
Chapter 2 : Control over the whole Underground of Green lotus City in one night

It was 4.00 in the sleeping room of the Green Lotus City Biggest Gang Leader Manor and The one people know him as Kin-Shi Or Green-snake he was sleeping with three , girls while a dark shadow was standing there soundlessly the , shadow sent a wide smile looking at the bed. , The sleeping Kin-shin Found a Creepy sound in his head

' Wake Up Little Snake I`am Here To gift you Some Gifts from The God Wake up '. That sounded like whisper , He woke up while his face darkened he was thinking ' W** ..'

He slapped the girl next to him " you bitch wake you you sluts get the *** out of here now this boss needs some , private time GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW "

Jiang who was standing there behind the Curtains smiled ' Well Well Well , aren't you Smart one '

The Girls woke up frightened by Kin-shin Words and 2 Girls left hurriedly while the last girl said and pouted " shi-shi Why treat me like this didnt you promise me last night you will get me a New porsche ? "

Kin-shin Said " little Yue I will talk to you later Now Please Leave i need Some Time Alone "

While the girl was leaving with teary eyes Kin-shin came and sat down picked up a cigar puffing

" What The Hell Was this voice My soul almost left me "

Zhi Jiang Appeared and said a Few words with a deep and Demon Like Voice

" Kin Shi You Can Think of me as The God Gift , i`am here to Give you Gods Gifts Now Please Sit "

Kin Shin Face almost Fall off 'WTF Where did this guy appeared from ? am i dreaming ?'

Kin shi didnt Show his Fear he Said " Humph , are you mocking me , Tell me who sent you here and What is Exactly you want from me and What the hell do you mean by gifts ? " .

Zhi jiang Faced The Arrogant Kin Shi and Smiled he Sent Down his Soul Domain To bore Down on Kin Shi Like Heaven is collapsing , The Frightened Kin Shi Trembled So He Tried his best to squeeze out Some Words " Mister , Please Dont Misunderstand Me , I Mean Can This Slave Know What your lordship Wants ?"

Zhi Jiang Smiled And Stopped His Domain And Sat before Kin Shi He Took out A Small Box

Kin shi Was Relived After The Pressure Disappeared Then he Thought ' This Man is Dangerous '

Zhi jiang smiled amiably" well do you want to take over all the other gangs in Green lotus City ? Or , , Do you Want to have a long life or you can choose to be invincible in This Small City OR you Can be my subordinate and Follow My Orders And Then i Can Give you All These Things Just you need to Choose ."

Kin shin once he heard the gifts his Eyes almost Fell out with excitement but when he heard the last words he knew that he , has no choose at all

" y-your lordship this lowly one doesn't dare to choose I ask your lordship to choose for this lowly one "

Zhi jiang smiled a radiant smile and he took out a Red pill which he formed with his blood

" this pill , will give you Long Life and The power to get the Whole gangs under your , wings and at the same time you will be invincible in this city because I here will act as your backer and you kin shin will always be my loyal Slave so do still you want it ?"

King Shin eyes never left the red pill in zhi jiang hand he kneeled down while trembling

"y-y-your lordship I kin shin , swear to be your loyal Slave for the rest of my life my blood

is yours to draw and my mind is yours to order and my money , and power is your power "

Zhi jiang Eyes showed his content with his choose ' this kin shin is the best choice in this city he can have for now , hahah this city is mine little zhi family just wait you dogs'

Zhi jiang looked at kin shin with a smile and he gave the pill to him and he said " eat this and you will have a new ,life so after this you should start a plan to get the whole , underground under your wings call your people and give the ,orders that this night shall be the bloody night on the

Green lotus city "

Kin shin took the pill and Ate it his body shock his eyes turned red like an apple his face showed his happiness he , can feel he is strong enough to carry 20 men he can , certainly block Bullets his speed became better with his strength his overall strength raised up by 1000% .

He kneeled there " Master this gift cant be compared with ,money its something I can only pay with my blood and life so please master just order me "

Zhi Jiang Laughed " Just Call me Young Master in front of .people , now Call your gang Higher ups and all your Contacts say to them to gather in your private villa in 2 days because , you have something important to say to them face to face okay "

Kinh shin " by your orders "

This Chapter have also been Edited Hope you Have Better Reading Experience , So Please Enjoy

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