
Reincarnation of Historian in God Era with Bio Chip.

A Historian is a guide whose role was to guide humanity since the era of God and most Knowledgeable person among the Ancient God's and Demon, in front of their knowledge whole assembly of God's and demons were to kneel if he was passing by. In reality, Historian was not a single entity but was a whole organisation in which they had been collecting information from various worlds from various eras and various dimensions. A guy named Chen of unknown origin was also one of the famous and reputed Historians in the history of the organisation. For Historian knowledge was everything and did not dwell in the pleasure of life, walking in the path of solitude but one day a child blessed by Chen fallen by the act of a Demon King, even when he had requested to Demon King, Chen exploded out on the anger and ended up wiping out the whole the mankind from the dimension, after that place was developed and was called Earth where magic and all the things related to it was prohibited from the usage. Chen who looked at the Earth develop from the void world which was nill of any knowledge, He was finally sentenced to descend to a lower plane to repent in form of life, so his journey when was about to begin a friend of his requested all the Historian to help him and gave a benefit for helping them out all this time, he was given a chip which was created by his friend for all his life as he decided the lower world. DeviantArt is the real artist of the img and I am only currently using for short period of time is allowed by the artist.

IwanttoKill · Fantasy
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Blessed one of Goddess of life

When a cold faced man laced with a scar, started looking at the group and found Alicia, his mercenary eyes recognised that the girl was a beauty and smiled as he walked at the girl whose shoulder was patted by a thing and insignificant boy with dirty clothes. Scar walked and Hummed in front of Amethi and Alicia who was shocked and shook in fear cuddling at big brother chest.

Since childhood, she was being protected by a kind mercenary who had the like his daughter and the moment he died Amethi was the one who extended his kind hand without taking any possible benefits, at first she was quite aware of Amethi actions from time to time but as the time passed she got ashamed of her feelings and her thoughts since the boy in front of her had never looked at her with those eyes, even the way he saw her different than most of the people not like those who wanted her body.

In reality, Amethi was not looking for renting her emotions like *** and all, but he treated her like the little wife he might have in the future and earnestly looked at her to pay the feeling he had been transmitting through his action.

Alicia started to understand the feeling the boy in front of the wanted to convey all this time, but I'm the thought she couldn't help but blush while to avoid his gaze, she ended up calling him big brother, to convey that she will return his feelings but she was not ready for the time being.

Amethi was not an idiot and start enjoying the fact that she has close enough to him, where she was able to call him a big brother. In contrast to the fate of heaven, what's the night he was badly injured and died.

Maybe it was the feelings that resulted in his soul merging inside this body and that gift from his friend must have reserved this boy life.

"Hello sir, may I ask if you have anything to say to us, if not me and my sister are quite hungry and wanted to you have the meal as soon as possible." Amethi who was well aware of the thought of the person in front of him which was riddled with scars, but could not help but ask to present that he was kind enough to ask the person what he needed, and after that, if the person does not allow them and harm them he can take action in the name of self-defence.

"Oh! nothing I was just here to help that girl have the breakfast with me, giving you must have felt that have blessed she is I will allow her to live with me you know, as a brother I hope you will make a good choice for both of you." Scar spoke seriously but the smirk on his face was not hard to be detected by even the blind man.

"Of course, I will make a good choice for both of us, that is why I am going to ask a request from you that is." The scar was surprised by the boy being obedient and smiled, while other people who were coming to word them frown from the word of Amethi, there were many people who were looking at the choice the boy had made and could not help but hide their disdain toward his actions.

But from the beginning to the end, Alicia had never turned back to look at her brother since she knew he will never let go of her like this and his brother was not a coward.

"I hope you can get lost for us, and don't get us puke at the sight of yours, given the smell of your body is already a way too disgusting not to boost Your face who is not worthy of my little girl." Amethi voice was not small but it was filled with the vigour of childhood and maturity, the eyes of the boy were already dead cold enough to give the Scar freak out of his pant.

When the group saw the sudden change in the atmosphere could not help but embarrassed at their thoughts and spoke silently through the group, 'that boy is seemed to be quite good, given the will to protect even made Scar afraid of him, I think that boy I will become a good warrior, given the girl by his side and her expression I can tell she is very close to the boy and if we try to take her we might end up, causing to lose faith on our Goddess.

Hmm! that boy will also be a strong man in the future and it is not wrong for both of them to fall in love anyway, and I think Goddess of life will be happy to have both of them and give her blessing to them.

Amethi knew that the talent of Alicia in terms of Magic and Mana capacity was already beyond his since her soul had been very pure from the very beginning while the soul of this boy was also pure at the beginning of his birth but was supported by all the surrounding miasma.

But for him, it was not a problem, to begin with since how many heroes had been born from the dark side, and was blessed by the Gods also, it proved that once the blessing of a God has been given to even a demon, all the impurity inside the soul of the person will disappear and was the reason why he had planned to get the blessing from the Goddess even though it will cause a little problem in the future which is very far away for now.

Since Amethi did not want his soul to be contaminated and once the soul has been cleansing by God he will be able to practice the starlite soul river technique, to make his soul immune to any Miasma and was something even god was not able to feel given soul is not something which can be just by the God and the goddesses who had been shut from using their divinity in the lower world.

Amethi looked at the group who were standing behind them, among them, he was able to feel the divinity of the Goddess and knew the help has been here for them, He smiled and spoke politely "Thank you brother's and sisters for helping both of us right now."

At which all the members smiled at him and spoke "There is no need to do that, given it was something or goddess has asked from us and given anyone around us would do the same even if we were not here to help you out." The short guy seems to be the most mature among the group and spoke as he looked around, reason to his word he was targeting all the people who were turning blind eyes on the scene causing them to embarrass.

Amethi was smart enough to keep quiet and not to add Salt to the want of those around them, due to which most of them understand the reason why the poor boy was keeping his quiet and looked at him with gratitude. Anthony, I was impressed with the way Amethi had done, and also got the favourable impression of the boy in front of him.

The other two girls also smiled while the left person from the group seemed to be a straightforward type since he was not able to tell judge anything which happened around here.

Amethi smiled and nodded his head while he started to look at the group and spoke "I am sorry for the rush but my little sister is already feeling quite hungry, will you allow us to have some food or we might end up collapsing here out of hunger."

The group smiled and invited the group to have breakfast with them, Amethi accepted since the food given by the camp was not something very nutritious and he wanted his sister to be well-nourished in the time of her growth, given she was his baby princess, she could not go undernourished at a period like this.

After they had travelled with those people, given the blessing behind those people were the prove that the Goddess of life has chosen them, and given to the record he was able to tell that all of them were the first generation of the blesser, which can tell that these guys were someone who would not ham other based on greed and emotions.

It was a Tavern, which was bustling with activity while Amethi and his sister Alicia got inside and had attracted quite a little attention, maybe because of the group by the side they had enter.

Alicia was the shy kind of girl and could not help but hide behind her brother, even though Alicia has walk beside her brother who she trusted with all her heart, when stare like that was a little afraid of the piercing gazes.

But Amethi slight pat on her head made her forgot all of that and follow him with the little hand tightly clutching Amethi hand.