
Reincarnation of the Emperor

Emperor Alexios died, in a foolish way at that. But that wasn't the end of his story, no, it only marked the beginning after the end. He was reborn in the world of Desira, where the superpowered, magic and fantastical run rampant. Where people don't dream. But… If that were truly the case, why does he dream so often?

Form · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Adalinda's Visit


Silas had turned 10 years old and his father would finally allow him to attend the academy, he also gave him a necklace with the Ward family crest to wear as a symbol of their legacy.

It was made of silver and engraved with the family crest, highlighting its intricate details and exquisite craftsmanship.

Silas was thrilled when his father finally gave him permission to attend the academy. He had been looking forward to this day for years, and now that it was finally here, he couldn't wait to get started.

He put the necklace around his neck and felt its weight resting against his chest. It was a comforting feeling, knowing that he had the support of his family behind him.

A few days later he had been enrolled into the same academy as Adalinda, and she was coming to visit the Ward estate to celebrate his enrollment.

As Adalinda arrived at the Ward estate, Silas was waiting for her. He couldn't believe that she was coming to visit again, especially now that he was about to enroll at the academy with her.

When Adalinda stepped out of her carriage, Silas was struck by her beauty. She was dressed in a stunning gown that accentuated her features and made her look even more regal.

The difference from a few years ago was stunning

As she approached him, Adalinda greeted him warmly, and they embraced each other. "It's so good to see you again, Silas," she said, smiling.

Silas smiled back. "You too, Adalinda. I can't wait to spend the day with you."

As they walked around the estate, Adalinda showed Silas a pendant she had brought for him. It was a beautiful piece, made of gleaming gold and encrusted with diamonds.

The pendant had the imperial family's crest engraved on it, signifying its importance and prestige.

Silas took the pendant.

He was holding a valuable piece of jewelry, one that represented the respect and admiration that the imperial family had for him and his family.

"Thank you, Adalinda," Silas said with a smile. "It's beautiful. Would you mind putting it on me?"

Adalinda nodded, taking the pendant from Silas's hand and fastening it on the necklace which rested on his neck.

As she did so, she noticed something else on Silas's necklace. It was another pendant

"Silas, what's that on your necklace?" Adalinda asked, curious.

Silas reached up to touch the pendant. "It's the emblem of my family. Father gave it to me recently."

Silas and Adalinda were sitting on a bench in the garden of the Ward estate. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the surrounding trees and flowers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Adalinda took Silas's hand. "Let's take a walk," she said, her voice gentle and inviting.

Silas nodded.

They walked along the garden path, taking in the sights and sounds of the evening.

As they walked, Adalinda pointed out different flowers and trees, sharing their names and stories.

As they reached the end of the path, they came to a clearing where the stars were just starting to twinkle in the sky.

"This night feels like déjà vu," Adalinda said, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

Silas raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"It's just that this night reminds me of the first time we met three years ago. It was also a beautiful night like this, and we were stargazing," Adalinda explained, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

Adalinda turned to Silas, her eyes shining with a mixture of awe and joy. "Keep looking at the stars, Silas. They're so beautiful."

Silas looked up at the sky. "They really are," he said.

Silas turned to Adalinda, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. "But not as beautiful as you," he said, his voice low and playful.

Adalinda laughed, her cheeks turning pink. "Oh, Silas, you always know how to make me blush."

Silas leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto hers. "It's true though," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Every time I'm with you, I'm reminded of just how beautiful the world can be."

As they continued to talk, Silas couldn't help but think about how Adalinda's friendship could benefit him and his goals.

When he leaned in and complimented Adalinda's beauty, it was not just a playful gesture.

Though Adalinda smiled at his compliments, Silas felt little joy. What good were sweet words and flattery without leverage or gain?

No, his interest in Adalinda went only so far as her usefulness could possibly extend.

When Silas looked back at her and their eyes met, there was calculation, not affection, in his gaze.

He wondered how much more he might gain from their friendship before it had outlived its purpose.

Where Adalinda saw a caring friend, Silas viewed merely a tool to advance his ambitions. And like any tool, it would be discarded once it had served its use.

Such was the way of an emperor. Attachments only weakened one's resolve and grip on power.

Affections were a frivolous distraction from conquest.

So Silas took Adalinda's hand and spoke kind platitudes, letting her imagine their bond as deep as she pleased. While she romanced fantasies of fate, he followed the cool logic of gains and losses.

He knew that as an imperial princess, she had access to information and resources that could prove valuable.

He also knew that having her as an ally could give him more political leverage and help him gain favor with other powerful figures in the empire.

