

" What happened?" someone said.

"A guy suddenly ran through the street and get hit by a car" another passerby answering while staring at the scene of incident.

" Do you get the I.D of both Mendez?" ask a officer in blue uniform, dark blue pants with Racoon City Police Department ( R.C.P.D)badge to his partner.

" Only one Mike , the driver that hit the victim, Mrs Williams the victim none" reply Mendez.

" Anybody in vicinity know the victim?" Mike said while writing on his note.

" Already checked Mike, the victim seems staying at Jackson Motel there, I question the desk manager for the information on victim. The name registered on desk is Chandra Khalid and staying on room 307".Reply Brenda as she approach the two. She wear the same outfits as them

" Do you check the room Brenda?"

" Nope, come on Mike you know the drill, warrant needed to open the room otherwise you wanna face lawsuit like Barry from S.T.A.R.S unit?" chuckle Brenda.

" Yeah I heard about that" reply Mendez. It's kinda sad really, Barry hasn't been the same after the loss of S.T.A.R.S team in Spencer Mansion. Not many returns to R.C.P.D only Barry, Brad,Jill, Chris, and Rebecca. After the return he change, the humorous guy that love to banter around with other officers at precinct now more introverted, closed off. The incident where Barry break into the neighbors next door claiming that he being monitored put some spotlight on the image of R.C.P.D that already deteriorating from multiple death case in outskirt of Oakville.

" Anything suspicious?" ask Brenda. " Nothing. Just a guy suddenly ran across the street and being hit by a car" Mendez reply.

"Brenda any info you get about this guy at Jackson Motel ?" ask Mike.

"A few". Mister Chandra Khalid pay upfront for four months until May. No trouble with the motel or other tenants prior to this incident. The only thing weird that others witness said the expression Mr Chandra when running is scared to death.

"Okay thanks Brenda" Mike reply. he wonder why he ran to the street? What drive him scared silly to the point of hysterical, even not noticing the traffic. Sigh.

" Everyone done collecting info right? let's head back" Mike ordered.