
Chapter 1 : Life Within Life and World Within World .

In The City of Green Lotus in a a Dark street where stood there a youth with a girl in his hand facing another youth whose face was like a Hot Burger .

The youth hugged the girl while smirking at the other youth saying " Jian ohh Jiang My Dear Friend , didnt I say to you before that I wanted to taste your Girl but you refused , Humph , now see that she is now mine , look at your self you got kicked from your job no money no love kid I have a big

surprise for you Wanna Hear ? Huh ? ... You ****er didnt you hear what I said ? Listen carefully so that at least you lose knowing why you lost .... The One who Gave me the money to get your Girl is your .. Dear ... Father ... Hahahahah SEE I Told you no Wait ... Listen to this .. The one who got

you kicked from your job and made a ban on your name on the job ban list is also your Father hahahaha What an irony What more the one who triggered all of this is your dear little brother hahaha he was behind everything so now you can die at least after you know this well , I did my best as a friend so if you somehow ended dead dont blame me I have no more relations with you nor your life see you my dear friend"

The Girl pouted " Shi-ge I never wanted to be with him he is so horrible I always wanted to be your girlfriend but he always interfere in my life like a slut humph I HATE him "

Shi Smirked " alright now its our time to leave see he is already beaten up to this state lets leave this dark street I feel creepy see you kid or hahaha hope to never see you

Again "

Suddenly a Shadow came from behind after the couple left the Scene its a shadow of a male a lrage male holding a knife " Kid Give me some money " The almost Fainted Jiang Woke up from

his Shocked state " ah . Sire . Sire please I dont have money with me only this small amount I dont have anymore money on me please take it and let me leave "

The Large buddy Smirked " oh so little money , c`on kid am sure you have more come let this daddy search you "

Jiang already was in a bad shape with almost all of his soul destroyed after what he just heard " sire please can you let me off this time I promise to give you some cash later "

The Other side just Laughed and showed a dark smile on his creepy face " oh you are Jiang of The Zhi Family ? I now remember Someone paid me some money to get rid of you ."

Jiang almost Cried from the shock " w-what sire means someone paid sire to rob me ? "

The Dark Sky Started to gather Rain While The Sky Thundered

The Thief Just laughed " Well you are Smart but he didnt ask me to rob you hahah he just Asked me to KILL , YOU , VERY, SLOW , SO , You DIE , A , HORRIBLE , DEATH , Hahahahah So kid your time in this world is up let me help you leave at least I wont torture you just one strike kill but that`s if you dont resist "

Jiang Face Darkened " s-s-s-so what sire wanna do is ... Ahhhhhhhhh"

The other man didnt give jiang the chance to complete his , words before he stabbed at jiang heart with the knife three stabs , Jiang fall was at the same moment where in Other Place where The Zhi family Reside The Family Was in a celebration .

At this Moment Zhi Yang received a call on his phone " Young lord its done the killer I hired , already done it he is Wasted Happy birthday your lordship"

Yang The young lord and the one who this birthday party for smiled, a radiant smile the he faced an old man with white hair and a blue suit who was sitting , nearby and called " Father , That Waste is Dead Shall we Start it ?" Hearing This The White haired elder Was Saddened for a moment before saying with a smile " happy birthday my one and only Heir the Heir of I Zhi Tong and the only heir of the Zhi Family Small things shouldn`t sadden us on this good day lets start the party "

Zhi Yang turned To the Party and he stood there while smiling and he waved to the invited guests .

Zhi Yang Smiled " All of you are our guests tonight so my father and I wants to thank you for attending my birthday party , and I hope we stay as allies in both Trade and Arms The

brother of I , Zhi Yang shall Never be Wastes Lets start ..."




Zhi Jiang was Dead For Sure but the sky rained down on him and suddenly thunder struck his dead body and his body Trembled and he coughed * Cough * Cough * " hmm ... Bloody hell this body is like trash of the trash shit my luck is indeed bad hmm , lets see this kid memories and see ... What

a ***er ****er Family What in the Bloody Hell Did this kid do to make his family hate him like this anyway ahhhh , mother ***er this kid got stabbed with a rough Knife these ***ers they wanted him to bleed to death damn what a cold , blooded family really its your bad fortune to die kid but

its your fortune that I got to control your dead body so ,give me your life and rest assured I The Human Empyrean will , not let you down "

Then Zhi Jiang or we should we call him now The Human Empyrean sat down crossed legged he mumbled " World of Creation Mantra of Life ... Life Within Life Vitality of The Dragon God Release "

A purple light mixed with Red Came down Jiang Like when a kid follow his mother and The Light Entered Jiang Body bit by , bit suddenly his body Started to shone with golden lights ,before it dimmed again then he opened his eyes which , resemble The Eyes of a Dragon . He smiled then he started to mumble few things " what a shitty place its not easy at all to gather Qi Humph At least

now i have some Qi to Simulate my Blood and Soul , Well There it is , I Need To get stronger With my Soul at The peak of Cultivation of The Empyrean Stage , i Just need to focus on my Body and Inner Power Cultivation , Well , Lets find a Money Bag To Boost my speed , hmm I Will Start with The Underworld Gangs , Lets have some slaves , I think Using My Blood with My Domain Any soul will tremble before me So Lets Move On "

After He Left He Moved in The Night Like a Shadow Moving In His Own World .

Hello , This Chapter have been Edited to be More Readable Hope you Like it , and Wait for More .

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