
Reincarnation with Rimuru from Tensura

In a new fantasy world, Rimuru Tempest, after reincarnation, finds an unexpected companion in the form of a cute, slime like himself. Together, they forge a brotherly bond while shaping their destiny as they navigate this new world. However, with the introduction of this intriguing new variable, the story takes an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. What transformations will unfold due to the presence of this endearing little slime? Join Rimuru on an adventure brimming with moments of joy and forged alliances with unlikely comrades. Along the way, he'll uncover the enigmatic secrets veiling this world, and face unspeakable tragedies and sacrifices, some of which will leave him in awe and others heart-broken. Amidst the discovery, he'll also confront heart-wrenching trials that test his resilience and rock the very core of his newfound home. A Prologue to Chaos & Destruction. Recommended to read the Original Story by 'Fuze' first, as the story skips lots of content and It is heavily inspired from it. Also keep in mind that the introductory chapters are more or less same (for the context) with few changes here and there. But there will be changes, and a lot of it in the upcoming chapters.

ETRNITY01 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs


(Rimuru's Perspective)

It's been a week since Hikari's evolution, but Hiiro is still sound asleep.


My concern is growing by the day.

At this point....

Should I just head to the human cities to explore ways to wake him up?

<Answer: The probability of those cities containing the desired information is very low.>

I know, I get it but still it might be better than sitting idly and twiddling my thumbs, waiting for him to wake up, don't you think?

I'm feeling quite lonely without him.

The hobgoblins are catching on, too. I couldn't conceal it and keep it a secret for much longer so, I decided to be honest and inform them that he's in a deep slumber for unknown reasons. Their reactions are filled with concern and sorrow for Hiiro.

Despite his personality, he was actually pretty well-liked by everyone.

After discussing it with Rigurd and the others, we agreed to build a proper house for Hiiro so he could rest comfortably. There were no objections, and the construction was completed within just a few days.

However, a slight issue arose.

Well, I don't know if it can be called slight because the impact of the said issue nearly led to mass slaughter but fortunately it didn't come to that.

Let's just say it was not a slaughter but close to it?? 

Anyways concerned villagers started visiting Hiiro's house to check on him, which was fine at first. But after a day or so, it turned into a daily gathering, resembling some sort of cult event where people prayed for his well-being.

It was like a dark cult event or something.

Ranga made a few appearances to shoo them away, but they paid little attention and even praised him. Going against pure goodwill was a challenge, and Ranga realized that the hard way.

But then things took a turn for the worse.

I had a feeling this would happen eventually.

It was Inevitable, really.

A certain group of male hobgoblins began mingling with the villagers for less-than-pure reasons.

The person at the center of these impure desires, Hikari, had grown exceptionally irritated by the situation.

And I mean "very".

Hikari had been on edge ever since the two-week mark passed for Hiiro's collapse. She was already angry at the villagers who kept pestering her master when he was asleep. But to add fuel to her anger, a group of males desperate to court her appeared.

Yes, you heard it right, folks. They thought that showing up at her collapsed master's house would impress her.

I mean, even I was furious with these idiots, but despite their foolishness, stupidity and their lack of judgement, I slightly understood their desire to court a lady before another guy swooped in and snatched her away.

Not that I had ever experienced such things myself. Yours truly remained a virgin at heart and at other places too but let's not talk about that, because even in a world where I was fondled by the mighty and beautiful elves, I never got to do the same.

It truly was a cruel world. Sniffle

<...Hah! >


I may or may not have heard the Great Sage sigh but let's get back on topic, shall we.

These fools failed to grasp the most critical aspect of flirting: timing and place.

Of course, there were other steps involved.

The best option right now would be to comfort the person, who was going through a tough time. Even better would be to give her some space and not invade it by appearing in front of her every freaking day, acting like a creep or a stalker.

To make matters worse, there was already an individual residing in Hikari's heart, someone who couldn't be replaced by some random guy who had no understanding of such sensitive matters.

They were treading on a very fine line and currently that line was moving closer and closer towards their necks.



Hello there, it's the (wannabe) author again. I'm back with a new chapter, though I must extend my apologies for the delay. I'd also like to express my advance apologies for a change in my updating schedule. Up until now, I've been able to provide daily updates, but due to various factors, including my status as an average student in his early twenties with numerous health challenges, I won't be able to maintain this pace.

Writing is a cherished hobby of mine, but these platforms unfortunately don't offer any financial compensation unless one enters into a paid contract. Given this reality, I don't hold any expectations of earning income from my work here, so I won't be able to devote my full time to writing. I've pushed myself to publish chapters as frequently as I have, but I won't be able to keep up that level of output any longer. Rest assured, I won't abandon this project, but I kindly request that you no longer expect new chapters every other day.

I want to express my gratitude for your support and for listening to my rantings. I deeply appreciate your encouragement. I'll do my best to avoid further disappointment, and I'm thankful for your readership of this work. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it in the future as well. Thank you.

As always Have Fun Reading Guys!

(Next Chapter in 3 days...)