
in love with my stepbrother ii

we came to Tokyo and Maxwell's mother was so nice to me ,a son's girlfriend she had never met before.

a week into staying with her I started feeling irritable at any minor thing, getting picky with food and mostly getting tired without doing anything.

miss Beverly you are eight weeks pregnant the doctor had told me,when I went for the test results,I had taken few days back, getting back home and breaking the news to max over the phone.

he had hanged up abruptly leaving me to the suspense of whatever he was going to say when he came back,lost In my few minutes thought the door bell rang,I opened up to reveal teary eyed max with several bags of snack and fruit drink in a shopping bag.

he said he was so happy and delighted as he engulfed is a tight but gentle hug ,I was still basking in the warmth of his hug before his mother interrupted though happy but with a grim expression on her face

Beverly we have to meet your parents his mom had said to me

ma'am I don't have a good rapport with my parents,I haven't seen or talked to neither of them in the past six years I had refuted looking exhausted .darling my mum is old fashioned lets just do this ,let's get married max interjected whilst massaging my shoulder with a frown on his face because he knows everything about my parents brings me trauma and headache .

the day finally came as max and his mother followed me back to san Fransisco to met my parent,we arrived there and trailed into our deserted mansion,the feeling of nostalgia and nervousness hit me , combined with the feeling that something was going to go wrong which I could not exactly lay a finger on.

I pushed the half opened door further and the usual smell of alcohol in the air and shattered glass all around,I looked around the already darkened interior design of my parents house ,wrecked windows that had not worsened to that extent before I and my sister ran away from home.

no sign of mom as usual after every episode of violence she picks up her a bag to stay away from dad .