
Reject and Break the System

After experiencing so many same action and the same chaos he inflicted to one single kingdom in a specific game... The nameless protagonist's mind broke to the point where he decides to do nothing but to follow the flow... But the pain he endured and the pain he inflicted keeps reminding him every painful and manic experiences he felt in his entire life... He never feels satisfied even though he is smiling. He never feels strong even though he dominated the kingdom. He never feels free because the tie of fate for him is sealed. Will that nameless protagonist give in and let the system control his life... or perhaps he should release his resentment to the ones who created and controlled him like a puppet

Theodore_Mariano · Video Games
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12 Chs

Battle Royale

The next day has arrived. The queen is now wearing her waitress attire. A white shirt, a black vest, black skirt, a pair of black stockings, a pair of black heels, blue neck ribbon and blue rubber band for her pink hair. She has ponytail that looked like a horse's big tail. She carries a somewhat conspicuous black hiker backpack for her work. She doesn't care of how people will look at her. She just need to serve food and beverages to the customers at the bar.

The nameless character is still wearing his tattered black coat, bloody white shirt, and black pants. He does wear a different pair of shoes because he didn't have the metal boots with him. The doctors confiscated it. The nameless character doesn't eat anything but dried squid. He cannot taste it but he liked the unusual texture of the dried squid. He finally leaves the rented room and head to Viper's place.




The bodyguards see that the nameless character arrived. They slightly bowed then returned to their post. When entering the building himself, the nameless character realized that there is much more of the building than he knows about. He sees for the first time some other facilities of the building. There are alot of thugs hanging around at the bar inside the room. It is very messy and unruly and there are occasionally bar fights happening between them. They only get stopped by the bartender threatening them pf something.

The bodyguard that is with Viper the whole time escorts the nameless character to her office. "Pleasure to have you, Enma." Viper said. Somehow there is something strange happening in Viper's behavior, but the nameless character didn't bother minding it because she is a stranger. Both talk about of the new contract for the nameless character, if he wants to battle against others more often. "Absolutely..." The nameless character said, accepting the deal of the contract.

"Sign your signature here." Viper said as she hands a pen to him and points out where to sign on the contract. He cannot read the contract but simply signed it without hesitation. "Good." Viper said while handling the contract with care. "Unfortunately, I cannot go with you. I will let my bodyguard Kuro escort you to the Hell Fire Ground." Viper said.

Kuro looks at the nameless character and moves his head towards the door. The nameless character leaves the room and Kuro followed by. "Now then, time to wind up some time with high class beer and tempura." Viper said as she changes her clothes to somewhat normal looking that conceals her natural beauty.




The nameless character once again returned to the underworld. It is still new to him and the gambling games make him very intrigued. He never seen these games before, and also the strange similar coin shaped currency is used among the people who are here. He can hear many languages he cannot understand. The people look extravagant and dignified like typical nobles in medieval era. The queen herself is a royalty. But it didn't bother the nameless character.

Kuro leads him to the arena. The attendant recognizes the nameless character as Enma. "Welcome back Enma. Are you up to the challenge?" The attendant asked eagerly. The nameless character suddenly feels a faint sensation. He can feel something related to him, just like when the Succubus showed up. "Did the Succubus invade this world?" The nameless character thought, raising his guard up at all times.

"Why are you tensing up for? Hurry up and proceed your goddamn way!" Kuro shouted at the nameless character. The nameless character observes Kuro but sees nothing different. He is not like the masked men who are enslaved by the Succubus. He is wondering where is the source. This arena is in danger. He has no time to investigate but to wait in the waiting room.

While walking through the people on the way of the waiting room, the nameless character observes carefully for any sign of the strange feeling around the people. None of them whatsoever appeared. The feeling is still faint. They reached the waiting room without any complications. Kuro left him alone and went on his own. There are other fighters in the waiting room. "Isn't that the one who defeated Kaito?" One fighter said. Everyone begins to stare at him.

The nameless character unintentionally glares at them like he is thirsty for blood. The fighters suddenly got the chills and do not dare to talk to the nameless character. "What's up sucker?" A familiar voice said from behind. The nameless character looks back and sees Kaito. There is nothing wrong with Kaito, except for his strange behavior. "Hey Enma, I heard those from big shots that they created a gimmick for us." Kaito said in serious tone.




"Gimmick...?" The nameless character asked, not knowing what that word means. "Wait, you dumb shit do not know what a gimmick is? I lost to a country bumpkin didn't I?" Kaito said. "You lost to some nitwit who cannot even form full sentence." Said by one girl with a tracksuit jacket and a shorts that is so short her thighs are showing. "Shut up Keiko. You are no match for Enma." Kaito angrily said.

