
Reincarnation of a living god

In Alfan the world where the (un)fortunate protagonist of this story finds himself, are there at any point in time 5 living gods, if one should die a new one is added to the mix, thought the history of Alfan there have been many living gods in the world appearing as hero's, king's and queen's, master chef's, tyrants, or as completely unknown people. join Mars as he sets out on a journey to explore Alfan to find out what kind of living god he wants to be. as soon as he gets there that is. Volume 2 going full steam ahead with 3 chapters a week! chapters are more than 1500~ words. Authors discord: https://discord.gg/uHVhX9m

zad1333 · Fantasy
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378 Chs


Mercury was about to run away again when he suddenly found himself unable to move as a hand had grasped his shoulder, he turned his head and saw Chloe with a smile on her face, sensing escape wasn't possible Mercury looked back at Mars and asked

"Why did you attack Party?"

"Because that's what I told her, if she ever returned to Salen I would cut her head off"

"...Then why did you bring me here?"

Mars shrugged before he dodged the question

"I wonder?"

Mercury sighed before he looked Mars in the eye and spoke

"If you hurt my parent any more I'll kill you"


Mars then turned silent for a few moments before he suddenly showed a smile again and looked to the elf on his side

"He sure got a spine on him, don't you agree Mary?"

"I think he's a little childish, what about you 78?"

"Yeah, though he's got potential to be a real mean living god~"