
6 - When it all shatter


I went back to my room to freshen up for a night to myself. I would have invited Sebby or Mandy, but I think they would not want to spend a night of pity party with me.

Hmm... what to wear, what to wear?


I guess I'll go with the silver one. After wearing it and putting on some make-up, I look at the full-length mirror for any final touches needed to be done. Hmm, everything's in order, the purse I need some purse here is my silver clutch.

There I am all set, time to hit the club. I know what you are thinking, 'hey, you are just a 16-year-old'. Let me tell you there are clubs for minors aaaaand they do not serve any alcohol there. Some of us go there for fun and dancing. I repeat, they do not serve anything illegal to underage kids.


I was getting my groove on the dance floor when I caught a whiff of something familiar that makes my wolf whimper both in need and pain. I feel like someone is burning holes at the back of my head, hmm who could that be. Pausing a bit from what I am doing to a scout who or what is burning holes staring at me.

When I turned to my other side, I saw his eyes flicking from his natural blue to gold, meaning he is having an internal battle with his wolf. To test a theory, I swayed my hips sexily while locking eyes with him. And when I dipped impossibly low, I heard a warning growl coming from him, and his eyes now are glowing gold.

When he stood up from where he was seated, I pivoted and walked away from the dance floor opposite from where he was. All that dancing made me thirsty, time to hydrate myself. While walking to the bar, I checked what time it is, hmm, barely ten in the evening. I was at it for at least an hour or so, and I have not yet eaten. Guess I am eating too.

Before I reach the bar area, I feel some shocks from where someone grabs my wrist. I slowly turn, knowing who that is based on those sparks coursing throughout my body from where he touched me. I was met with golden eyes and a bit of growling. Putting on my most innocent face, I smiled at him and "Hey Lucas, what a coincidence bumping into here."

He just kept on staring at me, and suddenly he just pulled me away towards the exit, well me being the ever so stubborn me, I tried pulling my arms away from him, taking note of the keyword 'tried'. He is much more built from me, so yeah, I tried to reclaim my arms from the big bad alpha.

When we reached outside, he continued pulling me to an alleyway where there would be close to no one there. We stopped where no one, and I mean no one can spot us before I demanded some answer, and before I could ask him what his problem is, he just growled lowly at me as if staking a claim.

"Why are you dressed like that!" He growled at me.

"And why not, do you know how hot it could get dancing around and with all those body heat around you at the dance floor" I point at him while stating a fact which he just growled at me again. "Ok, what is with all this growling stuff Lucas? Will you stop that? Someone might think you are deranged."

"Are you talking down to your Alpha?" He stared down at me. Yeah is a foot or so taller than me. That statement made me shut my sarcastic mouth, or I might find myself in more trouble than I might be in already.

I just cast my eyes downwards and bare my neck as a sign of submission. There is no need to rile up him even more, and his wolf is more on the surface. The higher the position a wolf has in a pack, the more they demand being respected. Thus me just giving in instead of trying to challenge him.

He dragged his hand from my wrist to my shoulder and back down. He bent down to sniff my hair and trailing it down my neck, then went to my ear and "Good, you know who is more dominant between the two of us." I suppressed growling and shivering at his statement. As if realizing it is I, he is dangerously close to them, his eyes snap back to their blue ones, and he backs off like I was fire itself.

It made me miss his warmth just seconds ago, and I did not realize that I had my eyes closed. I open them slowly and look at him, and I see panic, sadness, determination in them. I was so lost in his eyes that I did not register whatever he was saying. All I see is the movement of his lips. I snap back to reality, "What was that?" What he said made my heartbreak into million pieces.

"I, Lucas, reject you, Seraphina, to be my true mate." He finished that with a growl of annoyance.

"I Seraphina, accept your Lucas' rejection." Even before I finished my acceptance, he was almost out of sight. I just felt my knees wobble, unable to support my weight, and fell to the floor with tears I did not know started falling.

I tried to make my tears stop because deep in me, I know this was coming. There is no right way to do this rejection. There is an option to do it without hurting. All I can hope for is to get better with time. I picked myself up, and there is no point in partying with this sudden change of mood, so I better get back to my hotel room.

I opt to walk back. I need peace to think a bit, I guess. Halfway through, I felt excruciating pain from the pits of my stomach going to my heart. It was so painful that I could not continue to walk and just fell to my knees in the middle of the road. When an image of Lucas, having sex with a random girl pops in my head. The jerk has the nerve to project that to me, and he was not satisfied with rejecting me but having sex with someone on the same night of doing it.

I muster all my remaining strength and blindly go to one person I know will not ask too many questions, will lend me a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. With a new mission in mind, I walked slowly due to the pain, and I started crying not for me but my wolf. I could feel she retreated on the far side of her brain. I do not know how or when I arrived at his door, but I do so without meeting any more mishaps.