The two argue for some time but they seem to be friendly to each other. "By the way, let me introduce to this bitch. Her name is Speedy Keiko. She have fought her for a year and has a remarkable agility. She is faster than me and is more skilled at dodging. She is just a scaredy cat who is just being a pussy." Kaito said sarcastically. "You lost to me Kaito. You have no right to call me a coward." Keiko said as she raises her knees. Kaito is surprised and decides not to provoke her more.

Keiko asked Enma for who he is. But he appears to be ignoring her. "Rude." Keiko said. She tries to get his attention. Waving at his face, touching his body, tickling him, no reaction whatsoever. "Did you fall for his sexiness Keiko?" Kaito asked, bothered by what he is watching right now. "Did you just call him sexy?" Keiko asked unexpectedly. She is surprised that Kaito called the nameless character sexy. She looks at him from top to bottom and he does appear to be sexy. "You lost to this pretty boy. I am disappointed." Keiko said to Kaito who used to hate pretty guys.

"This bastard is an exception. He has the skills to belong here." Kaito said with an awkward smile. The announcement bell rings through out the room and everyone inside stands up. Both Kaito and Keiko pay their attention to the speaker above except for the nameless character who is thinking deeply to himself.




"Welcome fighters from around the world!! This is your freaking commentator, Takamura! Few of the contestants of the Armageddon suddenly leaves out of their own accord. They are like pussies just because the all time champion entered the tournament for the fifth time!! If you wanna join the Armageddon just prove yourself in the battle royale!!! We will be most delighted if 10 people have survived the skirmish. Prove yourself that you have the guts to crush your enemies by any means necessary!!!"

"That's weird." Keiko said, confused by the announcement. "Who cares, at least we have the chance to pummel these small fries!" Kaito shouted, grabbing unnecessary hostile attention towards him. The nameless character suspect something is wrong. He definetely remember the words but where could he heard it? What did the commentator mentioned that makes him remember? He feels uneasy about it.

Kaito suddenly bump the nameless character's shoulder with his fist and said, "Enma, you have to qualify to the tournament or else I will kill you myself with my fist." The nameless character nods and took something out of his sack. A strange looking box. "Why do you have a freaking bento?!" Kaito shouted loudly. "Girl... Gave..." The nameless character replied. "What the fuck?! He is even successful at having a girlfriend... Enma I swear I wanna beat the shit out of your pretty face!!" Kaito thought, showing hostility to the nameless character. His hate for pretty boys is already sprouted its roots inside of him.

Keiko looks around and finds several powerful fighters that could beat her up easily when she is alone. She approached Kaito and the nameless character sweating for some reason. "If you could accept my request, could we team up so we can enter the Armageddon all together?" Keiko asked. Kaito suddenly burst of laughter and belittles Keiko. "Why are you so scared? These weaklings have no much for your legs!" Kaito mentioned. "S-shut up asshole!! I am talking to Enma!!!" Keiko shouted out of anger.

"Could you please, Enma?" Keiko asked while grabbing the nameless character's arm close to her body. His expression changed and he says something in his native language. "StAy AwAy FrOm Me!" Keiko looks to his eyes and she got scared. His dead eyes look straight at her as in he is piercing her soul with his deadly glare. His little fang is poking out of his mouth and his hair stands out like crazy. His grim face is comparable to an angry devil who is excited to taste the blood of his victims. Keiko lets go and apologize. "What the fuck just happened?" Kaito asked, wondering how Keiko got scared. He looks at the nameless character who looks intimidating towards Keiko.

"I see, you do not like her touching you, do you? Kaito said as he grins. "Anyways, That bitch's plan is not that bad but I prefer beating up these fuckers out of their misery. If you get in my way, I promise you, I won't hold back like I did back then." Kaito said with confidence. The nameless character hasn't opened the lunchbox yet but decides not to eat it. He doesn't feel hungry at the start.




Kaito's outfit seems different from before. He wears black shorts with red flame pattern on it. He ties a red belt to his waist. This time he wears kickboxer gloves and white wrappings for his arms and legs. He has a white headband with a red dot on the front, which complements his dark brown hair. He pumps both of his fist together out of excitement. "I am ready to kick some asses!" He said as he raises his right fist to the front of him.

Keiko wears a black sports bra underneath her purple tracksuit jacket that unzip for some reason. She wears a shorts that seems to be purposely cut to expose her thighs. Her legs are quite toned than her arms. She wears brown leather boots for her footwear. Her face isn't like the normal girl's face as she has visible scars on her right cheek. Her green eyes looks very fierce and her silky black hair has the length reaching her neck.

