
reincarnation system , starting as mosquito larvae !

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What is reincarnation system , starting as mosquito larvae !

Read reincarnation system , starting as mosquito larvae ! novel written by the author Devil_Dragon785 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, covering action, adventure, reincarnation, system, magic. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


one day Rahen suddenly gains a system which reincarnated him but it's not gonna be just once , the system takes him on journey through multiple reincarnations. this lead us to his journey through many lives trying to figure the true purpose of him having the system.

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A HOPEFUL LOVE STORY Friends, today I am going to tell about a "A Hopeful Love Story", the story starts from a college where there is a girl who belongs to a very powerful background, it is common for her to beat someone to death. There is always a couple of goons with her and in the same college, a simple but absolutely smart boy like Ranveer, reads Rahul, behind whom almost all the girls of the college were lying but he was in love with that sonaya but Rahul was very afraid again. Even he dared to speak his heart to Sonaya one day, but Sonaya made fun of him after listening to him. After that Rahul started to be very sad and there she started beating more and more but now she tried to be straight in front of Rahul and she would often think about Rahul, if she had lived, she would have been in the midst of many people again. She also thought that she was only about Rahul. After a few days, Sonaya realized that she too was in love with Rahul, so she went in her impeccable style and proposed to Rahul, she told Rahul that see Rahul, I love you. I do now you are also fine by loving me, let me go now, say that she leaves from there, that too without listening to Rahul's answer, after some time she again calls Rahul and asks that you have told No, you love me or not, after hearing this, Rahul starts laughing and says that tomorrow we will talk in college. I am the heart,,,, you are the breath,,,, I am the body,,,, you know,,,, I am licking,, Next day Sonaya is waiting impatiently for Rahul, when Rahul comes, seeing Rahul, Sonaya runs fast towards Rahul and is about to hug him that his feet stop on his own and he goes to Sarma's. Stands away, Rahul goes to her and asks why did you stop, she said nothing, just like that, that's how Rahul and Sonaya's love story begins. Now Sonaya started living completely straight in front of Rahul, when Rahul stayed with her, she would not do any wrong, but as soon as Rahul left, she would come in her goon look and start hooliganism. Their meetings continued to grow and their love flourished, now Sonaya started doing everything from petty fights of people to killing someone for money, but Rahul did not know this. One day Rahul and Sonaya were sitting together when a phone call from one of Sonaya's goons comes to him and he tells Sonaya that a girl has come to him and has brought a photo of a boy, give good money to kill that boy. If so, Sonaya says no one, you take the money and do all the work of that boy, then after some time Rahul goes from there to his house and Sonaya goes to his goons but those people have left to kill that boy. But a photo of the boy has ended at the same, seeing that Sonaya's hands and feet start swelling because that photo is not of anyone else but of Rahul. She immediately calls the goon who has gone to kill Rahul but he does not pick up the phone at that time, after sometime when he receives the phone, he says to Sonaya, Didi work is done, I have put the boy to death. , on hearing this, she reaches there running but now it would have been too late, Rahul would have gone to the end of this world, Sonaya starts crying very loudly and tells those goons to shoot me too But those people are unable to shoot their didi, only then Sonaya snatches the gun from her hand and shoots her. THE END

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hlo author here so I am giving my own book less stars because of updating stability but I need some time before i fully focus on it. I hope u guys understand that and will continue to support me


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