
A peak at his thoughts


I feel that Sera already found her mate, I kept wishing she had not to be honest. I know this is selfish thinking but it is what it is. No one, I mean no one knows I was rejected by my mate. I beg and beg the Moon Goddess to let me know if I have a second chance mate.

She answered my prayers when I bumped into Sera a few months after being rejected. My wolf instantly bonded with her, I know I am not her true mate and cases of having second chance mates are rare. Since I found out what Sera is to me, I kind of became a little over protective. Well I guess her being friends with my sister made it not that obvious that she was maybe a little more than my sister's friend.

I was too focused on knowing she is mine that it did not occur to me that if the Moon Goddess has bestowed her to be my second chance mate that she will also be rejected by her true mate. After realizing this, it saddens me that in order for Sera and I to have an us she has to be rejected. Selfish part of me wanted that, the caring and loving part of me wanted her to be accepted by her true mate. It pains me that if she is accepted I lose yet another mate.

"Hey muscle head.." my sister's shout put me out of my thoughts.

"Hey shorty."


"Yes, what do you want"

"Why think automatically that I want or need anything."

"Then what is the suspense of your soooo"

"Haha, funny, and that is not how I talk. Anyways I did tell you earlier that I found my true mate. You have not properly met him and all, so I want you to. Say dinner later with us."

"Just us. You, your mate and I?"

"Yeah, I want you to know him and stuff."

"Okay, I will be there just to message or mind link me where." She just hugged me tight then sprinted to who knows where, probably to her mate. I am glad that she is accepted by her mate and thus me not wanting anyone to pay for hurting my sister.


In my room, getting ready for what my sister has planned. About to hop into the shower, there is a faint knock on my door. Wrapping a towel around my waist, making my way to the door to answer whoever it is that knocked.

I am shocked to see a crying Sera, seeing her like that my wolf became hyper aware of what or who made our mate like this. I hugged her and brought her inside my room, closing and locking it in the process.

While I cradle my crying mate on the bed I mind linked my sister and said ‘Hey sis, something came up and I cannot come for dinner, rain check?’

‘There better be a good enough reason for this rain check.’ She replied a bit irritated, which I find cute.

‘Yeah, there is and I will tell you soon enough.’ With that I close off my mind link from anyone, well if it is an emergency they know how to get past that.

Now that my sister is taken care of, whatever happened to Sera? Looking at her now, she is not full out brawling, just a bit of hiccup here and there.

"What happened to you, sweet cheeks?"

"He... he uhmm... rejected me and uhmm... had sex with another girl." After saying this she started crying again, I hugged her while keeping my wolf who is out for blood, specifically our mate's true mate. Who in their right mind would do something like that. Suppressing my growl, I looked down to Sera and saw she fell asleep with all that crying.

I tuck her in properly on the bed, I went with a quick shower, dressed and lay beside Sera. I know my wolf is consoling her wolf to lessen the pain of rejection and him having sex with someone else.

I know just how that felt, excruciating pain, pain that you wish you were dead. Sera was the reason I pulled it through, thinking of a future with her, how many pups will we have and all that.

With all those thoughts made me succumb to sleep.


Waking with a startle due to the banging on the front door. Who in their right mind would bang on the at (looking at the clock) four in the effing morning. Grunting and moving slowly but swiftly as to not wake my mate.

Opening the door with a frown only to see my sister sheepishly smiling at me made me a bit angry. "Do you know what the effing time is?!"

She made a gesture as if she is thinking about it. "What do you want anyways for you to be banging on the door like that, you could of just mind linked me"

"You have your walls up duffus."

"There are devices called Mobile Phones."

"Well duffus I think your phone is a dead battery and all, due to calls cannot connect."

"Okay, you made your point. What do I owe the pleasure of your gracious presence at four in the morning."

"Well I tried mind link and phone calls, messages but Pia cannot be reached, I do not know where she is, she is not in our room. I tried looking for Lucas to ask if he has seen her but he seems odd not giving any care in the world. Eli and I looked for her all night, following her scent but at some point - - - "

"She is here with me, lower your voice because she is still asleep, let her stay here and wait for her to tell you what happened to her, okay?" I said cutting her little rant of the reason why she is banging at my freaking door at this time of the morning. With a satisfied huff that her best friend is alright she just up and leaves without a goodbye nor a sorry about waking me at this ungodly hour.

Waking back inside to probably sleep some more, looking at the bed. Good Sera is still asleep, laying beside here and soon sleep made its way to me.