The nameless character wears the same outfit but entirely different. His clothes looks the same but it is made from different brand. He got arm guards from Kuro, which he now wears in both of his arm. "I thought you are stronger than you look. Can't believe you have to use a weapon you coward." Kaito said, disappointed at the nameless character. "Not... Weapons..." The nameless character said. It is made from padded leather, and it didn't change his amount of force he can make. He asked Kaito to raise his hand open and he punched it with the same exact force that he used to knockout Kaito. "I see, I am just ignorant." Kaito said and goes to the queue. His entire hand will be numb before the battle starts.

The door toward the arena is opened but the officers lead them to the different area. They walked in order and the nameless character is still uneasy of the faint feeling. What is the source of it? Where is the source? He will definetely find out once he entered the battlegrounds.




They entered a bigger stadium than the arena. A large circle stage is set in front of the fighters, enough to fit 100 fighters. Takamura is on the stadium in bright orange suit and sharp looking glasses. He rolls his microphone in the air and starts to shout. "Once again, welcome fighters!! This is the Battle Royale Hell Ring!! All 100 fighters that are qualified to participate will be fighting with one another to each other!! You can break their bones, you can choke them down, you can even slam their sorry face to the ground!! Same rules applies to this battle royale. What's considered illegal is now legal!! Your only option is to make these pathetic monkeys regret they participate in this holy ground!! Prove yourself that you can crush your enemies flawlessly!!"

Enma, the nameless character, suddenly feels the sensation stronger than before. When Takamura is facing towards him, there is a familiar mana aura surrounding him. Takamura is enslaved but this mana is different. He only knows that this mana is familiar but he doesn't remember who belonged to. There may be danger, but Enma didn't let fear bother him. His priority right now is to crush the Succubus, and the one who enslaved Takamura may help locate her.

All 100 fighters entered the ring. Kaito, Keiko, and Enma formed up a 3-man team. The atmosphere of the place is suffocating. The smell of sweat and blood lingers throughout the air. The temperature rises, making all the fighters feel the heat of excitement. Countdown begins and Enma prepares himself to fight.












The bell is sounded and the brawl begins. Chaos filled the room as all fighter begins to fight each other. The current fighters remaining are still 100.

Enma is in defensive stance and won't let himself get tired, even though his stamina greatly exceeds with normal humans. Kaito rushes in to the brawl and managed to incapacitate 2 fighters with his kickboxing techniques. Keiko is fighting against stronger fighters than her but she doesn't let them eliminate her. She is light on her feet and her kicks are very swift. She is a fighter who favors in kicking.

The remaining fighters are reduced to 89.

A large bulky black man only punches all the foes that attacks him. His footwork is quick and he aims for knockout punches. He defeated three unfortunate fighters who didn't get the chance to retaliate and the other one tough gangster who used a crowbar as a weapon. There is this old man and a young lady in wushu uniform are working together and eliminate six fighters with their superior level of teamwork.

The remaining fighters are reduced to 57.

A man in american soldier gear is very cunning with his battle style. He is much experienced in taking down the fighters from behind without being noticed. He took out 4 fighters by choking them out. Unfortunately he ended up fighting an assassin, who prefers to kill the fighters with no hesitation. He already killed 7 fighters with his dagger. The american soldier and the assassin are fighting in close-quarter-combat and they were in equal terms of speed and perception.

The remaining fighters are reduced to 35.

Alot of fighters have either knocked unconscious or killed. There is a mysterious hooded man who already dominated the battle royale by eliminating thirty fighters all by himself. He is very rough with attacking but he doesn't seem to be targeting female fighters for some reason. He will rather flee when confronting to one. He is currently being chased by Keiko, who seems to be pissed at his act. Some guy with a baseball bat bashes everyone who gets to close to him. His glare is intimidating to others who are far more weaker than him. He is just standing there menancingly and curses everyone to fight him man to man. Kaito is excited to fight with him and tries to kick the guy to the head. The guy is very strong and skilled with the baseball bat.

The remaining fighters are reduced to 16.

A fat man uses his weight advantage to throw the opposing fighters off guard. His skills are flamboyant. He does unnecessary throws and submissions to every fighter who are grabbed by his grip. A lady with blonde hair pierces all of her enemies with ease without breaking a sweat. She is using a rapier skillfully. The lady would have the finish someone off when Enma rudely interrupted and uppercutted both of them up to the air.

The remaining fighters are reduced are 10, they are qualified to join the Armageddon. But the fight between them is still not finished.

The soldier and the assassin are in each other's throats. The hooded man got eliminated by Keiko. Kaito and the baseball guy fist bump out of respect as fellow fighters. Enma only just stay still, observing Takamura cautiously.

"Incredible fight!! You pummeled those piece of trash so much it gives me a big excitement!! To you folks, this is just the beginning! The tournament Armageddon, you monsters deserved to qualify to the crazy battles from the strongest punks you will ever face!!!" Takamura shouted. Suddenly, a fighter rose up and roars ear piercing war cry. The qualified fighters were staggered except for Enma. The strange mana has shrouded around the enraged fighter.

