
ReLife In Fake Twilight

Keath Sunstone, an average and unremarkable man experiences a tragic death before being given the opportunity to be reborn as a Nephalem with a few wishes in a not so Twilight world. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight and Seven Deady Sins [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Warning: Strong mc --> Overpowered mc --> Super Overpowered mc Warning: Two love interests Update schedule: This Fan-Fiction is a side project for me so updates aren't stable. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


On the drive home, I spoke with Alice about how I felt about the whole Meliodas and Elizabeth thing. I felt like I handled it pretty well but perhaps I should have made it clear that I wasn't just going to abandon the family I already have. I had already built up a deep relationship with my family so even though they had come into my life and wanted to build a relationship with me I wouldn't stop calling Charlie my dad or anything like that, the people who raised and cared for me are my family bloodrelated or not.

'I'll talk with Dad about it when he comes back in town.' I said to myself knowing Dad was out of town for reasons he didn't say.

Currently, I was already in the Lab working on the creation of NZT-48 and I was making progress already. Whether it was because I knew I needed to hurry up or something else I didn't know but I did know that I was making progress and that's all that mattered right now.

"If you get close enough do you think you'll call them mom and dad?" Alice asked as I worked.

"Probably not, I already have a mom and dad." I replied truthfully, I wouldn't replace the people who brought me up just because I met my biological parents.

"Makes sense." Alice said as she continued drawing pictures of me, that was what she did during her free time.

"How long do you think it'll take to make the super drug you're making?" Alice asked curiously.

"3 weeks at least." I replied as the mouse in front of me died.

"That's not too long." Alice said.

"It's not but I want it done sooner, I think I'll send a projection to school for me so that I can shorten the time it takes, I was only going to school for you anyway." I said knowing that I had been wanting to skip school for a while anyway and with magic I could create a projection of me that I programmed to be similar to me, it will react and do as I usually would but it's only a projection so it has no strength.

"That's not a bad idea, how long do you think it'll take if you do that?" Alice asked feeling it was a viable plan.

"A week and a half at least." I replied fee

"I say do it, I'll have Carlsisle call in sick for me so I can stay with you." Alice said with a smile.

"You sure? That's a lot of school to miss." I said with an arched eyebrow.

"I've been to a bunch of different schools and learned everything they have to offer so missing some time now wouldn't affect me negatively." Alice replied nonchalantly.

"Alright then." I said before continuing my work.

Time passed quickly as I worked while speaking with Alice who didn't mind staying with me although I felt like it was boring for her. Alice went back and forth from her house to the lab many times as she kept me company as the days passed and eventually three days had passed since I met Meliodas and Elizabeth who had called me frequently just for regular conversations, I could see their effort in trying to get close to me.

Now during the time that had passed since the day I met the King and Queen of the Liones Kingdom, I had made considerable progress with the creation of NZT-48. I had created a pill that could temporarily unlock 15% of the brain's potential for 1 hour without any side effects and although the time difference between this pill and the previous one is stark it's good enough for now.

Now the pill paled in comparison to the version of the Limitless pill that would work on me and I knew that but what was important was the lack of side effects and the fact that it worked on me. I tried the pill and noticed my research speed improved extremely quickly which was great for me meaning it wouldn't take me as long to create NZT-48 as before.

I also went through with the plan to kidnap criminals and use them as test subjects and yes around twenty have died so far, which was one of the reasons my research had improved over the days. Alice's opinion on it wasn't as I expected it to be, in the canon of Twilight she was a very kind and considerate person and I knew I wasn't in the canon of Twilight but Alice was still kind and considerate to me so I expected her to be against it but instead she was natural, if it made me happy she was fine for the most part and once I told her their crimes she was on board.

Another thing to note was that the newest pill I created was absolutely devastating for humans to consume. The first part that would lead to their death was simply the dilation of their pupils. Then they would sweat profusely while hyperventilating before the next stage started and they began bleeding from their 7 orifices. After that, their skin would begin to peel until they were left with nothing but red muscles then finally their brain would melt and they die.

