
Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

I was once a normal person on earth but I unfortunately died only to be transmigrated into a xianxia world as a disciple in one of the best sects in the world. I forged my own dao created a unique cultivation method and even became the grand elder of the sect.... But I died. again. Only to have reincarnated as the young master of xin clan in another xianxia world(?). Well it's not like I had many regrets in my previous life..... but I really should have......... gone to the *beeep* that time

TeaSerpent · Eastern
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90 Chs

Xiao Dong*

On the day of the auction, Xiao Dong made his way to the auction hall. He wore the cloaked robes he had acquired from the inheritance site, which came with a function to obscure his identity. His spatial ring held all the wealth he had accumulated over time.

The auction began, with a beautiful woman named Yao Ruolan as the auctioneer. Her vibrant red dress clung to her hourglass figure, causing a wave of excitement among the crowd. Xiao Dong couldn't help but 'scrutinize' her,

'Hmph! To dress so immodestly in public, what a frivolous bitch!'

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, I extend my warm greetings to all of you. I am Yao Ruolan, your host for today's auction," she announced, her words(and boobs/ass thighs) brought a flurry of excitement amongst the crowd. "This is no ordinary auction, as a truly exceptional item will be auctioned today."

Xiao Dong's interest was piqued as he heard about the "special item."

"Now, let us begin the auction!" Yao Ruolan declared, directing everyone's attention to the first item of the auction.

As the auction progressed, Xiao Dong anxiously searched for the item that resonated with his scripture. Despite his anticipation, disappointment loomed as he failed to find it.

'Could it be that it's not here?'

Just when Xiao Dong was beginning to feel disheartened, a new item was presented—

"...Now, on to our next item—a mysterious five-colored jade fragment, brought by a mysterious cultivator. This extraordinary piece of jade harbors within it the essence of five fundamental elements, an irregular amalgamation of power. The bid starts at a modest sum of 200 mid-rank spirit stones."

'This might be it!'

Xiao Dong's heart raced, sensing that this mysterious jade could potentially elevate his cultivation to new heights.

"250 mid-rank spirit stones," Xiao Dong promptly placed his bid.

Just as he was envisioning the potential power of the jade, a soft voice interrupted his thoughts, originating from a boy that soured his mood.

"500 mid-rank spirit stones."

Xiao Dong's attention snapped to the source of the voice, where a boy in lavish clothing sat loftily with a girl beside him. The boy's mocking smile only added fuel to Xiao Dong's frustration.

'This damned silkpants!'

Driven by his irritation, Xiao Dong raised his bid, "600 mid-rank spirit stones."

The young master, however, remained unruffled. "1,000 mid-rank spirit stones," he casually countered.

'Argh! How dare he disregard me like this! I won't let him take this opportunity from me!'

Xiao Dong decided to leave the auction hall for now, planning to set up an ambush to claim his prize. But his escape was halted by the sudden presence of another person.

"You better stop where you are."

A figure cloaked in black emerged from the shadows, and Xiao Dong sensed that this person's cultivation far surpassed his own.

'This is bad! This person is much stronger than me.'

Quickly, he activated an artifact resembling ebony prayer beads with a dark aura and channeled his qi into it. However, the person in black closed in rapidly.

"Stop right there, you scum!"

The person's dagger grazed Xiao Dong's arm, and suddenly, Xiao Dong found himself being pulled away from the scene.

"No! How will I face the young lord now?!" The cloaked figure cried out in panic.

In a secluded dark alley,

"Urk..." Xiao Dong clutched his arm, feeling intense humiliation from having been forced to flee like a rat. The memory of the encounter with the cloaked assailant gnawed at him, igniting a fiery determination.

"It must have been that silkpants!! He's the only one who could have tried to attack me!!"

Xiao Dong's eyes burned with 'righteous' fury as he gazed up at the sky, his heart filled with a resolute vow.

"I, Xiao Dong, shall not be a man if I do not take vengeance for today's matters!!" [AN-✂]


Three years passed, and Xiao Dong's anger remained unabated. Despite his weakness, he devoted himself to training in preparation for the day he and Xiao Xiang would enter a sect—the most prestigious one, the Profound Heavens sect.

Standing in the sect's arena for the entrance test, Xiao Dong observed Xiao Xiang glancing around, searching for someone.

"What are you looking for, Xian'er?" he inquired.

"Nothing in particular, Brother," Xiao Xiang replied, her disappointment evident.

Xiao Dong couldn't help but feel uneasy at her response.

"Is that so…" he forced a stiff smile, suppressing the growing discomfort.

Over the years, Xiao Dong discovered that he and Xiao Xiang were not biological siblings. She had been adopted by the Xiao family. This, coupled with other factors, led him to develop feelings for Xiao Xiang.

Xiao Dong vowed to confront the person Xiao Xiang was searching for, fueled by his growing attraction towards her.

An elder appeared, signaling the beginning of the disciple acceptance ceremony.

"Greetings, everyone. You've congregated to seize an opportunity to join the central continent's greatest sect. While you might have been esteemed as talents in your homeland, entry into the Profound Heavens Sect requires you to prove yourselves through a series of tests."

The elder paused conjuring forth floating spheres aglow with mystical light before each group of candidates.

"The first trial assesses your spiritual roots. Although straightforward, this test will cull over half of you. Your results hinge upon spiritual root purity, number of roots, and any exceptional constitutions."

Xiao Dong inwardly scoffed, sensing that the sect was segregating those with prestigious backgrounds from the rest.

As the evaluations continued, it eventually became Xiao Xiang's turn. Xiao Dong's gaze was fixed intently on her, his observations over the past years leading him to suspect that Xiao Xiang possessed a unique and special physique, although he couldn't quite pinpoint its nature.

"Huh?" Gasps echoed throughout the arena as the sphere used to evaluate spiritual roots began to radiate a brilliant blue light, with delicate streaks of gold flowing through it.

'Just as I expected!!'

Xiao Dong's heart swelled with elation upon witnessing the exceptional talent that 'his' Xiao Xiang possessed. The revelation confirmed his suspicions and fueled his determination to protect and support her on her journey.

Soon, Xiao Dong's turn eventually arrived. Amidst the crowd of hopefuls, he found no special recognition.

"Hmph! One day, you all will beg to call me big brother!"

Suddenly, Xiao Dong felt a warm breeze carrying a crimson light. He followed the source, spotting a beautiful girl with crimson hair and amber eyes. She bashfully turned away when he caught her gaze.

'Heh, to feel flustered over something like this.' Xiao Dong thought, but then he realized that the girl was looking at Xiao Xiang.

'Aha! So, Xiao Xiang was looking for her.'




(Copium emptied, balls full.)

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