

After 6 years of being sent away from her kingdom, Reo was finally asked to come back to Strauss. But it wasn't because her father wanted her there, it was because she was asked to choose a groom by living with them! Will she be able to cope with the pressure and at the same time, maintain her sanity as she finds out the deeper secrets of Strauss and herself?

Howtobe_Noob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Ball and the Monster

"Welcome everyone. Today, we have gathered together to celebrate the opening of the perfect palace where 4 of the princes from our neighboring kingdoms and our very own princess will live and study."

The audience clapped as the announcer waited for the audience to settle before continuing.

"But before anything else, let me present to you our guests. All the way from the kingdom of Polo, King Midas, Queen Arthal and their son, Prince Marcos."

The audience applauded every time a kingdom was introduced.

"From the kingdom of Crest King Solomon, Queen Silia and their son, Prince Klaus."

"From the kingdom of Merci Queen Ynna and Prince Casper. Unfortunately, King Travis was busy for their up coming festival but the Queen has granted us the honor of her presence to this occassion."

"And last but not the least, from the kingdom of the Dragons, King Arthur and his son, Prince Christopher."

The audience murmured that made Reo curious why they had a different approach from everybody else. When she looked closely from the crowd, she noticed the king was familiar.

Heck. It's the guy that slapped me.

King Arthur noticed her stare and gave her a smile. She awkwardly smiled back. The announcer continued and explained the rules of the perfect palace that seemed so blurred out to Reo because she was so focused on the stranger she met on the woods.

She only came back to reality because of the audience's clapping.

"And now, a dance offered by our very own palace orchestra."

The music started and everyone started to dance.

Prince Casper stepped forward and asked for Reo's hand. She looked at her father who was observing very keenly. She rolled her eyes and accepted Casper's hand.

They started to sway to the music when Reo felt a step on her foot.

"S-sorry! I-I didn't mean to. I'm really bad at dancing." Casper said embarrassed about what happened.

Reo giggled at how adorable this young prince is.

"We'll take it slow, okay?" she smiled that brought Casper to blush so much.

They started to dance again and Reo endured every step that landed on her foot just so Casper wouldn't be embarrassed. Casper noticed this that made him blush a bit.

When the music changed, another prince came forward to ask for a dance. Casper gave Reo's hand to Marcos who gave her a smile so wide it reached his eyes.

They started to dance to the mood of the music. They were silent for a while when Marcos started to talk.

"So, what sport do you like?" Marcos asked.

"I play soccer a lot. It just makes my veins rush so much whenever I'm in the field." Marcos continued. Knowing this, Reo became excited making her smile brightly that she held both Marcos' hand in excitement.

"I play soccer, too! Boy! I have always felt like it's so looked down on by everyone! But now look at you!"

"No way! We should play sometimes! I can teach you a bunch of tricks!" Marcos replied.

"Not if I teach you something first!"

They both giggled and continued dancing and talking about the sport they both love.

"I believe it's my turn to dance, Princess." Klaus interrupted the both of them.

Marcos and Reo stopped dancing and bowed to each other when Marcos smiled and winked at Reo which made her laugh. Klaus held Reo's hand as they started dancing.

They were both silent for a long time that Reo didn't notice she was staring at Klaus so much already. Klaus smiled at her that made her stop looking.

"Princess, you're really something." something about those words took Reo back to 3 years ago when she was still outside the palace.

"Do I know you? From before?" Reo asked that made Klaus smile.

The music stopped making them stop dancing.

"I'm sure we'll be more acquainted for the next days." Klaus said as he returned to the crowd.

Christopher stepped forward and asked for Reo's hand. They both started dancing without uttering a single word. Reo felt bad from before since she found out she yelled at his dad.

"Sorry. About before. I didn't really expect he was your dad. Or that you were a Prince.. o-or that h-he was a king."

"Don't sweat it."

Reo thought about what Christopher said in the woods. How he, too, was running away from this and was also forced to participate in a nonsense game.

"How's your bruises?"

Christopher sneered at Reo.

"Please don't act like you actually care. It's already bothersome that I'm participating in this crap and your pathetic act of pity annoys me."

Reo pulled her hands from him that made them stop dancing. She walked away from him without anyone making a big deal about it.

She didn't wanna deal with the bullshit of an attitude Christopher had.

The ball ended as the kings and queens of each kingdom headed back to their homes to tend to more important matters leaving their sons in the kingdom of Strauss.


I can't sleep.

Reo sighed as she stood up from her bed. Her thoughts wandered about how to handle the situation.

This system is so crappy. I mean, females can be leaders, too. They might even be better leaders than guys.

She thought to herself. She decided to walk around the kingdom and noticed that every edge and exit of the palace was heavily guarded. It must be because of the time when she escaped. She gave a deep sigh and continued walking.

If I was a guy, I could have just inherited the throne. It would never have turned out like this.

After a while of walking she ended up at the botanic garden of the palace. The moonlight could be seen clearly as it illuminated the flowers. She looked around when she turned her head she noticed a shadow just by the corner.


Reo moved closer to see who it is. When she was close enough, she found Christopher sitting on the edge of a bench where it was darker than the other side. Looking at the ground with sorrowful eyes. She felt pity and guilty.

Elizabeth must be someone special to him.

Christopher noticed Reo as she awkwardly waved her hand. Shocked by seeing her, Christopher stood up from the bench.

"It's okay! I won't tell anyone."

Sort of relieved, Christopher sat back on the bench. Reo approached him and sat beside him.

"She was a childhood friend of mine. One of the daughter of a maid in the palace. I was gonna propose to her on the day of your announcement. But before I could do that, my father wanted me come here and compete as one of your groom."

He paused as he leaned on his back.

"I wanted to run away with her. So, at that night, I sneaked into her chamber and asked her to run away with me. She didn't wanna come. She was too afraid of my father. Or was she afraid of my curse."

A curse?

"Do you mind if I ask what curse you have?" Reo asked with her curiosity leaked.

Christopher smirked. "So, you don't know?"

Reo sat clueless of what he meant.

"Our kingdom used to be a place for dragons. We used to live peacefully with them. We served them, in exchange, they let our lands prosper. But one night when the moon was full, much like tonight, a man betrayed the dragons and beheaded one of them." Christopher stood up from the bench.

"From then on, the dragons cursed the man and the next of his generation that on a full moon" Christopher stepped into the moonlight infront of Reo.

"They will grow a tail longer than an isle, feet as large as a giant's head, and a face transcending into half a dragon."

Reo widden her eyes shocked of what she saw infront of her. Christopher leaned to her face showing how hideous of a monster the curse has made him.

"Still wanna marry me now, Princess?"