Despite these thoughts, Silas tried to keep his intentions hidden from Adalinda. He knew that if she caught wind of his true motives, she could turn against him and any of his future plans could be ruined.

So instead, Silas put on a friendly facade, asking her questions about her life and interests and trying to build a genuine connection with her.

He only felt slightly guilty, nothing crazy.

As they gazed up at the stars, Silas couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him.

Did he want to rise and rule an empire like before, or something completely different.

Adalinda's heart skipped a beat as she felt Silas's hand gently brush against hers.

"Silas," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "You have a way with words that's always leaving me speechless."

They stood there for a few moments, gazing up at the stars and enjoying the beauty of the moment.

Silas glanced over at her. She noticed his gaze and met it with one of her own. "Does something trouble you?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Silas shook his head, "Not at all. I was simply enjoying this moment, and your companionship."

Her lips curved upwards, a soft blush rising to her cheeks once again. She looked away for a moment, hiding her smile.

"So, how is the academy treating you so far?" Silas asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

Adalinda's expression brightened as she replied, "It's been challenging, but I also feel like I'm really learning and growing, like I could really tackle my first dream."

Silas nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "I always knew you were talented. It's amazing to see you thriving in the academy."

Adalinda smiled warmly, "Thank you, Silas. It means a lot to hear that from you."

Silas grinned, "Of course. You're a natural when it comes to combat, and I'm sure you're excelling in all of your classes."

Adalinda chuckled, "Well, not all of them. There are some areas where I still need to improve."

Silas nodded, "That's the spirit. I have no doubt that you'll become one of the greatest Inheritors of our time."

Adalinda blushed at his words, feeling a surge of motivation. "Thank you, Silas. Your support means the world to me."

They walked in silence for a few more moments, lost in their own thoughts.

As Adalinda and Silas continued their walk, they could see the imposing Ward Estate rising above the surrounding trees.

The estate was a massive structure, with multiple wings and turrets that reached towards the sky.

When they approached the grand entrance of the Ward estate, Adalinda's eyes widened slightly in awe.

Despite being a princess of the imperial family, she couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the opulent estate before her.

The estate's exterior was a beautiful blend of ancient and modern architecture, with towering pillars and intricate stained-glass windows.

As they make their way inside, Adalinda's attention was drawn to the sound of elegant classical music that echoes through the halls. The walls were adorned with paintings and sculptures from renowned artists, each telling a story of the Ward family's rich history.

The floors were made of polished marble that shines in the warm glow of the chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings.

The dining room was an impressive sight, with a long mahogany table that could easily seat twenty people. The walls were lined with oil paintings of the Ward family, and the chandelier overhead sparkled with a thousand crystals.

The table was set with the finest silverware and delicate crystal glasses. The plates were hand-painted with intricate floral designs that made Adalinda almost hesitant to place her utensils on them, and the aroma of delicious dishes fills the air.

Adalinda took in the sight, feeling a sense of gratitude at the Ward family's hospitality, after just showing up.

As the night drew to a close, Adalinda retired to her guest room. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and soft, plush furnishings.

Adalinda took a deep breath, the smell of lavender from the freshly picked bouquet on her bedside table wafting through the air.

She sunk into the soft, feather-filled mattress and drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and cared for in the Ward estate.

The next morning, Adalinda woke up to the smell of fresh breakfast and the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She got dressed and made her way down to the dining room, where Silas, Eleanor and Gregorio were already seated.

"Good morning, Princess Adalinda," Eleanor greeted her warmly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you," Adalinda replied with a smile.

Gregorio approached Adalinda with a kind smile. "Adalinda," he said. "I wanted to ask if you could do me a favor."

Adalinda raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Of course, Lord Ward. What do you need?"

"It's about Silas," Gregorio began, glancing over at his son, who was busy munching on his food. "As you know, he's just been accepted into your academy, and I was wondering if you could keep an eye on him. You see, he's always been a bit of a troublemaker, and I worry about him making friends."

Adalinda nodded thoughtfully and smiled beautifully. "I see. Don't worry, Lord Ward. I'll make sure Silas is taken care of. And who knows, maybe I can even help him channel some of that energy into something else."

Gregorio let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you, Adalinda. I knew I could count on you. Silas may be a bit of a handful."

Silas looked up from his plate, his face playful with a bit of indignation. "Hey, I'm not a handful!" he protested.

Adalinda chuckled. "Of course not, Silas. I'm sure you'll fit right in at the academy."

With that settled, everyone continued their breakfast. Silas and Adalinda chatting about the academy and the upcoming school year.