
in love with my stepbrother

I had met Maxwell at an art gallery in san Fransisco,he had shared my love for art and nature

and we became friends and as we knew more about each other,I found out that was not the only view and love we both shared

he had shared my love for the baggie teens those who wore free tops and oversized jeans with sneakers or Crocs ,he had also shared my point of view about the LGBT world saying love was love no matter the gender

we both loved the color black and surprisingly we had serious love for wild pets and also shared the same birth month but different dates.

days turned into weeks,weeks into months,and we started getting personal,he asked about my family and acquaintance.in which I told him about how violent my parents are in their marriage,my father being a cheat and an aggressive person then my mother a crazy woman who would always fight my father violence with another violence

I also have one half-sister which at that time had being abandoned at our doorstep by obviously one of my father's mistress ,my mum not able to throw out a new born raised her with another new found bitterness in her heart for dad,and as for friends I had none because I was always indoor.

he had taken turn by telling me how he was raised by a single mother, though he had a picture of his father and his friends were based in Tokyo,I had asked him why he never reached out to his father,in which he said he had no intention of ruining an already happy family.

our months turned into years in which we spent on fulfilling our wildest dreams and fantasies, supporting each other like never before and the love we had became deeper and stronger.

four years into dating,his mother had requested his presence in Tokyo