "you're in traffic accident and they brought you here. General Racoons Hospital"

SHIT!! im still inside Resident Evil games!