
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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24 Chs

The Arriving pt.2

We see the team standing at the port, watching as workers bustle around The Thanatos, performing maintenance and repairs.

Kryzius admired the scene. "That's so cool of them to do this."

Aeti nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is, but this is their job, Master. This is a private port."

Kryzius fell silent, processing the information. "Wow... so you mean that this port is exclusively for us?"

Aeti smiled gently. "Not just for us, but for ships associated with the Kingdom of Actonia. It ensures that our vessels receive top-notch care and attention."

Kryzius looked around, taking in the bustling activity of the port. It was a hive of productivity, with workers efficiently carrying out their tasks. "Impressive," he remarked, feeling a sense of pride in their connection to the kingdom.

As The Thanatos underwent repairs, Kryzius and his team prepared to explore the port and its surroundings, eager to immerse themselves in the sights and sounds of their homeland once more.


As the gang stood together, Rina let out a sigh of relief. "Ugh, finally home... I swear to God, it's like ages we were on the ship... I probably missed so many discounts in shops!"

Liora nodded in agreement. "Yeah... I kinda miss my bed... and that nice restaurant," she said, her cheeks flushing as she daydreamed about cakes.

Darius flexed his muscles, a grin spreading across his face. "What am I missing? These two babies miss their daily workout."

Yamaha chuckled softly. "I quite miss my beautiful library."

Liora rolled her eyes at them. "We were already bored inside, and you still decided to read books?!"

Sara chuckled at their banter and then noticed Alex, who was glancing at Kryzius with a pensive expression.

"What's up?" she asked him.

Alex remained silent for a moment before muttering, "Huh... nothing." He then walked away, leaving Sara puzzled by his sudden departure.


Later, we see Aeti looking into the distance. Kryzius scratched his head and approached her. "Hum... Aeti, what are we waiting for?"

Aeti turned to him with a calm expression. "We are waiting for our transport to arrive, Master. A bus will take us to the palace."

Kryzius nodded, still feeling a bit out of place but curious about what lay ahead. As much as he wanted to ask more questions, he decided to wait and see.

Suddenly, a strange sound echoed from afar. Kryzius turned to look at the distance and saw something highly unusual—a huge carriage, but extremely futuristic. The front was led by two enormous robotic black horses, their metallic bodies gleaming under the sun.

The carriage itself was sleek and aerodynamic, with a polished silver surface that reflected the surrounding landscape. The windows were tinted, giving it an air of mystery and sophistication.

In the driver's seat sat a tall anthropomorphic brown horse, dressed in a modern yet classic attire—a tailored suit with a vest and a pocket watch chain glinting in the light. His eyes, sharp and attentive, scanned the area as he expertly maneuvered the futuristic carriage.

Aeti turned to Kryzius with a calm demeanor. "This is our bus."

Kryzius couldn't help but think, 'This is definitely NOT a bus...'

The others walked past Kryzius, entering the "bus" with ease. Kryzius hesitated for a moment, observing the sleek and seemingly compact vehicle.

"This gonna be enough for all of us?" he asked, skepticism evident in his voice.

Aeti smiled reassuringly. "It may look compact from the outside, but it's much more spacious than you think. Trust me."

As Kryzius stepped inside, he was taken aback by the interior. The carriage defied its exterior appearance, revealing a large, luxurious space with plush seating, advanced holographic displays, and ambient lighting. It was more than capable of accommodating their entire team comfortably.

Kryzius couldn't help but marvel at the technology and design. "Well, this is impressive."

The tall anthropomorphic horse, the conductor, nodded in acknowledgment. "Welcome aboard. Please take your seats; our run to the council will begin shortly."

Kryzius found a seat and settled in, his curiosity about the kingdom of Actonia growing with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Kryzius stood silent, processing the scene before him. 'Wait...the conductor is a horse and he is riding horses,' he thought. The irony and strangeness of the situation were not lost on him, but he decided to keep this peculiar logic to himself.

Settling into his seat, he glanced at Aeti, who was already comfortably seated beside him. "So, what's our next step once we reach the council?" he asked, trying to focus on the mission ahead.

Aeti looked at him, her expression calm and reassuring. "We'll present our report on the Oxtywraiths and discuss potential strategies to deal with the increasing threat. The council will likely have questions, and they'll want your input on how to move forward."

Kryzius nodded, mentally preparing himself for the discussions. The team needed him, and he was determined to live up to their expectations.

The carriage started moving smoothly, the robotic horses pulling them effortlessly towards their destination.

update will not Come tomorrow or next week, small exam soon

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