
Render of worlds

What if you had it all? Your future was limitless, you held great potential, everyone in your life loved you, and you excelled in all aspects. However, what if all of that fortune, all of that greatness was stripped away from you, ripped out of your own hands and you were helpless in the face of this newfound uselessness?

Ztched · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Blade of Winter

Choice, a frivolous idea one has when imagining their life. One decides that they shall choose their destiny when growing up, yet this is all farce. I had originally chosen to be a great ability user, one even stronger than my mother in order to protect those near and dear to me. Yet, I couldn't choose to avoid the crash, I didn't choose to be abducted by my aunt, and I didn't choose to be impaled through the heart with a sword. It was like I was in a lucid state, teetering between life and death. Everything was black, it was peaceful.


A deep and mysterious voice called out to me. It felt so strange, something deep within my conciousness called out to me. It felt like I was in a black void, with an infinite span in any given direction. I was falling, or so I thought. I couldn't feel any wind rippling across my skin, just as falling normally does, and yet, I was breathing. I was breathing air, and I could feel that. Who was talking? What were they?

"I am the Sword of Eternal Ice, the Wrath of the North, I am The Blade of Winter."

The voice once again spoke to me, and this time, in a more frantic and quickened pace. It held a great pride in its name, and with each word, came a sense of majesty and granduer, instinctively causing me to shudder. From its introduction, it had to be that blade that previously stabbed me. There was no doubt, from its blue coloration to the snow that it released when reforming, that sword had to be what was talking to me. Another noteworthy topic was its ability to read my mind. 'How could it do that?' I thought to myself.


'What's a contractor?'


'that still doesn't explain anything.'


What was it saying now? It was too strange. My semi-alive state was beginning to fade. I felt so sleepy, yet invigorated at the same time. My vision was turning white, no the void around me was turning white. What was going on?

"Wake Up."

I immediately sprang up, and took several deep breaths. I then looked down, feeling my chest all over. I was panting at this point, yet staring in horror at my chest, there was nothing unusual. Any traces of the sword were gone, and I could feel my heart beating. Observing furthur, I gazed at the skin on my chest, and many of the scratches and scars I previously had, were all gone as well. It seemed like nothing had ever happened. In addition, my muscles were greatly defined, my abdomen was chisled and my flesh seemed lean. After sitting on my wheelchair for a few months, my muscles had left me for the fat I gained from stress-eating. I looked around after inspecting my body, and I realized I was in another white room, this time resting on a bed which layed in the center of the room. Was my aunt in some cult? Why does everything have to be an empty white room?

"I hope you had a nice nap. My assistant is going to open the door now, please do remain calm and listen to our instructions carefully. Your safety is my greatest concern."

Again, my aunt's voice rang out. Another wave of questions welled up inside me, yet knowing how unreasonable she was, I decided to listen. I was clinging on to this small line of hope, maybe I could fulfill my dream to be strong, to live my life free and wholeheartedly. I remember, this was my "second chance", and after my previous mishaps, I wasn't going to be reckless. I'm going to treasure my newly granted life. The entire wall which my bed was facing slid open, and a man wearing a hood, which obfuscated his face from me, entered the room. His features were undiscernable, and any personality he had was impossible to be seen. He was strolling a wheelchair, and pointed down towards it. Slowly moving my arms, I shifted my body down and sat on it. He then began walking me somewhere. The halls of the building were also all white, and every five or so meters a tall metal door would be resting on either side of the hall. Each room had a number, and eventually, at room 18, the strange man stopped. He grabbed the handle of the door, and pushed me in, and then left. The room was illuminated with a few candles, and in the front section of the room were some metal bars, almost like at a line for an amusement part. A little furthur behind that, was my aunt, typing some things on a computer. Everything was silent besides the sound of a mechanical keyboard being struck. Each click from the keys and its ensuing resurgence was quite loud in contrast to the silence of the room. Around a minute later, the typing soon ceased, and my aunt gazed at me.

"You are currently in your healing period. Your scars, wounds, and disabilities shall soon dissapear. You will soon gain the ability to use your legs once more, but it is your job to relearn how to walk."

Her dutiful and all too familiar voice resounded, and she immediately continued her typing. It was quite strange to me, the stark contrast between the caring nature of my mother and the calculative demeanor of her sister. Internally, I was on cloud nine. I could soon walk again. I could speak again. I would have my life back, and I was going to cherish it. Full of intent, I rolled my wheelchair towards the front section of the bars, and with my very own legs, stood up. Immediately, my body began shaking, and I had to grapple onto the bars to prevent myself from falling. After breathing slowly and calming my heartrate, I shakily stood up tall once again, and took a step forward. It was exhilarating to me, each step felt like an accomplishment. I was going to walk again.

"T-..Than-...Thhaa-...Thank Y-You."

I mustered out those words in the middle of the bars, and gazed at my aunt.

"You need not worry young master Daniel. You are now reborn. As the successor to the Pluie family, you are now cleared from any debt you owe me. I am simply fulfilling my task of finding the succesor."

Pluie-It meant rain in French. I spoke some to my mother, and was trilingual at a young age. The Rain family was a famous clan of Ice ability users which produced many geniuses every generation. Their fame and glory were all brought about by the blood flowing through their veins, and the growing power of each successor. The world had "Nine Great Families" of ability users, and the Pluie of France were one of them. I had my suspicions about my mother ever since I learned of the nine families yet I didn't have any proof. Though they were certainly powerful, being able to afford a building this vast and advanced in America. I was their next succesor, yet the only ability that remained in me was a barely acceptable level of water control, not ice. I was about to inquire some more, yet I needed to focus on walking. It would be a question for a later day. I was existing in the present, and needed to make the most out of the precious time I had on this earth.