
Rencarnacion mundial

Author: Suerte2
Cómic FAN
Ongoing · 310 Views
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What is Rencarnacion mundial


-Curioso, ¿no? Cómo el mundo a veces sí compensa los errores que no pueden ser controlados por los humanos, aunque su solución no sea la más ortodoxa. Este es un fanfic que solo incluye conceptos de las obras, el resto es todo original. La imagen no es mia si no te gusta que la use comentalo cuando lo vea la quitare.

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To command

Synopsis I was feeling dizzy and my brain was foggy, the last thing I remembered was that our group was trying to evacuate some ancient artifact from the underground tunnel where it was kept. It was one of those ancient places and we had to plan for almost three years just to get to the place. I don’t know what hit me but it must have affected the rest. Arghhh! I groan, my back was paining me, I was uncomfortable lying down, it seems as if I was on a rock or something and it was cold. Shivering, I wanted to pull my coat closer to me, but the feeling of what I laid my hand was telling me that my coat must have been misplaced during the fall. Opening my eye, the sight that greeted me wasn’t what I expected. I was in an enclosed place, I wanted to scream but I had no strength left in me. Looking down at myself, I discovered that I was covered in furs. Hello, I heard a voice, I was almost jubilating that I wasn’t the only one in the place, looking around me to find the owner of the voice, I didn’t see anything. Hello, the voice said again, I jumped up hearing the voice again. Where are you, I managed to reply back. The voice didn’t reply back. Looking around the place, I discovered that I was in a cave and there was a way out, my leg hit something while moving, bending down to pick it, I discovered that it was the instrument that I used for tracing those artifacts. Trying to see if it still works, it suddenly disappeared from my hand. Wait, why did it go, I start to panic. Looking around for the trace but couldn’t find anything. It’s in safekeeping, welcome to the ice age world, you will be given some mission and after accomplishing it, you will collect the reward, right now, you are in the east of the enemy territory and you must find out your way to go over to the other side, if you get killed, you will only have eight lives left, since you were killed in the other world and sent to this world. Wait, I still have some questions I want to ask you, I said, but I didn’t receive any answer. It seems like I have to depend on myself from now on.

Aremu_S_Opeyemi · History
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My Sistema Enigmatico

Erik Solano, un joven de 17 años, es una figura reservada y desencantada con la sociedad. Su percepción del mundo cambió drásticamente a los 14 años, cuando descubrió la crueldad y los rincones más oscuros de la humanidad a través de internet, su curiosidad lo llevo a entrar en la 'deep web' y vio lo que no debía de ver. Decidió guardar silencio sobre estas revelaciones, concentrándose en fortalecer tanto su mente como su cuerpo. Erik se dedicó al deporte, Muay Thai, y en fortalecerse mentalmente, haciendo noFap, leyendo libros de psicología oscura, 48 leyes del poder... y el aprender hacking. Tres años después cuando tenía un nivel decente de hacking, Erik logra rastrear a un individuo despiadado que cometía atrocidades contra niños. Tras confrontarlo y dejarlo en estado de coma, entrega pruebas incriminatorias a la policía, pero inesperadamente, es enviado a un correccional. Aislado por su naturaleza fría y distante, sus padres se distancian dejándole espacio, preocupándose por él solo en la medida en que se mantenga alejado de problemas. Este suceso profundiza la desconexión de Erik con la sociedad. Se cuestiona la justicia del mundo, preguntándose por qué él es castigado cuando su acto fue, en su esencia, justo. Erik sigue dedicándose a la mejorar constantemente, enfocándose en la autodisciplina y el perfeccionamiento personal. Sin embargo, su vida toma un giro inesperado cuando adquiere un Sistema Enigmático. Este sistema otorga puntos por acciones y comportamientos que se perciben como enigmáticos, permitiéndole desbloquear y mejorar una variedad de habilidades únicas. Entre ellas se encuentran: Adquisición de Conocimientos: Absorbe rápidamente información de múltiples fuentes, desde idiomas y habilidades técnicas hasta datos históricos. Predicción del Futuro: Obtiene visiones de eventos futuros, permitiéndole tomar decisiones premeditadas y esquivar peligros. Mejora de Inteligencia: Aumenta su capacidad intelectual utilizando los puntos del sistema. Manipulación y Almacenamiento de Información: Controla la información a su disposición, pudiendo ocultarla, modificarla o revelarla según lo necesite. Sanación Mental: Usa el sistema para ayudar a sanar traumas mentales y emocionales en otros, ofreciendo apoyo emocional. Simulación de Experiencias: Simula experiencias para tomar decisiones más informadas y efectivas. Comunicación Universal: Se comunica con cualquier entidad, superando las barreras del idioma y la comunicación. "Mi Sistema Enigmático" es una historia de autodescubrimiento, justicia y el poder de la voluntad humana frente a las adversidades. A través del Sistema Enigmático, Erik se embarca en un viaje que lo llevará a cuestionar su propio papel en el mundo y la naturaleza de la justicia.

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Aurora had been through awful situations all her life, she was the first princess of King Louis. Yet she was trained to be an assassin by her father King Louis - she was trained to be a brick wall, to endure any form of pain. Though many people in the community believed, the king hated his daughter and loved his second Princess from his second wife. Aurora heard the whisper of the King's hatred toward her yet she didn't hang around. She had been wielded by the king and killed many of his enemies who summoned him to war, King Louis hates going into war, rather he will wield his daughter to assassinate the one leading the war before it ensued. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ One day king Louis was summoned to war by a fearful and powerful king whom many feared and respected because of his crowned prince- His crowned prince was fierce, cold evil, and heartless, he had never lost a battle, it made other kings feared to enter into war with his father. King Louis having summoned by him, called his daughter Aurora and prepared her to go and assassinate King Koppa, Aurora took the mission and infiltrated the palace by disguising herself as a maid, she was assigned to be the Crowned Prince personal maid, conveying with the crowned prince, she fell in love, and her mission Tarry. King Louis got furious learning his daughter is delaying the mission, he sent another hired assassin, who eventually killed the King, but Aurora was a witness on the day he was murdered and the crowned prince caught her on the scene. She couldn't defend herself and was charged for killing the king, after five months of the murder, the Crowned Prince was crowned as the King. "Alpha Malik", A dangerous and heartless king, the first judgment he made was to crucify the killer of the late king. A voice whispered in his head, "Death is is a favor, make her go through the pain, that will make her begged for death".

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