
Toddlerhood 4

*Tomas' Office*

Tomas got the number from his holographic computer and calls the number. The ringing went on for a few moments.

While Tomas is calling Olivia gets her phone and call the police.

"Hello, may I know who this is?" Asked the person on the other side of Tomas' phone questionly.

"Hello this is Tomas, I am the owner of Heavens Library book chain. Did you buy a book named 'Bulmina Cultivation' at one of our stores." Asked Tomas in a hurried tone.

"Ahhh yes I did, why do you want to know?" Asked the person.

"Because someone broke into our records looking for the book but thought what you bought was the original and might be coming to steal the book from you!" Said Tomas worrying for his future.

"What! Wait you mean to say that a person may be coming to my house to steal a book!!" Said the person madly because he is worrying about the person who stole his info for the book.

"Sir calm down! We don't know how he got into the place where we store our records. As we are working toward finding that person. I would recommend you call the police right away!" Said Tomas as the other person hung up.


"Hello, what is your emergency!" Said the operator on the phone.

"Hello, we need police over asap because someone stole one of our records and might try to harm the person who has what their after!" Said Olivia in a really worried tone.

"Yes, ma'am officers will be over to your location in a couple of minutes, thank you for calling the police!" Said the operator


Tomas is very nervous because of the theft and is thinking they need to have better security for documents. As he never had the thought that someone would break into the house just for sale documents because they only sold copies to others.

Tomas heard the sound of sirens outside, so he went to the the front door to let the police in.

The police came in and cut off Olivia's office from others to investigate for evidence. As they were searching, they found an emblem that was torn off the theifs clothes. The policewoman then sent a picture of the emblem to their database to see who this emblem belongs to.

*5 minutes later*

The policewoman gets the answer that the emblem belongs to the fallen noble LionHeart family. She then calls in to get other officers to go to the LionHearr mansion to ask why their emblem was on the crime scene. She then continues to look for more clues.

*Policeman Right Outside The LionHeart Mansion*

A policeman named James keeps knocking on the families door but no one comes to the door. As he is going to call dispatch he smells a rotten smell. So James knocks the door down and goes into the mansion seeing blood. He has a bad feeling and decides to call dispatch for backup.

While he waits he explores the house and finds bodies all over the house. He turns pale and runs out of the house and starts to puke his guts out from the horrors he seen in the house.

*Olivia before the police get to the house*

Olivia rushed to her son's room to see him. She finds out he's sleeping with all the commotion in the house and she's relieved. What she doesn't know is that Jay is actually compiling books to make Gods paths for the future.

As she walks closer to Jay, he opens his eyes and looks at her and stretches his arms out, wanting for her to hold him. He then hugs his mom because of the excitement he feels about the future.

His mother seeing his excitement cheers her up a bit and she starts to play with him to calm herself down. Bella decides to come and play with them and his mother walks out of the room to do get Selena to play with them too. When she comes back with Selena, Selena gets really excited to see Jay and struggles to get out of Jay's moms arms.

She sees them playing happily and walks out of the room because she hears sirens. She then goes to greet the police with her husband and shows them her office and the digital copy of the document that was stolen.

5 minutes later the police women comes out of Olivia's office.

"Ma'am I only found one clue and it's a fallen nobles emblem. Do you know of the LionHeart family?" Said the policewoman in a questioning tone.

"Yes I do, we bought a book from them named '*** ******* ** ******* ****' and sold a copy of it and the theif stole the record of who we sold it too." Said Olivia in a serious tone.

*Back to the James*

James only wants to go home now because of this carnage. He looks for any clues outside the mansion but find nothing. He tries to find a happy place but the scene keeps popping up in his head.

As he looks around to find something to do, he finds a piece of paper and see it has alot of information on it about who bought a book called '*** ******* ** ******* ****'.

It's been about 30 minutes since he called dispatch and they finally arrived at the mansion.

James goes up to the officers that arrived and tells them about the horrors in the house and shows them the paper about the book that was sold and points out the address. The officers turn pale at the thought of seeing that carnage alone. All of them then call dispatch for an emergency and tell the dispatch they need about everyone that is on duty here to close off the mansion.

James decides to go back into the mansion to check out if their is any clues to this massacre. He finds in the dining room the words 'WHERE IS MY BOOK, 'THE LIBRARY OF HEAVENS PATH' ' and James finds no other clues except this one.

"Why is the the library of heavens path book that's so important someone to massacre for!" Said James out loud stunned at the carnage.

My headache went away. Thank you for supporting me. Also again point out any mistakes. I will try to realise two chapter on Saturday and Sunday as I have a lot of time on those days.

Kronos_God_of_Timecreators' thoughts