
Reincarnation of the demon king

Hades, one of Pandora's 4 demon kings was killed by his beloved. Except to his surprise, he ended up reincarnating in a strange world, what awaits a demon in a totally different world?

KudoEndo · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Nashandra?

Hades uses all forms to let go of the chains that were or didn't understand each other on the floor. It had 1 chain on each arm and 1 on each leg, totaling 4 chains.

As he sees a woman approaching closer and closer, Hades suffers the danger that Hades feels growing bigger. He has never had the same number of pressures before, even when facing ancient or extremely tall monsters. Not even her age could rival this woman.

A woman gets closer and closer, until a moment when she was too small of Hades. She stood for a long time, just looking at Hades with those horrible red eyes.

Hades couldn't resist the pressure emanating from the woman, and like chains that were pulling to the floor and he ended up kneeling with one leg.

Hades felt that with each passing second the sense of danger that he grew, seemed to die right there, by the affected woman hands.

A woman finally moved, to surprise Hades, she crouched down and begin to look into Hades's face. A woman began to lightly caress Hades's face with her hands. This meant that as he tried to make a danger of Hades diminishing, it increased.

While Hades was doing everything to get out because there is no strength in the technique, apparently it is not possible to use it there.

Suddenly Hades heard a familiar mouth.

"Wake up, child"

That voice was actually the one he always heard when he could communicate with the circle, the voice he suspected was Nashandra's.

When Hades heard his voice, he opened his eyes, as if everything he saw was already a dream. Looking around, he realized that he had returned to the forest of sins.

Hades began to gasp intensely, beads of sweat appeared on his face and heart and his heart was beating at a tremendous speed.

"More than shit was that!"

After composing himself, Hades leaned his back against a tree and sat down. He started to ask what the hell they had already done, what seemed to be real, those flowers, the sky, a woman, everything was real. It was as if a few moments had gone somewhere.

Unfortunately, even with all her knowledge it was not possible to find out where this place was, let alone who this woman was.

One thing he was sure of, that sense of danger and fear he felt was the greatest of his life. He could tell that this woman was immensely stronger than him, even stronger than her mother.

"Looks like I'll have to pray never to see that woman again."

After wiping the sweat off his forehead, Hades gets up and tries to relax his body, the fright he had taken now was not small.

Hades noticed that his body was all sweat-stained, giving a slight smile he says:

"Well, it looks like I have to look for a place to clean up. The problem is, I don't have a clue where I should go. This forest is just huge ... "

While Hades was lost in thought, he began to feel a slight headache. Only before he could say or do anything, Hades heard Nashandra's voice again in his head.

"Child, go north. There you will find a lake "

Hades was taken aback when he suddenly heard Nashandra's voice in his head. Recovering, he said quickly

"My goddess, what the hell happened? Why didn't I die when lize attacked me? And what the hell was that dream I had when I tried to communicate with the circle? "

Because he wanted to talk fast, Hades chose the 3 things he was most interested in knowing. He had never heard Nashandra's voice except the few times he communicated with the circle, and yet she always said the same thing. But now, not only did she talk to him, but she also helped him. So he decided to ask her, hoping she would answer him.

Much to Hades's misfortune, she not only didn't answer him, she didn't say anything else.

After waiting for about 5 minutes for her answers, Hades, having no answer he wanted, shook his head and started walking in the direction she had pointed.

Since becoming his master's disciple, Hade has always quests for the circle, be it murder, steal or destroy a certain item. For years he followed the orders of the circle and his master. Even when he mounted his army along with Lize and Fargus he still followed orders from the circle. Because that was one of the things he promised his master: That he would obey any order of the circle.

By serving such a group following Nashandra for so long, he also began to build some trust in her. Especially when he found out that it was Nashandra who ordered his master to train him.

So he blindly served the circle. If Hades got the strength he had, it was the circle, his mistress, and especially Nashandra.

That's why when he heard Nashandra telling him to go north he didn't hesitate or think for 1 second if he should follow her command.

Despite his doubts, Hades knew the answers would come with time. Either for him discovering alone or for Nashandra telling him

"Well, for now I'm going to follow what she said, coming to this lake I think of what I should do ..."

And so begins the journey of Hades in this new world. Not knowing what awaits him in the future he moves on ...