
Waking from the Dream World

[Continuation of Chapter 831]

Roland had taken Jasmine, Lyra, Phyllis and the other witches to the amusement park in the suburb to experience some fun before Jasmine and Lyra would ultimately have to leave their bodies forever. He watched as the witches enjoyed every attraction available to them at the amusement park.

There was the Ferris wheel which was the first ride he ever rode as a child, the roller coaster which was always his favorite ride, and the haunted house which he used to be afraid of as a child. He now watched as the witches went through the same experiences he had once gone through when he was younger.

When they had gotten their fill and had been tired out from the amusement park rides, Roland suggested for them to eat some of the amusement park food. They had nodded enthusiastically in anticipation for what new food Roland might bring to them. He found an empty table around the amusement park food booths and told them to wait while he would purchase the food.

While waiting in line at the churro booth, he couldn't help but look at Jasmine and Lyra. Throughout all the amusement park rides, they had screamed as everybody had when the roller coaster had inverted and had laughed like any girls when they saw the view from the top of the Ferris wheel. All in all, they looked no different than ordinary people.

If he had not known it beforehand, he would have never believed that these two girls had made a decision to sacrifice their human bodies and devote themselves to the battle against the demons, just like the decision they had made 400 years ago at the bottom of the ruin in front of the magic core.

The queue of the line quickly moved forward and soon it was Roland's turn to purchase the churros. He purposely bought a lot of churros so that the witches could eat to their heart's content. He had already experienced how much one witch could eat so there was no doubt the others could also eat as much.

After eating their fill of the churros, the witches once again went on a couple more rides before ultimately returning back to the apartment to end their dreams. Before Roland would climb up the ladder and fall backwards, he took another look at Jasmine and Lyra in their original form. He looked at their faces and they looked more serene than he had expected. Roland felt sadness for them but understood that they did not regret making this decision.

He sighed and proceeded to climb up the ladder. At least he could give them this final experience before they would no longer have the chance to be in a human body again. He fell backwards and in an instant, the world was dark again.

Roland sensed a weight on his arm when he opened his eyes.

He struggled to open his eyes due to the brightness. This was weird. Was it always this bright in his room? When he was finally able to adjust to the odd brightness, he realized that he was in a completely different room than that of his bedroom.

Was this another part of the dream world? Roland had thought that falling backwards from the ladder would had ended his dream world, similar to how he had ended it when Phyllis had first entered his dream world.

The entire room was bright and white. The sheets of the bed he was on was also crisp and white. He could hear a constant beeping coming from his left side. He turned to find the cause of the sound and saw that it was a heart monitor. Modern technology would definitely not be available, so he must still be in the dream world.

Maybe when he fell, he didn't return back but had gotten himself injured and Zero must have taken him to the hospital. That was when he had remembered there was a weight on his arm when he awoke. He took a glance towards his right arm expecting to see Zero. To his surprise it wasn't Zero, but his mom soundly sleeping next to him.

Had this ever happened in the dream world before? Meeting someone that was from his original world? But the dream world consisted of only those that Zero had consumed.

All of a sudden, his mom began to awake from her slumber. She lifted her head and slowly rubbed her eyes. She casually looked up to check on her son when she realized he was staring right back at her.

"Cheng Yan! You're awake!" His mom shouted his name and suddenly grabbed him and hugged him. He felt slightly uncomfortable since he had not seen his mother for a year because he was always busy with his engineering job.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" he asked. This was really too weird. If people from his original world was able to come into the dream world, then maybe he could conjure up some of his knowledgeable friends to help give him some information to bring back.

"Cheng Yan, what do you mean?! Of course I would be here for my son. What kind of mother do you think I am?"

Roland just gawked at his mother without saying anything. He was still trying to figure out what was going on when his mom spoke again.

"I'm going to go call the doctor. I'll be right back." His mom hurriedly left the room in search for a doctor. Roland's mind was spinning. When his mom had returned, a tall man in a white coat followed her.

"Mr. Yan, it's good to finally see you awake after two years. I'm just going to check how you're doing." The doctor began do some external tests on him.

"Two years?" Roland exclaimed.

"Mr. Yan, how do I say this. Two years ago, you were involved in an accident on your way to work. This caused you to be in a coma for two years."

Yay! Another fanfic for RTW.

I realized after writing my first fanfic for the writing contest that I wasn't really satisfied (also because I have a small amount of competitiveness in me that wants to win). So I came up with another concept story.

The idea came at 5am, and I just couldn't go to sleep without writing the initial chapter. So even though I had work in a couple hours, I still decided to write rather than sleep.

Hopefully this will have more plot.

Thank you for reading! <3

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