
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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24 Chs

Won't let you down

After hours of hospitalization, the team lay in their beds in the medbay, the room filled with the steady beeping of monitors. Aeti stood by their bedsides, her usual stoic expression softened with concern.

In front of her was Dr. Patrick, a male anthropomorphic golden retriever who appeared to be in his early 50s. He wore a white lab coat, black glasses, and blue pants, his fur a mix of golden hues and streaks of grey.

Aeti looked at him expectantly. "How are their conditions, Doctor Patrick?"

Dr. Patrick adjusted his glasses, glancing over the medical charts. "Mh... Their injuries are significant but not life-threatening. Sara and Alex have some deep lacerations, but we've managed to stitch them up. Darius and Yamaha have some broken bones, but they'll heal with time. Z-43's circuits were damaged, but we've initiated repairs."

He paused, looking at Aeti with a reassuring smile. "They all need rest and time to recover, but they'll be back on their feet soon enough."

Aeti nodded, relief washing over her. "Thank you, Doctor. They've been through a lot."

Dr. Patrick's eyes softened as he looked at the team. "They're a resilient bunch. With proper care, they'll pull through."

Aeti nodded, "I have no doubts they will."

Dr. Patrick smiled at her. "You may stay with them if you want to... I will be in my bureau." He walked past her and closed the door behind him.

Aeti stood silent, looking at the sleeping team. Those Oxtywraiths were far different from any they had encountered before.

Suddenly, she heard a mumbling sound. "Ms... Aeti."

Aeti turned around and saw Sara looking at the ceiling.

"What... happened?"

"You had a rough fight with a giant Oxtywraith. Luckily, Master saved you guys."

"...I see... Say... did you know about that?"

Aeti tilted her head slightly. "About what?"

"Like... the fact that he remembers how to fight... and this strange power he made."

"Well... in my theory, he maybe didn't forget how to fight... but the skill he used was... not what I expected."

"But... how?"

Aeti gazed out the window. "I don't know why, but the moment he fought... he was like a different person... he didn't even use his Artifact."

Sara lay in thoughtful silence, pondering Aeti's words. The scene of Kryzius saving them played over and over in her mind. There was something extraordinary about him, something that went beyond mere combat skills.

"We have to figure out what's happening with him," Sara said finally, her voice filled with determination.

Aeti nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, we do. For now, rest and recover…All of you have made a harsh fight."

Aeti walked away, leaving the team alone. Sara watched her go and sighed. As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, a strange feeling came over her. She began to recall a distant memory from her past, the day she first arrived here.

She was still a newbie then, training alone at the grounds. It was a time of uncertainty and struggle. She remembered the shadows of doubt that clouded her mind, her uncertainty about her abilities.

Then, out of the darkness, Kryzius appeared, asking if she wanted to spar. She had agreed, knowing she would lose, but eager to learn. And lose she did, over and over. How could she possibly win against an 8-foot-tall captain?

But what she remembered most vividly was what Kryzius would say after every match. "You're too afraid," he would tell her, his voice a mix of challenge and encouragement. Then he would turn and leave, his words lingering in the air.

As she lay there now, injured but alive, Sara understood what he had meant. Fear had held her back then, and it was threatening to hold her back now. But seeing Kryzius fight, seeing him risk everything to save them, reminded her of the strength she had within her. She couldn't afford to be afraid anymore.

"I won't let you down, Captain," she whispered to the empty room, determination hardening in her heart. She would fight alongside him, no matter what it took, and she would conquer her fear. For her team, for The Thanatos, and for Kryzius. 

Back in Kryzius's bureau, he stood by the window, his tail wagging slowly behind him.




He was trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. When he saw the others hurt, his body had moved on its own.

"How the hell did I manage to do all that?!" he asked aloud, staring down at his arms in disbelief.




Suddenly, a harsh sound echoed in his head, and he grunted in pain, clutching his temples. Strange, fragmented images flashed before his eyes—memories that weren't entirely his but felt intimately familiar. He saw glimpses of battles, faces he couldn't quite place, and a surge of emotions that overwhelmed him.

"W-what is happening to me?" Kryzius muttered, his voice strained.

As the pain subsided, he sank into his chair, panting heavily. He realized that whatever was happening, it was connected to the memories and skills of the previous captain. But why now? And how could he control it?

Suddenly, he heard a knock, cutting off his thoughts.

Kryzius: "Come in..."

The door opened, and Aeti stood there. "Good day, Master… The team is alright."

Kryzius sighed in relief. "That's good to hear, Aeti. Thank you."

Aeti stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "You were remarkable out there, Master. The team is grateful, and they are starting to believe in you."

Kryzius looked down, his mind still reeling from the earlier fight and the strange flash of memories. "I… I don't know what happened out there, Aeti. It was like my body moved on its own. And then, these memories… they're not mine, but they feel so real."

Aeti nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It seems that the previous captain's skills and memories are merging with yours. This could be an explanation for your sudden abilities. It's possible that in times of extreme stress, these memories become more accessible to you."

Kryzius clenched his fists. "But why? And how can I control it?"

Aeti placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We will figure it out, Master. For now, focus on leading your team. They need you, and you've already proven that you're capable of protecting them."

"You seem to be really close to your captain... but why call him 'Master'?" Sara asked, her curiosity evident despite her fatigue.

Aeti looked down at the floor, a strange feeling of sadness washing over her. "I-I... It's okay if it's personal... I..." Sara began to say, but Aeti cut her off.

"He... he made me."

Kryzius, who had been listening quietly, remained silent, waiting for a better explanation.

"For years... I was just a lonely, lifeless AI, solely designed to guide the captains," Aeti continued, her voice soft. "And yet... one day, a person bought me and... created this body."

Sara and Kryzius listened intently, the weight of Aeti's words sinking in. "He gave me a form, a purpose beyond my programming. He treated me with kindness, with respect. He saw me as more than just an AI. And for that, I am eternally grateful."

Kryzius nodded slowly, understanding the depth of Aeti's loyalty. "So, he gave you life, in a way."

Aeti smiled faintly, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "Yes, he did. And that's why I call him 'Master'. It's not just a title; it's a sign of my respect and gratitude for what he did for me."

Kryzius smile and took her small hand "I hope I will  not let you down as well…Aeti."

Aeti eyes widen at his Captain and she made a small smile.

"Thank you…Master."