The fighter charges at the large bulky black man and punches right at his abdomen. The punch is too fast for the man to dodge. He fell to his knees in pain, cursing at the fighter. The old man and the young girl attacked the fighter from behind. It connected but they only get grabbed and slammed to the floor. The old man got unconscious due to the heavy blow he sustained. The fat man grabbed the enraging fighter and lift him up to the air. The fighter fought dirty and spit on the fat man's eye, causing him to let go and gets slammed on the floor.

"What the fuck happened to that son of a bitch?!" The guy with the baseball shouted. The fighter crippled four qualified fighters. Only six left. The soldier and the assassin swiftly moves and attack the fighter. They have to use their deadly weapons in order to kill him. The soldier attacks the fighter head on while the assassin waits for an opportunity to attack. The soldier deals many slash wounds on the enraging fighter but the fighter didn't stop chasing him. The assassin quickly climbs behind the fighter and stabbed his skull. They thought they killed him but the fighter jumped and fell backwards, crushing the assassin's lower body due to the impact of the fall. The soldier retreated because of fear. The fighter lays his eyes onto Enma, who is standing still.

"Enma!! Watch out!!" Kaito shouted as he hurriedly head towards Enma, but he stopped when Enma signaled him to stop. The fighter punches Enma very hard, but it was blocked. Enma fights back and use a hook punch to attack the fighter. The force sent the fighter flying across the ring. The fighter is further enraged and runs toward Enma. Enma moves faster than before and dashes behind the fighter, backfisting him. The fighter tried to kick him but it is deflected and it leaves him wide open. Enma throws a superman punch followed up with an elbow crush to the fighter, causing him to vomit blood. He rolled away out of danger and the fighter got hurt pretty bad.

The enraged fighter roars again and this time he gets more powerful. To Enma's eyes, the mana slowly eats him alive and will eventually die on his own. But he is still dangerous when he is left alone. Enma has to end the fighter's misery. He have to fight using all he got. Everytime he punches the enraged fighter, a small amount of mana enters his body. Due to his body, it burns the mana and turns it into his own. It is another way to recover mana besides absorbing lust from others caused by the Succubus. It is not enough to initiate powerful attack but he can at least use exploding shield to counter a fatal blow.

The fight continues and the fighter only releases barrages of punches. His repeated punches are as fast as a machinegun. It is the same situation when Enma fought with one of the victims that the Succubus converted to for the first time. "Help...!!" Enma shouted as he keeps defending himself. Kaito is too far away, so it Keiko. The soldier didn't want to fight against a monster. There seemed to be no one heard of his request for help but a few seconds later, the hooded man kicked the man to the face. "You dare to hurt a beautiful lady without mercy you brute!! How about I thrash your ugly face instead!!" Shouted the hooded man. The guy with the baseball bat joined in and smash the fighter's head. "Even if I am a yakuza, I won't sink my honor lower than you asshole!!" The guy shouted as he smash the fighter's knees.

The fighter have his eyes locked on to the guy but was punched by Enma. The fighter is focused on Enma but was kicked by the hooded man. The fighter isn't thinking straight and only attacks whoever attacks him, which gives the big advantage of the three. Kaito and Keiko eventually joined the fight and hurt the fighter with all they got. Someone also joined in and pierced the fighter's skull. It was the lady who uses the rapier. "I have to join the tournament no matter what!!" The lady said as she quickly pierce through many body parts of the fighter. The fighter grabbed the rapier of the lady and pulls it toward him, causing the lady to fall forward. She almost get hit when Enma interrupted the fighter by throwing a straight punch. "Oh c'mon! Stop interfering!! It is annoying!!" The lady shouted at Enma.

The mana that surrounds the fighter slowly diminished and when it completely disappeared, the fighter fell to his knees and just died there. All fighters became tired and exhausted, including Enma who is supposed to have superior stamina. He did get bombarded with barrage of punches from the fighter. He wondered who is responsible for this attack. Only 5 qualified fighters remained. Takamura got knocked out unconscious throughout the fight. Enma still sees that strange mana inside Takamura. When he wakes up, he looks around and sees the mess from the battle. All fighters flee from the ring and the soldier is nowhere to be found. Because the hooded man and the lady is present, they are now qualified to join Armageddon. This shocking event took tolls to the fighters, as they will never forget about this incident.

Enma is very sure someone created this trouble for him. But who created this mess? He wonders if it is one of the other companions of the demon that did it.

So the ones who are qualified are:




The guy with the baseball bat

The hooded man

The lady who uses a rapier

The soldier won't be coming back ever again.

Theodore_Marianocreators' thoughts