
Reincarnation of Historian in God Era with Bio Chip.

A Historian is a guide whose role was to guide humanity since the era of God and most Knowledgeable person among the Ancient God's and Demon, in front of their knowledge whole assembly of God's and demons were to kneel if he was passing by. In reality, Historian was not a single entity but was a whole organisation in which they had been collecting information from various worlds from various eras and various dimensions. A guy named Chen of unknown origin was also one of the famous and reputed Historians in the history of the organisation. For Historian knowledge was everything and did not dwell in the pleasure of life, walking in the path of solitude but one day a child blessed by Chen fallen by the act of a Demon King, even when he had requested to Demon King, Chen exploded out on the anger and ended up wiping out the whole the mankind from the dimension, after that place was developed and was called Earth where magic and all the things related to it was prohibited from the usage. Chen who looked at the Earth develop from the void world which was nill of any knowledge, He was finally sentenced to descend to a lower plane to repent in form of life, so his journey when was about to begin a friend of his requested all the Historian to help him and gave a benefit for helping them out all this time, he was given a chip which was created by his friend for all his life as he decided the lower world. DeviantArt is the real artist of the img and I am only currently using for short period of time is allowed by the artist.

IwanttoKill · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Observation Qualities

Inside the Tavern, Anthony and fin ordered the food while the group of 4 people enter inside who had the same blessing as Anthony sitting beside them, 3 of them were girl's and among them the one who attracted the most of the attention was blonde hair girl, she had the feeling of nobility and wind of a dignified personality, at which Amethi commented inside his mind 'A higher class nobility and one of the chosen one, huh!'

Chosen one can also be known as the blessed from the Historian which was just meant by the personality and most of all was the faith which was shining on the girl's head, this was something his friend had given him, Chip was instructed to provide the feedback of the fate of the person and due to which he was able to see the fate of his sister and was able to deduce her talent for the magic.

After coming inside Emilia felt someone looking at her, when she turned to look at the person she was not able to recognise him at all, but by his side were sitting the senior from the familia of Goddess of Life, whom she was acquainted off and the person by their side seems to be quite familiar with them.

"They seemed to be from the refuge I guess were they chosen by Goddess, Hmm! and that guy gaze doesn't seem to have any I will behind them but still are uncomfortable." Emilia thought as she bows her head to senior and nodded to those two.

Amethi nodded and looked back at the dish, which was being served while the other two girls who seemed to be from Elves nodded at them smiling a little mysterious at those guys. Both the elves were named Amanda and Elsa from the lost tribe.

Amethi eye's brightened at the thought of the Lost tribe, given in the history of his world all of them were lost or killed by someone for their scarlet eyes, those were special traits and highest class closer to Divine eyes.

"They can sense my Mana flow and can predict most of my thoughts, which are incredible, to begin with, but also a little scary if you are their opponents." Amethi nodded while twin elves looked at Emilia with a bright smile, Emilia tried her best to make it look like a casual event where she happened to see those elves, but for Amethi, it was quite obvious to see that they were working under her.

Amethi looked back at Alicia who was sitting quietly and wanted her to open up to others, but given the scars in her heart which was left during her childhood off this girl, Amethi was unable to come out with anything to say to her.

After that, the guy which had a Dog ear and Tail, turned around silently and let Alicia go toward the table when he confirmed Anthony presents on the table, where his smile which seems to be of a guard turned normal as he spoke "Anthony, I never heard you are going to pick up some weaklings, and you even said that it was quite important it mission with Goddess had asked of you."

Ranner spoke sarcastically while Amethi looked extremely calm given he was weak right, and he got whatsoever no reason to deny the fact that he was weak. Amethi was also sure of the fact that the weakness had nothing to do with his prospect, white he was sure that he will become stronger and stronger than most of the people present inside this world sooner or later, but the only matter was just time.

Ranner was surprised to see the guy was very calm at his comment while the look of that boy was filled with confidence, it was a rather interesting combo given what was behind that smile of the Amethi, he was getting quite curious over the boy in front of him.

Everyone started to have the food while the topic about a tall structure which has appeared from nowhere in the middle of the forest from where the Demon was invading the city, the group was trying to discuss over the point when " It is called a dungeon, well one can say it hides of demon and treasure trope for an adventurer to certain limitations, given adventuring inside that tower usually means to get killed by other demons and most probably demons are not the real enemy inside the dungeon, it is the person you have trusted upon that is your team members."

Of course, everyone has heard of the rumoured dungeon and also had an adventure inside it a few weeks ago, given the cases around the adventuring it was rumoured to be death rate of the adventurous were around 40% more than usual... Anthony nodded while looking at Amethi since this knowledge or information was something that was hidden from most of the citizens not to say a refugee.

"It's nothing to be astonished about since, given I had been Tod about how many adventurous were inside the city since we were child's, giving the morning I started to walking towards this camp of yours I started to notice the people around me which were mostly commoners and it was hard to notice the adventurous around."

"That Scar guy action to take offence in such a broad daylight was also a good showcase that management in the city has been tumbling, given everything of the above one can easily think about it even if he was an idiot."

Amethi had the habit of observing the surroundings and due to which it becomes the part of his life to collect information from everything surrounding him.

At that point, most of the people surrounding him revealed an astonishing expression since it was very rare to find such an observable human which tends to become a great collector.

"Ohh! that's a unique talent in its own, I never thought you can observe to a structured detail, that you are thinking and observing skull is above mine." Anthony laughed at the point while he was quite happy to have someone like him on the team, given a lot of burdens will be put off from his shoulder due to Amethi presence.

"We were in the war zone if not for this habit of mine, I and my sister safety was not something I could have guarantee without it, so let me apologize from the advance this habit of mine is something I will try to suppress as much as possible to not to harm you guys or offend you guys."

"I hope, you will not try to suppress this talent of yours given it is something I need you to have if possible to make it easier for me, As for us there is nothing we will be offended for since we have nothing to hide from you." Anthony in the first place was very happy about having Amethi talent within his group since all of the group members were dumb enough to be not able to count on them when needed in a situation like this, where the presence of Amethi can be a good addition to their strength.

Emilia was quite interested since she was also the type who could not use words to defend or attack, given the only experience she had which was related to talking with someone else than her family and butlers, maids working in her house. She was fed up with an arrangement of her father to be bonded with the man she never knew, she ran off without knowing that the world outside was not something good.

Thanks to sword wielding she had been practising for her life as long as she remembers, she was able to survive in the society for few days, when the Goddess of life was there to protect her from an adventurer who was stronger than her.

After she had joined this familia her father was not able to pressure her anymore and her mother decided to leave the house for her daughter sake too, given if she were to live with her father he could have used that as an excuse of tampering with Emilia life once again and in this case even the Goddess of life could have been helpless.

Emilia father was angered to lose a good connection with the Goddess of life and went Berserk on which the king I was forced to take the action against her father, and finally, everything was settled with the turn of the event. Emilia always believed that hypocrisy and hiding one thinking to harm others was the way of the weakling, but the boy in front of him does not show any kind of shrewdness and craftiness even though he was way better than her father in gathering the Intel.

Emilia never realised that her way of looking at Amethi had made Alicia aware of her and she looked at her brother in a particular manner, it was quite obvious that the little sister of Amethi had misunderstood the situation, while Anthony was smiling from the side given he was able to guess out everything correctly.

Unaware of the fact that Emilia and Alicia were thinking two different things but was related to him Amethi was just digging on his food since he was quite hungry, to begin with.