
Reincarnation of a living god

In Alfan the world where the (un)fortunate protagonist of this story finds himself, are there at any point in time 5 living gods, if one should die a new one is added to the mix, thought the history of Alfan there have been many living gods in the world appearing as hero's, king's and queen's, master chef's, tyrants, or as completely unknown people. join Mars as he sets out on a journey to explore Alfan to find out what kind of living god he wants to be. as soon as he gets there that is. Volume 2 going full steam ahead with 3 chapters a week! chapters are more than 1500~ words. Authors discord: https://discord.gg/uHVhX9m

zad1333 · Fantasy
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378 Chs



Mercury didn't believe what he was seeing, the mighty party, although encased in an avatar was kneeling down on the floor in front of this man, the man glanced at Mercury, and for only a moment he felt like he had been dropped at the bottom of the ocean, cold pressure all around him and in front of him, an ancient primordial beast stared at him, thinking about whether it should eat him or just leave him to suffocate and be crushed at the bottom of an abyss, this only lasted for a moment before the man scoffed and looked back at Party and spoke

"I did tell you didn't I?"

[I-I-I didn't---]

"But I told you, right?"

[Yes… Yes you did…]

The man disappeared from view suddenly, Mercury heard a loud bang and looked over, the man had slammed Party into the wall of the prayer room and was grasping the neck of the avatar, Mercury felt his head go blank, then a single word appeared in his head, he muttered
