
Reincarnation of a Non-Retard

Our dear MC died... that's it. He is average. A non retard. And gets reincarnated into a typical retarded fantasy world. A side project for fun, I have no motivation to continue my others work really... *sighs in sighness* Hiatus, and will probably won't wrote this one ever

RealmWriter · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Honestly, Caves are goat! [1]

[Which direction do should you choose?]

[Plains] ☆[FOREST]

[Selected Forest]


It's been like, I dunno, 30 minutes? since I started walking.

After learning about the system more and stuff I got distracted and just started walking, and walking and walking.

But atleast I remember how I can here.

The trees here are really weird, with yellow goey mess on them.

I also see rabbits and other normal animals here and there. Wonder if any more fantasy mobs are here other then slimes.

Leaves Rustle*



I ducked and luckily dodged a yellow coated arrow. Don't think that's an important detail though.

I turned to face the tree where it came from but to my surprise was met with the body of a red thing falling at me.

I roll the side and the red thing hit ankle, falling down.

I immediately charged at it with a pretty strong and sharp price of wood I found. Probably because of mana as I've found out it's the most commonly used energy and influences more then 75% of this world.

I stab at the thing like I'm ready to perform a sacrifice, reverse grip.

It cogs its head back and attempts to bite my hand.

I try to move my hand but it's already gathered up momentum and it barely moves, and it's teeth cause two large cuts on my hand.


It hurt like shit.

I punched at it but it immediately jumped back.

"Heh, peice of shit" I smirked.

I held the piece of wood and threw it like a javelin.

It flew with quite some speed, piercing the annoying creature but not killing it. I immediate jumped at it.

I punched it's face, over and over again. A bit too brutal for details.

And it quickly turned into a bloody mess, but you couldn't tell much since it was already that grotesque.

I pulled the sharp wood out of its body and said.

"What's this thing?"

[No Information]


I quietly took it's bow and arrows. I thank this creature of so graciously giving me this bow to begin my journey as a marksman.

After getting up I took a proper looka t the creature. It had red skin, sharp not aligned teeth, two arms, a tail, and two legs. It also had a small pipe like thing on it's nape, leaking slightly yellowish blood, different from the rest of the body.

I look at my newly aquired bow and arrows and started 'appraising' them.

'The bow is made from hard wood, not to great but It shouldn't make a difference since I don't have the strength needed to stretch the wood. The grip is alright but a little small, the string seems to be the only noteworthy feature'

I turn my head to focus on the arrows.

'It's not bad, seems like it's made from the same material as the bow. It should have proper balance and the tip seems sharp enough, but they'll get worn out soon'

The wooden tips weren't all that good.

I decided to ignore the yellow liquid since it may cause me to get injured somehow.

Quickly I start leaving the area. hopefully no more of then appear.

But my hopes were let down, as I heard the noises of fast movements above and around me.

'Hoepfully they don't see me, or else I'm dead'

I go on top of a tree, as running around will probably make too much noise.

"Chee chee!"

I hear weird and disgusting noises from below, where I can see a bunch of those creatures.

//Why did I even unlock my mana stat!? I do even know how to use it!//

I silently wait, crouched on a tree for them to leave.

And they do!

"The luck stat really was a good investment"

I didn't have any proof of it helping, but anybody with some sense could tell that I would be in quite a pickle without it.

Unlike other stats, Luck is always helping me, or we'll atleast more actively. Since if I have 5 strength, then how will that help me normally? But with luck 5 it'll be helping me constantly.

I jumped down as silently as possible and start running, and both weren't that silent.

After a long time I hear those creatures again, but they seemed to have found me this time.

'I guess I have to fight no matter what!'

I pulled out my bow and knocked an arrow, getting ready as I focused my senses.


An arrow flew and hit one of those red things, knocking it down the tree.

"Time to survive this manhunt!"