Although the pill would kill humans after they took it after some tests I figured out it was only because of how potent it was. The human body unlocked wasn't able to handle the chemical reactions the pill caused within the brain and this proved the shutdown of all components of the brain before they withered away and died, but if I made the pill weaker then the human who received the pill will experience it as it's intended without dying.

After the creation of these pills, I began taking them myself so that I could speed things up and that's exactly what happened. My mind was able to wrap itself around new things that I hadn't even considered before, just an additional 15% of my brain's potential being unlocked did a lot for me. It was a severely underpowered NZT-48 and it was already helping me considerably and that alone told me how good the finished NZT-48 would be once I finished creating it.

'Dad should be good to talk to now.' I thought to myself knowing that dad got home a few hours ago and I decided to wait a bit before speaking to him since I figured he'd want to rest for a while.

Currently, Alice was out with the Cullens hunting so she wouldn't be back until tomorrow so I didn't need to leave her alone here while I spoke to Dad although I didn't think it would take long.

"Father dearest." I said after going into the house and seeing Dad on the couch drinking a beer, even though it was midweek he had taken work off since he was out of time so a beer wouldn't hurt him.

"Yeah?" Dad replied with an arched eyebrow as I plopped down on the recliner.

"I've got a few things to tell you." I said after sitting down.

"Go ahead." Dad said as he paused the movie he was watching.

With that said I began to tell Dad about everything that happened when I went to the Cullens while he listened patiently. I explained my thoughts and feelings on the matter throughout the story so he understood I wasn't looking for new parents and now I was seated while waiting for his response.

"A lot happened in the little time you were there." Dad said with a smile.

"Tell me about it." I replied as I released a sigh.

"Well, I'm happy you are not looking for replacement parents because whether you think so or not I see you as my son." Dad said.

"I know you do, and in my book you're my Dad." I replied with a smile.

"Good, then contact the two of them, I would like them to come over so I can speak with them." Dad said seriously.

Dad wasn't a man who was serious a lot but when he was he wasn't playing around so I could tell by his tone he had some stuff he wanted to say to them.

"Alright." I said before calling Meliodas.

"This is Meli-chwan, how can I take your order?" Meliodas said jokingly from the other side of the phone.

'...ugh that was so gross to hear.' I sait to myself as I cringed.

"Meliodas... please speak regularly." I said to the man who was easily over 3,000 years old.

"*Cough* What's up?" Meliodas said.

"My dad wants to meet you and Elizabeth." I said getting to the point.

"When?" Meliodas replied.

"As soon as possible." I said knowing that Dad probably wanted to speak with them as soon as possible.

"Oki doki, one sec." Meliodas said before falling silent for a few moments before speaking up again.

"Give us an hour." Meliodas said.

"Alright." I replied.

"Great, see ya!" Meliodas said before hanging up.

"They'll be here in an hour." I said to Dad who was waiting patiently.

"Sounds good." Dad said with a smile before continuing.

"Go on back to your things, I'll send 'em your way when I'm finished talkin'." Dad said as he waved his hand for me to go.

"Alright." I replied with a smile before making my way back to the lab.

Upon returning to the lab I took another pill before diving back into work and upon entering the trance like state I go into when very concentrated I worked for around two hours taking two pills until I heard someone knock on the Lab door which broke my concentration.

"Tristan?" Elizabeth's voice said from outside the Lab.

"Yeah." I replied as I opened the door and allowed the Goddess and Demon into my lab.

"What's all this stuff?" Meliodas said as he looked at everything oddly, he had never seen anything like this.

"Stuff that I made." I replied as I stored away everything that didn't need to be out.

"I feel the need to ask, why are there humans in the room over there?" Elizabeth asked me curiously.

I looked at her for a moment and thought to myself that most people would call me a mad scientist for the things I do but I did wonder how she would react, after all one of her nicknames is Bloodstained Ellie.

"The humans in that room are criminals I took from prisons to use as test subjects." I replied causing Elizabeth and Meliodas's eyes to widen.

"What kind of criminals?" Elizabeth asked me.

