

'I can only see darkness. Where am I?' I think to myself


Jason was walking home from school. This is where his story begins.

"Man I can't wait to get home and read some of the novels on webnovel. Damn I wanna read Library of Heavens Path so bad, and chech on those other novels I haven't read in like a week" I said out loud while walking on the sidewalk, it takes about an hour to get home.

"Damn if only I knew where the bus was! I would he home right about now and would be able to start reading my favorite novels." Once again saying out loud.

*30 minutes later*

'I'm about 5 minutes from home, thank god' I though while also thinking about how much fun I'm going to to have while reading those novels.

*At home*

I put away my backpack and go straight to my bedroom to read.

*10 hours later*

Damn its 1 in the morning and I got a test tomorrow, I should go to bed now but one more chapter of this.

*1 hour later*

My heart hurts, what the hell I just had surjury for this. Fuck it's getting worse, why can't I feel my left arm? Am I having a heart attack, nooooooo my life is too short.


'I thought I was dead' thinking Jason while looking around for some light. He looked every even up and down side to side, everywhere but couldnt find some light. Then he decides to meditate and think about what is happening.

'1 I might be in a vegetable state and can't move. 2 I might of reincarnated into a anime world. 3 I might of reincarnated into an unknown place. I'm hoping on 2 & 3 because I dont want to be a vegetable my whole life!' He thought while in his mind a sound rang out.

"Heaven's Path is imperfect!!!"

Jason's mind went blank as soon as he heard that because this is one of his favorite powers to have if he were to ever reincarnated into a different world. He now sees a huge library in his mind. He is so excited that he over excerted his mind and passed out.

*5 months later*

He finally see a light but it is really tiny. Just when he wants to go towards it, a sudden force pushes him toward it and he escapes from his hell of darkness. But first thing he feels after being born is plain because the nurse smacked him in the ass and he starts to cry because of it.

'WHY!!' He thought. Just why did he have to feel that pain. He is thinking about how to get his revenge on the person who got him but he gets pulled into what he assumes is his mother's arms.

"I shall name you Jason D. Fernando" his mother said in a soft tone. He watches as his mother brings down her shirt and feeds him with her breast. He feels love for this woman who is his new mother.

He starts drinking the breast milk like a mad man because he feels hungry enough to drink a lake. As he drinks a young looking man comes into the room and looks straight at the woman and runs up to her and hugs her and Jason.

Jason thinks this man is his father who missed his birth.

"Did you already name him , honey?" Says the man still holding them in his arms.

"You were late for his birth and since you dont really care about him, why should you name him." said the young women aka Jason's mom

"I do love him but I got caught ho p in work again, you know how I am with work. I always wanna finish it so i don't have to do it later." Said the young man

"But your still to late, I have already named him Jason D. Fernando." Said the young women.

"Ok Olivia, I get it, I promise I won't get caught up in work again" said the young man.

"Tomas you always promise that! When will you keep your promises?" Asked the Olivia harshly.

Tomas went quiet after that. Jason started crying because in his last life his family was separated because of fighting and didn't wish for that to happen again. Just think about how they might separate made him feel pain because he wanted to know what a father is like.

Ovliva turned livid at the sight of her son crying. She started to sing a lullaby with qi imbued into it to stop Jason crying. As soon as Jason heard the lullaby he fell asleep happily. Olivia then glares at Thomas for making him cry.

Thomas doesn't know what to feel because he doesn't know what he did to make his son cry.

I hope you like this story I'm making. Please do point of mistakes if there is any and do give any suggestions you want in the story. Also I would like to thank you for reading my story. I will try to release 1 chapter a day and will save up chapters if i have enough time. This novel is my first one that i will try to finish but I get distracted sometimes.

Kronos_God_of_Timecreators' thoughts