
Render of worlds

What if you had it all? Your future was limitless, you held great potential, everyone in your life loved you, and you excelled in all aspects. However, what if all of that fortune, all of that greatness was stripped away from you, ripped out of your own hands and you were helpless in the face of this newfound uselessness?

Ztched · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Not Everyone Gets a Second Chance

I was stunned. No, she was dead right? I saw her corpse, I watched it get buried six feet in the ground, and I shed so many tears that day. It was the first time I had cried in four years. She had to be dead. No, it was impossible, yet my heart clenched at that soft and elegant voice.

"Who are you?" Was all I could muster up in my head. I had never wanted to speak this much ever since I lost my voice, yet I vehemently croaked out some noises to respond. I was no longer shaking, yet my heart pounded like never before. I had lost both of my parents three years before, and I firmly believed that I had gotten over their deaths, however It didn't stop me from crying every time at their graves on their anniversary.

"I remind you of Caroline right? I'm her sister, and all you need to know is that you are receiving a second chance. You don't need to talk, close your eyes." Her gentle voice was echoing in my ears. My mother was a mysterious person. I remember her ability: She was a powerful ice weilder, yet never showed her powers to me out of her own volition. I would sometimes watch her from the window of the mansion, and gaze in awe as she dismantled several of the strongest men in the clan single-handedly. Her power was ingraned in my mind, her sister must have the same strength right? My heart began to race even more, so much was going on right before I was going to die, so why? Why must I worry about my mother, about my parents and aunt right before I die? It didn't seem right. It shouldn't be this way. "Just a little", I need to know some more. I want to know where my mother was from, how she met my father, and how she gained so much strength. I remembered saying as I was growing up, "the greatest form of revenge is succeding more than your opponent". If you hated someone, then you simply had to accomplish what the could only dream of. This small thread of hope was tightening around my neck, and I the knot was soon going to be impossible to break. "Please don't give me hope... let me die in peace" were what my eyes were expressing, at least, that was what I was attempting to convey. Yet, nothing seemed to reach the eyes of this woman, almost Identical to my mother. She simply closed my eyelids and my conciousness became white once again.

"You won't die, not yet. I need you for my task."

I had woken up in a dark room. There was nothing around me, as a hard, concrete floor was where my head previously rested. My back ached from something, yet as I got up an electric feeling shot through my legs. No, that's impossible. I had lost all feeling in my legs, so why was there a breif sensation? I began to touch my legs, swatting at them for any more reactions, however my actions were in vain. I felt something, that was certain. The lights in the room soon turned on, and what greeted me was a large, empty, white room, where a large window rested on one side of the room. Some red dots were on the floor, however nothing else noteworthy was in the room. It would be better to call it some sort of acrylic, like stuff at a ticket booth.

"Daniel Pluie, I am going to give you something. I simply want to see if it likes you. Please do stay still though."

Her voice had once again echoed in my ears. Wait, what is she going to do? I couldn't talk, so my fearful eyes were darting around the room. A hissing sound rang out through the room, similar to some hydraulic pumps as the wall behind me opened downwards, flush with the rest of the room. There, on a pedestal was a sword. It was plain, similar to a medieval broadsword, however its blade, instead of a greyish iron color, shone a light blue. It was like an iodized peice of metal, almost glittering in the light of the white room. My body was being drawn to it, almost by instinct. I got up on my two feet, and slowly walked to the sword. This wasn't possible, my legs were crippled, I shouldn't be able to do this, yet my eyes didn't lie. If seeing was beleiving, then I was observing a miracle occurring. As I almost reached the sword, something in my body made me freeze. DANGER, that was the instinct that was blazing its sirens to me. It was similar to how you couldn't bite your own finger, unless you removed some limiter in your body's brain, you simply couldn't overcome this instinctual sense of danger. A cold line of sweat began to travel down my neck. I was frozen there, unable to move an inch. My breaths grew short, something was causing great dread, and that thing was the rather inconspicuous blade sitting in front of me. No, why would my aunt make me do something that made me feel as if my life was in danger? At a closer inspection, those specks of red were dried blood stains weren't they? They were scattered across the floor and all over the walls of the room. Although I wasn't certain, it was most probable that it was human blood, so what would happen if I touched the sword? I didn't want to find out. Yet, a humming sound began to be emitted from the sword. It began vibrating and then, it began floating above its pedestal. It turned sideways and pointed straight at me. I was frozen in fear, I couldn't move and worst of all, it was right after I regained my ability to walk. God, was this justice? Why is life so cruel to me? What have I done? All I ever did was save a child, and for that my fate was sealed. No, I can't work for the benefit of others ever again. Maybe in the next life I'll be independent and strong, I would only need to take care of myself. Those were fitting thoughts to think right before my time of death right? As I braced myself for what was to come, the sword began to turn translucent. It seemed to be dissapearing one particle at a time. The small flakes of the sword, like snow in the winter began to vanish and flow through the room before my very eyes. Yet, I was still frozen in place. That was it. That was when I gazed down at my chest. I had felt a sting right where my heart was, and there, I watched in horror as the previously vanished sword was impaled through my chest. Howver, instead of a broadsword, a curved, blue blade greeted my eye. My crimson blood was dripping down the blade, as the viscous liquid began pooling below me. At some point, one of my legs gave in, and I was kneeling on the floor. Soon after, my other leg had caved under the loss of blood, and I was lying upon the floor, blood slowly dripping from my mouth.

"Wonderful, truly a beautiful sight." That damn woman, almost as angelic as my mother yet so much crueler. Thinking back, she did nothing to help me, she probably even knew what was going to happen. My arms began to grow heavy, not good. Almost as if to taunt me, her voice rang in my ears once again. "You must understand, you are lucky. Not everyone gets a second chance."