"The worst ones." I said knowing that everyone I killed was the worst kind of human being to exist.

"I see..." Elizabeth said as she nodded her head.

"Take a seat, but not over there, that's Alice's spot." I said as I watched Elizabeth and Meliodas grab two chairs and bring them over to the table where I sat.

"How did the conversation with Dad go?" I asked curious.

"We spoke of a few things but the one that affects you is the schedule we set up, but only if you agree to it of course." Elizabeth said which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"A schedule?" I said with furrowed brows.

"We explained our side of things to Charlie and he understood that we wanted to get to know you so he said if you agree to it you can spend the weekends with us while staying here during the weekdays, the Kingdom isn't far so it won't be a problem for you to go back and forth." Meliodas said.

'This feels like a child going between their divorced parent's houses throughout the week.' I said to myself.

"I'll be honest with you guys, I spend an unhealthy amount of time in this lab creating things and I don't plan on leaving for two days during the weekends until I'm done with my first two projects. I'm almost finished with my first one but my second one has yet to begin and that was is important to the safety of my Dad." I said seriously.

I was greeted with silence for a few moments until Meliodas spoke up.

"Are you worried about Charlie's safety because he knows about the supernatural society?" Meliodas asked me.

"Yes." I replied immediately as I nodded my head.

"We can station a few holy knights here to protect him in the shadows if you'd like." Meliodas said sincerely as Elizabeth nodded.

Hearing the Demon's words caused me to fall into thought for a few moments as I weighed the pros and cons and after a bit, I could only see more pros than cons and the biggest pro being Dad being safe until I could give him the power to protect himself.

"We can do that." I replied causing the two to smile.

"Then?" Elizabeth said hoping I would accept the schedule with one of the problems out of the way.

"After I finish my first project then we can try out the schedule but I won't promise to go every single weekend." I said causing the two to smile wider.

"Deal!" Meliodas said happily while Elizabeth showed a content smile.

We spoke about a few different things just getting to know each other as intended but Meliodas asked me a question that caught my immediate attention.

"Tristan I noticed that you have the same magic signature as a close friend of mine." Meliodas said before continuing.

"You mentioned that you can use magic which was odd since nobody has taught you but can you use a magic called infinity?" Meliodas asked me seriously while Elizabeth looked at me still smiling.

'They figured that out quickly, what's next? He asks if I've got bans Immortality to?' I said to myself before answering Meliodas's question truthfully, the cat was already out of the bag.

"Yeah, I can." I replied causing Meliodas and Elizabeth's eyes to widen with an odd expression on their faces.

"I suspected it but I didn't believe it was possible..." Meliodas said.

"Call her." Elizabeth said to Meliodas.

"Alright, one moment." Meliodas said before pulling out his phone.

"Call who?" I asked Elizabeth even though I had an inkling of who it was.

"The friend." Elizabeth replied before falling silent as we listened to Meliodas's phone ring.

"Hello?" A voice that sounded like music to my ears said.

'What the fuck' I said to myself as I realized what I had just thought and if Alice had heard my thoughts...

"Hey, Merlin can you come to the cordinates I sent you? It's important." Meliodas said to Merlin.

"Give me a moment." Merlin said before the phone was hung up.

"Are you okay Tristan?" Elizabeth asked concerned as she put her hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I replied pushing away the feeling that was emerging within me.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the lab door Immediately and was soon answered by Meliodas.

"One moment!" Meliodas shouted before walking over to the lab door and opening it revealing to me a woman that caused my breath to hitch and my hearts to skip a beat.

(Image of Merlin)

The woman walked into the lab while scanning everything with clear interest but as soon as her eyes fell on me she froze completely, our shock was equal. Our eyes stayed connected as we stared at each other while a special link formed between us, but no matter how much I stared at her I couldn't get enough and I'm sure she felt the same but everything came to an end and so did our frozen movement and with that the first that that came to my mind was Alice.

'She's gonna lose her shit.' I said inwardly as I felt the new bond between me and Merlin.

To be continued...


Author note: the only love interests are Alice and Merlin, no less or more.