
Reject and Break the System

After experiencing so many same action and the same chaos he inflicted to one single kingdom in a specific game... The nameless protagonist's mind broke to the point where he decides to do nothing but to follow the flow... But the pain he endured and the pain he inflicted keeps reminding him every painful and manic experiences he felt in his entire life... He never feels satisfied even though he is smiling. He never feels strong even though he dominated the kingdom. He never feels free because the tie of fate for him is sealed. Will that nameless protagonist give in and let the system control his life... or perhaps he should release his resentment to the ones who created and controlled him like a puppet

Theodore_Mariano · Video Games
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12 Chs

Queen's Wrath

Before the battle royale happened, the queen is doing her job in a bar as a waitress. It is a bar for rich dignified nobles, which suited for her background. She doesn't experience of how to be a maid but she have learned manners and etiquette during her childhood. Before she was really kind queen, but due to the fact of the past trauma, her heart is steeled shut and can never trust anyone yet, especially the demon who destroyed her life.

The customers are quite fond of her and the workers are amazed by how efficient and elegant the queen works. It is like she is the perfect maid. But one thing that troubles the queen is that she is frustrated of how peaceful this bar is. It is much alike her world where she is happy with her life. It is like an illusion. She doesn't belong to this world and she knows it. She is just frustrated that she needed the help from the demon. She had the chance to kill him many times for the past 2 months with her magic when he was still weakened. But something is stopping her from doing so. She wonders what is stopping her from getting revenge from the demon.

Some time later, a customer comes in to the bar. The queen politely bows and greets the customer. When she looks up, she is suddenly froze, dropping the glass on the floor. Everyone is surprised and look at her. The customer freaked out. "Are you ok miss?" The customer asked. The queen apologize and fixed her mess. The manager came in and the queen asked if she can rest. She has worked for 2 hours so the manager accepts her request and let her inside to the recreation room. She suddenly cannot breathe properly. Her eyes and her hands are shaking. She is very scared.

"No.... no..." The queen said after she entered the recreation room. She sits down and hold her knees tightly. She saw something unexpected. The customer looked like one of her sisters. A green haired general who is in the front line who is the first one to fall by the hands of the demon. She wanted to calm down but the fear came back to her. The sole reason why she wanted revenge is to avenge her people, especially her sisters. She made up her mind and decide to kill the demon once and for all. The mana inside her becomes violent and her mature and elegant nature has change to a cold-hearted killer.

She smuggled out a cleaver out of the kitchen and asked for early leave. She acted normal so that no one raise suspicion of her. Her eyes are very plain and empty. Her hatred against the demon grows stronger and stronger and her mana violently flows around her body. She is hurt but she is very determined to kill the demon while she has the chance.




That night when the nameless character meet up with the queen, he is shocked to see the same type of mana surrounding her. She is currently out of control and she stares at him very intensely, watching if he is gonna move. "You know what? I do not care anymore. I just have to kill you and that monster who terrorize this peaceful world." The queen said as she holds the cleaver in her hand. The nameless character is anxious of what's gonna happen. The fact that the queen has fallen under a spell makes him stand motionless.

"This again..." The nameless character said as he observes the queen's behavior. She keeps mumbling something and her pink hair stands out in a messy manner. She lost her elegance and peacefulness entirely. The queen lunges forward and slashed the nameless character. She is shocked of what happened. The nameless character didn't dare to move nor flinch. His dead eyes just stares at her own.

"Suffer... Please just suffer..." The queen mumbles until she lost her mind. She repeatedly hacks the nameless character his flesh away including what she really hated about him. The nameless didn't show signs of suffering. Just a empty living husk. The queen casted Magic Shot at him without stop. He just absorbs the spell for the mana that is used is the same mana he have absorbed earlier in the battle royale.

The queen's mind begins to break down and she fell to her knees. She is the one who is suffering instead. She couldn't think of any solutions of her problem. She have lost everything because she didn't lead her people properly. She blames herself of what happened to the kingdom. She thinks that she is incompetent. "You are not incompetent." The nameless character said to the queen. The queen rages and curses at him.

"YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO LOSE SOMETHING PRECIOUS FOREVER!!!" The queen shouted and once again slash the nameless character to the face. "That won't work on me." The nameless character mentioned. He is full of slash wounds but he is still breathing fine. The queen is devastated because she failed to kill the demon in her own hands. "I do not wanna live if you are alive. I rather die than be with you." The queen said as she aims the cleaver to her neck.

