
Reincarnation of a Non-Retard

Our dear MC died... that's it. He is average. A non retard. And gets reincarnated into a typical retarded fantasy world. A side project for fun, I have no motivation to continue my others work really... *sighs in sighness* Hiatus, and will probably won't wrote this one ever

RealmWriter · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I died

//Where am I...//(A/N, this is a subconscious or feeling kinda thing not really an active thought//

//Is... Light...//

A bright flash spread through out the black void as a figure was engulfed in it.


[First-Person POV]

"Wake up!!"


I wake up to someone shouting at me, or did it wake me up?


A hoarse voice said

I looked at the source to see an old grandma, standing on clouds.

'I died didn't?'

"You did" Said the old hag


'What's up with this old hag then...? where's the beautiful busty blonde goddess??'

"I'm not an old hag!"

The voice hurts my ears to be honest...

"Your are here because I need you to do a job"

"What is it?"

"Reincarnate, take a picture of the sky, and do whatever you want after sending me the picture"

'Heh??' I dropped my neck to my shoulder.

"That's it? no demon lord shit??"

"Why would I need you for that? my brother already got a classroom summoned for that, since the younger an isekai'er, the more potential they have. Your 42, and useless"

*Critical Hit, Emotional DAMAGE*

"Now that hurt..." I couldn't deny a word she Said

"Well follow me, you'll get a golden finger since I don't need these three"

'I wonder what kind of retarded nonsense it'll be'

After a while of silent and awkward waking we reach a giant cloud with three capsules.

"Here, choose the one you want" She smiles.

Her disgusting teeth show.

'... Don't think of a comment'


I quickly pace my self AWAY from the old witch with dental problems.

'Let's see... Oh, System!'

[Advanced AI system(Learns), shop(No refunds, upcharge 200% and only items master has acquired), stats(Letters), skills(No more then necessary).]

'Sounds sus...'

[Talent acquisition(divided by 10), but also steals the targets bad luck.]

'Fuck that, my luck is already shit'

'And finally...'


...Life sure is fun