
chapter one

"Naruto you are herby banished from kanoha said danzo with ahis infuriating cocky smirk"

the civilians all had happy expressions while the ninjas had faces of regret

tsuande was very angry

but naruto smiled as he and the third hokage had a secret that nobody else had

not only was she the secret s rank ninja but that he was a she and her name wasn't really naruto it was narumi and she was placed in a high rank genjutsu by her mother because she new how she would be treated she already knew she would be banished so she hurriedly took her stuff and bolted out of the city

"why" she said as she faked being angry" I did everything for this damned village even brought back your precious duckass and you banished me "

"silence demon you crippled the last uchilla you have know right to speak" a stupid civilian spoke out

she glared at him before she smirked "you guys are idiots you just banished one of your strongest kunoichi and the heir to both the uzumaki and the namikazes clan"

"don't you dare speak of those lies kyuubi you call us idiots you are clearly a guy"

she smirked and did a hand sign "kai" a puff of smoke appeared and in naruto's place was a women more specifilly an anbu captain the first anbu captain that ever existed

'impossible one of the civilians screamed "this is just a trick"

she sighed as she took off her mask a lot of guys started drooling

hanzo spoke up "we should breed her make strong ninja for kanoha"

she glared at him releasing strong amounts of ki

"if you think im going to be any ones breading stock you sadly mistaking dattebane" her hair flowing in nine seperate parts as an aura of death appeared around her

"thats my girl" a faint whisper was heard she just shrugged it off as it was a coincedence

before she sighed and calmed down well thats all peace out if you still don't believe me their are papers to prove it oh and my name isn't naruto is narumi narumi uzumaki namikaze ja ne

danzo smirked if you think we will let you escape then you are dead wrong ROOT

in an instant a dozen root nin surrounded her all with there weapons raised she smirked

"ah danzo san very nice move but the answer is still no i will not become your weapon or your slut"

danzo growled "you talk as if you have a choice"

her smirk grew "funny that you see im already gone" she said and in a puff of smoke she dissappeared leaving the entire room in chaos

1 week later bombs exploded while she was sleeping leaning against the tree causing her to wake up startled her eyes widen in fear when she saw a barrage of bombs headed her way it was too late to dodge and it hit her head on she used kawarmi in subsitution but the bombs still got her

I missed un a voice said depressedly

someone appeared behind him and did a couple of handsigns burning her to a crisp

hidan you idiot we are supposed to bring her to leader sama un

shut the fuck up was all he said

meanwhile with me I was on the floor bleeding out reason why was simple I had saved a little girl from a bunch of robbers

My Mom is going to be so proud but also sad eh never mind she never really cared about me any ways ah where are my manners my name is scott scott neverwind strange last name I know dont judge anyway where was I oh yes I was dying in a pool of blood 5 bullet holes were at the center of my stomach as I was fading I saw the girl again this time with the entire family and the ambulance the girl that I saved was crying be strong was the last words that I said before I passed on

30 years later

my new name is john green yes I have been reborn along with my wife ariel yes she was a kitsune she reminds me so much of naruto's sexy jutsu from the naruto anime I watched in my past life I adored her especially with her ramen addicts I swear

I had a crush on her during the military academy this wasnt your typical military academy this was a military academy for mages and we started dating a year later

then years after that I proposed to her on the battle field

romantic right

now we were sitting on top of the roof her head on my shoulders

have you ever thought about having kids she asked me

My eyes widen andmy cheeks flushed

well...yeah I think about it everytime I look at you your beautiful and yummy

she smirked and was about to say something but her eyes widen when she sensed something familiar

{no no no why are they here how did they find me why cant they just eave me alone }

"Ariel are you" okay I asked worriedly

"Im fine" she said dismissing her feelings when all of a sudden a group of shinobis appeared starting us as we got in our stance back to back

a guy with hair shaped like a ducks ass came out from the shadows I sensed her anger from here

I easily recognized the situation we were in and noticed ariel was Naruto but how why didn't she tell me I mean Its is kind of fair cause I didnt tell her all about me but what does that make me

as we looked up we saw team 7 and team 8

sauske smirked

"its been while hasn't it...."
