
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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24 Chs

Seeing Aura

Later, we see Kryzius and Aeti walking down the bustling streets, the neon lights and holographic advertisements illuminating the path. Rina had decided to stay back at the shop for a while.

Aeti glanced at Kryzius. "Are you feeling okay, Master?"

Kryzius nodded, though a hint of sadness lingered in his eyes. "A little bit upset...but I'm okay."

Aeti nodded back, her concern evident. As they continued, they stopped in front of a library. The exterior was a blend of classic and futuristic design, with sleek metallic walls and large, transparent panels displaying animated book covers and interactive directories.

Aeti: Why don't we pay Yamaha a little visit?

Kryzius looked at Aeti and nodded. "Alright, I'm a little curious to see him..."

They both entered the library. Inside, the library was a marvel of modern design combined with a nod to classical aesthetics. Rows of sleek, glass bookshelves floated in mid-air, each packed with both physical books and digital displays. Soft, ambient lighting illuminated the space, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Holographic screens hovered above tables, providing access to endless archives of information. The ceiling was a dome of transparent panels, giving a clear view of the sky above.

As they walked towards the reception desk, they were greeted by the library attendant, a dark blue robot wearing an elegant yet old-fashioned attire that contrasted beautifully with the futuristic setting.

"Welcome to the library," she said in a smooth, melodic voice. "Do you have a library pass?"

Kryzius hesitated. "Oh, er..."

Aeti giggled and took out her own library pass. "He's with me."

The attendant scanned Aeti's pass and nodded. "Very well. Enjoy your visit."

Xaphor and Aeti walked further into the library. Xaphor took a quick glance at the books on display, noticing that, strangely, they looked exactly like average books but with an added layer of futuristic elegance.

Each book had a small holographic tag that hovered just above its cover, displaying additional information and summaries.

The pair continued deeper into the library, passing by study pods equipped with advanced reading aids, holographic projectors, and touch-sensitive interfaces. The atmosphere was serene, with soft music playing in the background and the faint sound of pages turning.

They suddenly stopped when they spotted the samurai fox, Yamaha. He was standing next to a window, holding a book, his eyes perfectly shut.

"Ah... Captain and Aeti, it is good to meet you here," he said, looking up with a calm smile.

"Wow...you noticed us even though you were deep in your book," Xaphor remarked as they both sat down in the nearby chairs.

Yamaha chuckled heartily. "Well, Captain, I can sense your aura, and it is quite strong."

Xaphor looked curiously at Yamaha's closed eyes. "Why do you always keep your eyes closed?"

Yamaha looked down at his book, his fingers tracing the holographic text. "Well, Captain..." He opened his eyes, revealing a startling sight. They were perfectly white.

"I'm blind."