

After 6 years of being sent away from her kingdom, Reo was finally asked to come back to Strauss. But it wasn't because her father wanted her there, it was because she was asked to choose a groom by living with them! Will she be able to cope with the pressure and at the same time, maintain her sanity as she finds out the deeper secrets of Strauss and herself?

Howtobe_Noob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Beginning

"Still wanna marry me now, princess?"

Reo cupped Christopher's face with her hands.

You poor thing.

She thought as tears formed while she gazed at Christopher's demonic eyes. He became confused as to why she didn't even flinch when he showed her his monstrous form. It was new to him because no one could stand that hideous form of his.

Why is she crying for a monster like me?

He shook her off making her stumble to the ground so he could run away. Christopher rushed out of the garden and to the gates to escape the castle when rain started to pour down as he saw his father by the bridge on the borders of the kingdom with hundreds of soldiers from their kingdom.

"I knew this would happen." his father claimed.

Christopher with his beast form rampaged on the soldiers. He threw soldier after soldier but they wouldn't stop coming until he grew tired and the soldiers tackled him to the ground.

His father, the king, stepped forward as 20 men held him tight to the ground covered in cloth that the moon may not touch his skin.

"You despicable child. You dare disobey my orders? We were lucky enough that the king of Strauss sent us his invitations to this marriage." The king said.

"Why do you even do this to me? Why don't you just kill me?" his eyebrows furrowed.

"Like you did to my uncle."

The furious king slapped Christopher hard.

"You will return to the castle and you will join the perfect palace. Or else.. you will never see that maid again."

Christopher became shocked as to how his father knew about Elizabeth. He struggled to get out as his father walked away.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ELIZABETH?!" he yelled to the king.

"You trust people too much, Topher." the king then stepped into his carriage without looking back at his son.

Christopher, left in shock, couldn't move. He didn't know what to feel.

Did Beth betray me? Or was my father just lying? Yeah. My father was just lying. Beth would never...

His thoughts echoed in his head not knowing whether to believe his father's words or trust on the person his heart beats for.

The night went by smoothly as the rain stopped afterwards but the wounds that Christopher had that night left a mark. One that he would never forget for the next days to come.

- - -

Morning came much brighter than expected. Reo decided to take a morning walk before going to the orientation of the perfect palace. While strolling, she saw Klaus by the pond. He watched the pond with despair and regret. Reo wanted to go near him but she felt a boundary built between him and other people that it was hard to approach. She decided to continue walking as though she didn't see him.

"Reo." Klaus called out before even letting Reo take a step forward.

She looked at him and waved while he walked closer to her.

"Didn't know you had a thing for ponds." Klaus giggled at Reo's words.

"You're up early, Princess. Didn't have a good sleep because of the rain?" Klaus asked.

"More like the thunder that came along with it." She answered.

"You're still afraid of them, huh?" Klaus said with a soft smile on his face.


Reo was about to ask him something that she has been curious for a while when she felt arms on her shoulder.

"Yo! Good morning, good people of the palace." Marcos surprised them.

"M-mornin' g-guys. " Casper greeted.

"Heyy, let's go to the orientation together!" Marcos said with excitement.

Reo and Klaus looked at each other and smiled in the hopes that everyone becomes friends.

When they arrived in the lecture hall, they sat in a group at the front seats.

I guess that one isn't coming.

Reo thought when Christopher didn't show up.

They all chattered and talked as if they were familiar with each other already when they saw at the corner of their eye the lecturers coming in.

"good morning, everyone." an old guy with a long beard spoke.

"We are your lecturers for your stay here in the palace." the old man stopped as their attention drew towards the door where Christopher entered. The entire room grew silent as he sat at the very back away from the group.

"A little early you are for the next class, your highness." The man said with a tone of sarcasm.

He cleared his throat and continued to explain. "Like ordinary Academies, we will provide quality education and subjects also taught in normal royal academies but aside from those, we added advanced subjects only taught to those who will proceed the throne. I assume you boys already know why." the lecturer looked at every prince inside the room as their face became serious except for Christopher.

"Before anything else, I am Albert Mnois. I'll be your world history lecturer." the man introduced. "I am pleased to welcome you fine young people and teach you all about the history of this world. I look forward to the 7 months that we'll be together."

That's right. I have 7 months to choose a groom and 7 months until I get my position as a minister in the peace and order.

Reo thought.

"This woman beside me is Miss Frill Coue, your Anatomy and other sciences lecturer." a girl with brown hair and a magnificent front bowed.

"And this man over here is your swordsmanship instructor named Gran Schietc." A buff guy with large pecs nods as greeting.

"beside him, is Carlson Obriene, who will be your meditation and feelings development instructor." they were all shocked at the manly name such a beautiful woman had.

"And to the most left is your magic professor. One of the most repected wizards in the continent, Miss Tiffi Ckorg." A woman who looks like she's in her 30's just stared at them imposing a dark aura in the room.