The nameless character suddenly felt disgusted and smack the cleaver away from the queen. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! JUST LET ME DIE IN PEACE!!!" The queen shouted and tries to get the cleaver. The nameless character quickly stomps the cleaver into pieces, making it unusable. "..." The queen is processing of what happened. Her hope to die just disappeared just like that. She eventually stopped thinking and just watch how he crushed her last hope.




"I am disgusted..." The nameless character said angrily. He slaps the queen so hard that she is forced to look at him in the eye. "Is this how the queen behaves right now? I am so disgusted. You really are just a plaything. No wonder you were raped by the demon again and again. You easily gave up and just accepted your fate." He shouted in anger towards the queen. The queen is very confused of what is going on or what he is saying. Before she knows it, the nameless character slapped her again.

"It is really frustrating that I have to save you only to kill yourself. What is it that you want?!!" He shouted very loudly. The queen is troubled and she cannot think of an answer. She wanted to kill him so bad but she also wants to die to reunite with her sisters. But in fact, her fear of dying is what got her to hesitate. He slapped her again which truly confused her more. She never seen this side of his before. She sees that he is truly angry. For what? Why was he was so angry at her attempt to suicide right in front of him? Is it because he was known as the lustful demon and he treasures her because of her beauty?

He slapped her again and shouted, "If you die!! All people who lived here will fall under the hands of the Succubus!! You hear me?!!" Her eyes widen and she is so surprised. The nameless character shouted, "If you really die right here, right now, all the people will suffer the same fate as your kingdom!!" Her heartbeat beats faster and she is founds it strange that he cares for the people who lived here, and also to her.

The nameless character never felt such strong emotion before. He was very disgusted at the queen's actions. The fact that he brought up about the past is very shocking but it didn't get through the queen's head. He has seen the event for too many times. The queen is trembling because of fear and confusion. She cannot keep herself calm. Her cheeks are quite sore. He has to stop slapping her. He then remembers how the demon have the kingdom submit to him.




The queen is crying because of how useless she is. She suddenly felt cold hands to her cheeks. Her head was lifted and she looks at the nameless character's melancholy face. She doesn't know the reason why he has to show his sad face. The nameless character politely asked her to close her eyes. She followed his request without struggling and close her eyes. Suddenly, she feels a sweet pleasure to her lips. There is something smooth touching her lips. When she opened her eyes, the nameless character still looks at her with the sad face. She didn't know what he just did but it helped her relaxed a bit.

"Why are you helping me even though we are enemies?" The queen asked. "You do not need to know." The nameless character replied. She is confused why he answers her question like that. But she feels that she can trust him. The nameless character feels guilty about what he did. He gave her a tiny amount of aphrodisiac through her red lips. That is the only way without causing her to submit herself entirely to him. He doesn't want to repeat the same history.

He helped the queen to stand up. He tells her that she was under a spell, which made her mana violently lose control and lose her mind. The queen feels pathetic when she heard that. He asked when did the queen feels the instability of her mana. She said it was when she saw one of her sisters look alike. The nameless character finds this suspicious. How could there is someone who have the same face from their world. The people living in this world is very different compared to their world. He suspects that someone created an hallucination that triggers the queen's trauma.

There is one person he could think of who created this evil act. Beside the Succubus, there is this very sadistic companion that is with the demon. A lady with pointy ears, have white silky hair, wears a black gown, red eyes, and dark skinned. A Dark Elf. It seems that somewhere in the underworld, the Dark Elf had created her own harem of brutes, and most likely will cause trouble in the future.

He is prepared to catch her and kill her for good in his own hands. He cannot forgive her for making the queen suffer.




Somewhere in the underworld, there is something going on in a dark room where it was well hidden. The room is covered in blood and white stuff. Someone is standing in front of the mirror. The image of the mirror is too dark to see but the person is laughing. The voice of a woman. "Soon he will eventually come to me..." She said to the mirror.

"Can't wait to see his face again. It is destiny that we meet. My lord, your humble servant awaits for your return." She said as she wipes blood off her body. She quietly laughs as she dresses up in her black gown. A undescribable smell lingers throughout the air and the whole room is a whole mess, with corpses that are looked like their life is drained out of their body. "Can't wait to taste the real luxury..." She said as she leaves the room.

Well I tried my best to keep it mild but somehow I have the urge to write it. From here on out, I am gonna have to write something serious for the story.

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