
Chapter 7: Academy part 1

Earlier in the morning...


UZUMAKI resident...

In front of the mirror, Naruto was standing and looking at himself. He was wearing the same clothes as Minato used to wear, but was all black, except the back clan mark which was Uzumaki clans symbol. The only thing that was missing was the headband, but he did not thought that will look good on him.

"The only thing that is not good is this fox whiskers, but I think it is also not that bad. I think I will use it as my unique and personal fashion for the time being" Naruto said while feeling satisfied from his own looks.

(A.N : that's what you think )

(E.N : I always wonder about that whiskers.... Kushina was double timing with the fox :D)

If someone else saw Naruto, they would not believe it was him, the only way to know if it's him is through the fox whiskers and his height which he couldn't do anything about.

After that, he left his room and knocked on the door of Kakashi's room.

"What is it Naruto? Do you need something from me? " Kakashi asked him from inside the room.

"Sensei, come to the dining room for breakfast " Naruto told him.

"You go and wait for me. Don't worry, it will only take me a minute to come " Kakashi replied him.

"ok I will be waiting for you at the table "Naruto told him and left from there.

Then he went to the dining room and sat on the chair in front of the table and started waiting for Kakashi, who came after about 15 minutes while rubbing his eyes.

"Sensei were you sleeping when I called you back then? and kept on sleeping while I was waiting for you?" Naruto looked at Kakashi and asked annoyed and angry.

"Sorry Naruto for being late " when Kakashi heard the angry voice and looked at the new and handsome/cute Naruto, he replied in a low voice. By looking at Naruto, Kakashi could very easily tell that he had woken up much earlier and that was the reason for him looking this good, but what could he do? he wasn't able to sleep the last few days, since he was too busy having plenty of different missions. So, he was sleeping this morning when he got the chance, and how would he know that Naruto wakes up so early? If he knew about it, he would have woken earlier and would not be in this kind of situation.

"It's fine, It was the first time, but please don't be late from now on, because I hate to wait everytime" Naruto replied back to Kakashi.

"ok, I won't be late next time. Today you look different from yesterday?" Kakashi told Naruto while pulling a chair from under the table.

"How?" Naruto asked while taking a bowl.

"You look good and cooler than before and I think it's an improvement " Kakashi told him straight forwardly.

"So, it's a good improvement and I am glad you liked it. Thanks for the comment" Naruto replied while taking a rice and curry for him to eat. While on the other hand, Kakashi had already started eating his food.

"oh this is so good, where did you bought this from? I just can't stop eating " Kakashi asked while putting more food in his mouth in a super fast speed that even naruto can't see him taking off his mask.

"(ও)(E.N : <what is that?) It's good that you like it. It's because I cooked them myself "Naruto replied back to Kakashi with confidence and pride.

Now Kakashi understood that Naruto had really woken up very early in the morning, because this food should take some time to prepare and also, he had never tasted this kind of food before, no, should had said, never even saw them before in this village his whole life.

"That makes sense "

After eating, Naruto asked if Kakashi could wash the dishes and Kakashi agreed to it.

Then Naruto went back to his room and took 3 books which was about the history of the Ninja world from his bookshelf, which he asked yesterday from the old man Sarutobi and then put the books and notebook in his bag.

When Naruto was about to go out of the house, Kakashi called him.

"Naruto, there is still 2 hours till the academy starts, don't you think you are going too early? " Kakashi asked Naruto confused

"No you never get early when it's about work, so good bye and let's hope to meet after the academy" with that, Naruto put on his hood over his head and covered his hair, then started to walk toward the academy.


In the Academy...

It only took him about 5 minutes by slow walking, to get in front of the door of the classroom which he was assign in.

Naruto went near the door and opened it. He knew about the class from his previous world.

The classroom was empty and nobody was in the classroom, so it wasn't a problem for him to go in and sit anywhere he wanted to sit.

Naruto went in and sat at the very back of the branch in the classroom then took out a book, a pen and the notebook from inside the bag.

While he was reading he would take notes and sometimes asked Kurama about something about the history.

This was after about an hour, the door was opened again and a lazy looking boy entered the classroom, from the previous memories of Naruto and from his previous world when he watched naruto, he knew it was Shikamaru.

When Shikamaru saw a new boy, whom he did not know of and on top of that he came even before him. It really confused him. Even on top of that, the boy was waiting for something from the looks of it.

"Wait, are you Naruto? " when Shikamaru saw the fox whiskers he thought the new boy looked kind of like Naruto, but to confirm that, he asked him.

"Yes I am, but why are you this early? don't tell me your mom kicked you out of the house and sent you to the Academy because you were lazy? " Naruto told him while there was a smile on his face.

The answer really shocked him because this Naruto has nothing in common from the previous Naruto he knew of, except those whiskers on his face. What happened to him? he was a completely different person from just 2 days ago. If not for those whiskers, he would not even believe it was the same person.

"You are right my mom kicked me out and sent me to the classroom, but what happened to you man? How did you changed so much? " Shikamaru asked him confusedly.

"Oh, look, it's nothing, I just thought of a different style than usual "

'What do you mean by look? Everything about you have changed, from looks to talking style.... Sigh' after some thinking, he went to sit down and started sleeping on the table, while ignoring about his thoughts about naruto's sudden change, because he thought he was going to know about it once the class begins.

filipino! filipino! filipino!..... i just saw from the report that a lot of filipino's are reading this, hehehehe... the frustrating thing about this author is that i had to add a lot of 'the' on the sentence and 'a', if i didn't, the sentence won't make sense. I also had to add a lot of ',' since we got to stop all those run on sentence and catch our breath. or mind breath

illegal_incognitocreators' thoughts