The old man continued to introduce all the lecturers as everyone listened attentively. But Reo seemed like she ws in a hurry. Klaus noticed this but didn't give much thought to it.

The noon bell rang as they dismissed for the day.

"I think that's all for orientation day, tomorrow class begins."

Everyone stood up as Reo hurried to get out of the room but suddenly got her hands grabbed by Marcos.

"where are you going, Reyrey?" he asked. "We were just about to look around your kingdom. mind giving us a tour?"

"I..I don't feel so good, guys. Maybe soon cause I feel sloppy and sleepy today." She faked a yawn.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Klaus asked.

"That's a great idea! We could-" Marcos said getting cut off.

"NO." she said in a loud energetic voice. "I mean.. no you guys can't. I-I'll get you guys sick if you come near me. I don't want that." she said showing one of her puppy eyes look. The three princes blushed at the sight.

Reo walked out of the room getting everyone's permission not to follow her.

As she walked, she slowed down her pace and looked around as she went behind a large oak tree by the garden.

"little one? where are you?" she called out.

A whine was heard just above her as she saw a mullar ( a half rabbit, half dog creature ) looking down at her.

"How did you get up there!?" shocked and worried, she decided to climb the tree but her gown was getting in her way so she tore the lower part to half and went up the branch the mullar was in.

"c'mere girl. slowly.. slowly. " she instructed the creature. When it finally got to her, she hugged it tightly as if it was her own.

"Now, how do we get down.." she said thinking about how careless and unplanned it was for her to climb the tree.

"Let's just slowly..." she crept backwards lettjng her feet feel the small branches that guided her towrds the trunk when suddenly, one of the small branches snapped.

Reo, giving strength to her feet to step on the branches, felt her world slowly falling. She closed her eyes and huged the mullar tightly. When she felt something just beneath her.. and something on her... breast.


She slapped Christopher who grabbed one of her boobs in an attempt to catch her from falling.



"I WAS TRYING TO CATCH YOU, MORON." He said rubbing his cheek. "besides, there's nothing much to grab from you anyway."

Reo turned as red as a tomato from the embarrassment. She was about to hit Christopher again when the mullar snuggled her hand.

The both of them looked at the adorable creature and blushed to its cuteness making them forget what they were doing before their eyes fixed on the mullar.

Christopher then cleared his throat to control himself.

"why're you keeping him here anyway?"

"I saw him last night shivering from the cold rain. I figured he must've dug his way in the palace.. so I took care of him. Maybe I just miss the comforts outside this palace. Ever since I got here, it looked like a prison with fancy furnitures. But this little guy showed up and it just.." she paused and smiled as she reminisce her days outside the kingdom. "brings back memories."

"You're a fool." Christopher said in disgust.

She smiled at him who immediately looked away which gave her a view of a fresh bruise. Her smile vanished for a while but she shook it off.

"Why are you here, anyway?" She asked.

Christopher became frantic at her question.

"W-well, I was just on my way to the library and I just happen to see you." he said nervously.

"Ah, I see. but the library in on the East though. Wasn't that mentioned during the ball?"

"I wanted to take the long route, okay!?" He stood up and started walking. "In any case, I'm gonna go back to where I was going."

"W-wait." Reo stopped him before he could get far.


She stood up and walked near him. "I have a proposal."


"I mean, I know you don't wanna marry me. And this whole marriage thing is making me irk, honestly. So, why don't we make a deal?"

The subject interest Christopher as his attention focused on what she's saying.

"Since this is just a silly game by my father, I'm really not obliged to marry you, right? So, what if.. we pretend to be in love in front of the others? If it goes well, your coronation as king of your kingdom and my coronation as queen of my kingdom comes first right after declaration day before the union with our kingdom for you to become king of both."

"I'm listening."

"If we do that, we can just call off the wedding after our coronations and poof! I get to be ruler of mine and you get to be king of yours! Easy peasy!"

"That's not so bad. but.. there's a loophole."


"A lot of people has been watching us since the ball and you know how bad we looked together since then."

"hm..good call. where did you learn that?" her curiosity peaked.

"um.. just.. from people." Christopher scratched his cheek with his index remembering the conversation he heard from the palace maids.

"why don't we just slowly show them we're getting along?"

"I don't know about this."

"C'mon! It'll be a win-win. you get to overthrone your asshole of a dad and I get to overthrone my asshole of a dad. Plus! You get to have..." Reo looked around and whispered into Christopher's ear that made him blush.

"W-well, I guess, there's no harm in trying."

"Right!" Reo smiled widely and offered her hand. "Do you take this deal?"

"Ah, what the heck?" he took her hand with the mullar joining in between them. Reo smiled at him and for the first time, Christopher showed her his smile that made her blush a little.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the kingdom, an evil grin which belongs to a troublemaker is yet to unleash.

"Your highness, my plans for tomorrow will continue." the hidden voice claimed.

"Good. make sure it will carry out as you planned."

"Yes, your highness."

The communication ended as a great mischief is about to unfold in the palace.