
Reincarnation of the Transmigrator?

I was once a normal person on earth but I unfortunately died only to be transmigrated into a xianxia world as a disciple in one of the best sects in the world. I forged my own dao created a unique cultivation method and even became the grand elder of the sect.... But I died. again. Only to have reincarnated as the young master of xin clan in another xianxia world(?). Well it's not like I had many regrets in my previous life..... but I really should have......... gone to the *beeep* that time

TeaSerpent · Eastern
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90 Chs

Tai Nidong*


Dark thunderclouds filled the heavens, their roars of thunder accompanying a man dressed in opulent attire as he let out maniacal laughter. Bolts of lightning struck his figure as he reveled in his rather sinister glee.

"Finally!! Finally, I shall reach new heights and be able to roam the realms of the higher beings!! Nothing shall stop me now!!"

Abruptly, his jubilant expression contorted into a pained grimace as he clutched his chest and sank to his knees. Blood trickled from his mouth as he bellowed in rage.

"Who dares!! Show yourself in front of me, you coward!!"

A soft yet enchanting voice floated through the air in response.

"Who are you calling a coward?" The source of the voice emerged—a striking woman clad in resplendent red robes, her raven-black hair framing her delicate face with ruby-like eyes.

"Yi'er You?"

The man's distraught expression transformed into one of betrayal and loss before spiraling back into fury.


The woman's countenance turned cold as she fixed a glare upon the man.

"If you still have to ask why, then you must truly be irredeemable trash."


The man growled at her accusation.

"Do you think the others will let you go after you betray me?!"

The man claimed, attempting to buy time, convinced that if he stalled a bit longer, someone would surely notice that something was amiss.

"Hmph! No one will come to save you. Everyone knew about this. There is no one on your side."

The woman scoffed at the man with a mocking smile, her words dripping with disdain.

Hearing this, the man's expression shifted from shock to an eerie calm as he muttered.

"N-no way... how can they..."

A sudden bolt of lightning descended upon him, reducing his body to fragments.


Gazing at the remnants of the man, the woman whispered coldly.

"Farewell Tai Nidong, I hope you suffer in the depths of hell."

[AN- Pfffttt...]


On the outskirts of Fragrant Jade City,

A youth rested beneath a tree, his appearance unremarkable—neither strikingly handsome nor plain.

Abruptly, the youth's body convulsed as he jolted upright, his gaze darting warily in all directions.

"Where is this place?..."

Suddenly, the youth clutched his head, a pained groan escaping his lips.


"This.... Kkekekekkekehahahahhaha!"

Then, as if possessed, the youth began to laugh maniacally, conversing with himself in madness.

"The heavens haven't abandoned me!! Even though those betrayers killed me, I still ascended to higher realms!!"

Then, his laughter transformed into a sinister resolve.

"To think my 69 wives and 420 concubines all betrayed me!! But I won't let you go, I, Tai Nidong, will not let you rest in peace!!!"

Then, a flicker of contemplation crossed his mind.

"This body seems to be called Xiao Dong, born to a mundane family with parents in the Core Formation realm... not the best background, but better than mine... He has a sister who possesses remarkable talent, and the boy himself is gifted, although not on par with his sister..."

[AN- Xiao can mean small or little, so smol dong]

Then, his expression changed again.

"Hm? He has wood, earth, and metal spiritual roots, harmonized so perfectly. Isn't this the ideal foundation for cultivating the mysterious technique I discovered in my previous life?"

Tai Nidong had once stumbled upon a profound technique, but it was too late for him to master it. He couldn't unlock its potential due to his advanced progress. Not harnessing that technique to build his foundation remained his greatest regret (What about the 69, 420?).

Contemplating this newfound opportunity, Xiao Dong sought to utilize the Cultivation technique. Suddenly, he found himself in a realm of darkness, illuminated solely by golden-green words suspended in the void.

Rushing toward him, the words melded into his consciousness.

Returning to the real world, Xiao Dong wiped the sweat from his brow, his heart pounding.

"Soft Wood Small Stick Scripture... a profoundly intricate technique."

Xiao Dong took a deep breath, his mind reeling from the knowledge he had just absorbed.

And just like that a year passed.

Xiao Dong matured to the age of nine. During that time, he attempted to integrate into the Xiao family, but he still couldn't fully accept the couple as his parents. However, he felt a measure of comfort around his younger sister, Xiao Xiang. Despite his past negative experiences with women (and general general mc behavior), he found her innocence and kindness endearing.

Xiao Xiang cared for him and provided assistance, fostering a sense of trust. Nonetheless, that alone couldn't make Xiao Dong less wary of her, perhaps it was because she was young, that he had felt comfortable around her.

Over the past year, Xiao Dong strived for greater power, though he lacked significant resources. His triple spiritual roots slowed the progress of his scripture, but the foundation he built would be unshakeable, leaving him content.

He had also stumbled upon an opportunity near the Fragrant Jade city, which allowed him to acquire a few valuable items.

"Hmm? Is it here?"

Currently, Xiao Dong found himself standing near an auction hall. A strange sensation stirred within him, resonating with the carriage that was transporting items into the auction hall. As he pondered this phenomenon, he overheard a conversation among a group of bystanders nearby.

"That's a lot of stuff..."

"It is going to be a grand auction, after all."

"I heard quite a few important people will come here tomorrow."

'An auction huh...'

Considering the matter, Xiao Dong's mind whirred with plans for the upcoming event.

'Ever since the Soft Wood, Short Stick Scripture came into my possession, it's brought opportunities. If it resonates with the contents of that box, I must secure it, regardless of the cost.'

With determination in his stride, Xiao Dong walked away, his thoughts already shaping the strategy for the following day. In his journey, he chanced upon an alley strewn with bloodied figures.

'Did a fight break out here?'

Approaching the men, Xiao Dong emitted a hint of his aura and inquired about the situation.

"What occurred?"

The men flinched, and their apparent leader spoke up, his voice tremulous.

"W-we were conversing with a young lady when a spoiled rich youngster intervened, attacking us and then abducted the girl.

Observing the plight of these men, Xiao Dong felt a pang of sympathy.

'Sigh, to think someone would do such a thing to kidnap a girl. Truly no matter the realm, these incompetent young masters are the vilest filth...'

[AN- Pot calling the kettle black.]

After extending a helping hand to the hapless men, Xiao Dong returned to his residence, only to find Xiao Xiang standing outside, her gaze lost in thought.

"What's on your mind, Xiang'er?"

Xiao Xiang snapped from her reverie, her gaze focusing on Xiao Dong.

"N-nothing, just lost in thought."

Observing her flustered expression, Xiao Dong couldn't help but smile.

'How innocent.'

"Shall we head inside?"

"Ah... you go ahead, I'll follow shortly."


Thanks for reading. For the next two days there will be daily chapter, at what cost you may ask? Well, it will only cost you y̶o̶u̶r̶  ̶s̶o̶u̶l̶  the chapter next weak, there are a few reasons for this, one of them being I felt it would be better this way.

TeaSerpentcreators' thoughts