
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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24 Chs

The team

Meanwhile, on the bridge of The Thanatos, the scene was busy and diverse. The bridge was spacious with sleek consoles and dim, atmospheric lighting. Officers in black and blue uniforms, including humans, robots, and anthropomorphic animals, worked diligently.

Outside the large windows, the sky was filled with beautiful clouds, illuminated by sunlight. Below, the massive hull of The Thanatos extended, with guards stationed along its length. Their silhouettes stood out against the serene sky.

The front interior of the ship had a dark, eerie glow, highlighting the crew's glowing eyes. The bow featured a huge, dark design with jagged lines resembling teeth, giving the ship a formidable appearance as it sailed through the sky.

Inside the ship, a girl stood by the window. She had brown skin, short boyish hair, and striking yellow eyes. Dressed in a blue uniform adorned with the same emblem, she wore a blue skirt and black shoes. Two long daggers hung at her hip. Her face held a stern, contemplative expression as she gazed out at the sky.

Her daydream was abruptly interrupted by a deep, monotone voice behind her. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

She turned to see a tall anthropomorphic fox with orange fur. His eyes were closed, and he wore a red costume that was a blend of a kimono and modern attire. He was barefoot and had black pants. At his hip hung a huge, long odachi sheathed in a saya.

"Yeah… I guess it is," she responded bluntly, looking back out the window.

The fox looked down at her with a curious expression. "You seem perplexed… is something the matter?"

The girl sighed. "Yeah… It's been months since we heard from the captain. I know he gave me the role of protecting the ship, but… I don't know what to do without him."

The fox stood silent, listening to her concern. "I understand, Sara…" He walked next to her and rested his arm on the bars. "It's hard for all of us, but we have to keep moving forward. The captain trusted you for a reason. We must honor his trust and continue our mission."

"But… this is the thing… our resources have been draining more and more, and we've lost a lot of people…" Sara looked down at the floor, her voice trembling. "I… I don't understand why he picked me…"

The fox sighed and gently placed his hand on her head. "Sara… the captain chose you because he trusts you."

Sara stood silent, looking up at the fox, searching his face for reassurance.

"I know everything has been tough," the fox continued, his voice steady and calm. "But the captain saw your strength and potential. He believed in you, and so do we. You're not alone in this. We will get through it together, and you will lead us, just as he knew you could."

Sara took a deep breath, the fox's words slowly lifting the weight of doubt from her shoulders. "Thank you Mr.Yamaha I'll do my best."

"That's all anyone can ask for," Yamaha replied with a reassuring smile.

Yamaha looked out the window, a serene smile gracing his face despite his closed eyes. A calm aura emanated from him, bringing a sense of peace to the room.

Sara couldn't help but wonder why the captain hadn't chosen Yamaha instead. He was ten times stronger, after all. She clenched her fists, a pang of doubt creeping into her mind. Maybe she wasn't meant to lead the team after all.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and another voice filled the room, vibrant and energetic. "Hey guys!"

They turned around and saw a man with dark hair streaked with red strands. His pale skin contrasted with his blue eyes, and he wore a more adventurous attire. A huge greatsword was strapped to his back.

"How are y'all doing?!" he asked with a wide grin.

Sara rolled her eyes. "No need to put on that innocent look, Alex. I know you were 'busy' slacking off."

Alex rolled his eyes in return. "Whatever, Missy Captain. You see, we heroes don't need to do useless work!"

Alex rolled his eyes in return. "Whatever, Missy Captain. You see, we heroes don't need to do useless work!"

Sara crossed her arms and smirked. "Well, the Missy Captain… I mean trial captain… needs you to work more! Just admit you're lazy and a slow guy."

Alex grinned. "I'm not 'lazy.' I'm just… a slow hero."

Sara frowned, exasperated. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

Yamaha coughed softly, trying to diffuse the tension. "I sense a lot of negative energy coming from both of you." He scratched his head, his calm demeanor unwavering. "Let's focus on channeling that energy into something productive."

Alex chuckled devilishly. "Yeah, Sara, where are the good vibes from you?"

Sara's eyes twitched. "The good vibes will come after I kick your ass."

"Both of you are exhausting."

The three of them turned around to see an anthropomorphic raccoon girl. She was small and slightly chubby, with gray fur and a distinctive black mask-like area around her eyes. Her red eyes were framed by black glasses, and she wore a dark green chemise with a black skirt. On her head sat a black navy hat.

"Glad you could join us, Rina," Yamaha said with a smile.

Rina rolled her eyes. "Whatever… You two are annoying."

Sara pointed at Alex. "He started it!"

Alex immediately retorted, "She started it!"

Rina sighed and adjusted her glasses. "Enough, both of you. We have more important things to deal with than your bickering."

Yamaha looked at her curiously. "Where are the others?"

Rina turned to him. "They are still taking a small break in the roundtable... Say, where is Aeti?"

Sara put a hand on her chin. "Well... she usually talks when we're here. This silence is kind of strange."

Alex shrugged. "Maybe she transformed into her human form?"

Sara shook her head. "Probably not. Ever since the captain went missing, she hasn't transformed at all."

Yamaha: We should try to call her, we are almost back at the kingdom–

Suddenly as they were talking the door slid open once again and this time everyone in the room stood silent.

In front of them was the Aeti in her human form but what was more surprising was the captain who was standing in front of them.

Kryzius: Uh…Hi guys!

Sara: Holy fuck.