
Chapter 8

Days passed and it was finally time for the festival. Thankfully i was able to made up with Layla.

I should really be more careful of my expressions and emotions around people.

I sigh exhausted from helping people with the arrangements.

I look up surprised when a hand patted my head gently. It was the guy who I met at the museum. I just looked at him blankly and lightly moved his hand away.

"Why are you here?"

"I go to the same school as you. I'm your senior."

That's when I noticed that he was wearing the same uniform as me. I blinked owlishly at him as the information was processing in my head. He just laughed at me. I was tempted to hit him but stopped myself.

Calm down Aria. Be the more mature person.

I just took a deep breath and regained my composure.

"Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Not exactly. I just saw you walking alone and sighing like something is bothering you on this beautiful day so I thought I'd walk up to you and talk."

While I was contemplating on what to say, I felt him place something on my head. I looked up at him only to almost laugh at his expression. He looked like a child that's excited to receive presents during Christmas. I tilt my head and looked at him curiously while trying to feel what he placed on my head. While doing so I noticed his expression change slightly. He was flustered and covered his mouth while avoiding my eyes

Is he blushing?!! Aww how cute....wait what?!! What the hell is wrong with me?!! Is it the lack of sleep?

While I was panicking internally, I realized what he placed on my heat. It was a cat ear headband. I ended up laughing at his behavior. He let out a sound like he choked on something and turned even more red. I was laughing too much at this point that my stomach started to hurt. He finally looked at me.

"You have a nice laugh. I prefer it over your usual expression."

My heart slightly fluttered at his compliment.


He just beamed at me. That's when I remembered something.

"I also want to thank you for returning my notebook...."

"Asher. It's no problem. "

"The notes that you added really helped me too. Is there something I can do to repay you?"

He playfully posed as if he was troubled by my question then grinned mischievously. I grew slightly nervous at his expression.

"Accompany me to the mid autumn festival."

I looked at him surprised and contemplated on the idea before finally agreeing.

"Where are we going to meet up?"

"I'll just pick you up at your house."

I just nodded at his reply. He looked at his watch and said that he needs to go help his classmates for the festival. He quickly side hugged me then ran off. It happened too fast that i wasn't able to stop him. I just sighed when I felt something move in my jacket pocket. I took it out only to see that it was a piece of paper. Written on it was his name, number and a smiley face. I shook my head at his childishness and saved his number on my phone. I headed back to my classmates and continued helping.

It was already 3 in the afternoon when we finished. I grabbed my bag and headed home. Once I arrived I rested for about 15 minutes then took a bath. I'm now standing in front of my closet unsure of what to wear. In the end, I chose to wear a cute blue blouse and dark blue jeans. I slightly curled my auburn hair and lightly tousled it. I put on my black combat boots and grabbed my bag. My phone lit up. It was a text from Asher saying that he was outside of my apartment.

Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?

I pocketed my keys and raced downstairs, towards the door. It was when I arrived outside I remember exactly what it was.

I forgotten to grab my jacket

I couldn't go back and grab one since he was already here. I just waved and continued walking while ignore the chilly October wind. He was leaning against a black car. When I was right in front of him, he looked at me worriedly. He removed his jacket then proceeded to wrap it around me. My face heated up in embarrassment.

"I'm fine. It's not really co-"

He interrupted my protest with a click of his tongue with an eye roll.

"Yeah sure. As if I'm gonna believe that when I saw you shivering ever since you walked out the door."

His voice was stern yet carried a hint of ... worry??? His tone of voice accompanied by his caring gesture made my heart clench. It worried me to no end. He opened the door for me, waited till I got in then he sat on the driver's seat. He opened the radio and my favorite song was playing. Forgetting where I was, I began to sing along. When the song ended, I heard someone clapping. My face flushed as I see Asher staring at me with a smile.

"Have you been staring at me this entire time?"


I hit him in the shoulder and he bursted out laughing.

"Focus on driving. Do you want to crash?"

We ended up playfully bantering until we arrived. He got out first then opened the door for me. Once we were inside, we contemplated on what we should do first.

"Why don't we walk around first to see what catch our attention?"

He nodded at my suggestion. Then we began walking and tried out various stalls. I then saw a cute medium size wolf plushie.

I want it. I'm bad at darts though.

While I was busy moping, I didn't notice Asher walking towards the said booth and paying to try it out. I was snapped out of my daze when he casually handed me the plushie I wanted. I tilted my head at him in confusion to which he just replied with a shrug .

"You look like you wanted it."

He placed his hands on his pockets trying to hide his blushing face. I softly smiled, clutched the plushie and thanked him. While we were conversing, I noticed it was getting rather crowded so I grabbed his hand and began to lead the way

"Let's go get ice cream."

I looked at him and smiled.

"You coming Ash?"

His eyes widened in surprise then he nodded. I began leading the way. After we got ice cream, we continued playing at the stalls. Asher won most of them then handed me the prizes. I felt embarrassed at his spoiling attitude towards me. When we got exhausted we sat on the bench in the gardens of our school.

"Today was so fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

I kept trying to keep my eyes open as exhaustion took over me suddenly. He just wordlessly leaned me against his shoulder and patted my head gently. Fireflies then began to appear.


So beautiful yet fleeing. I can't hold on to it like those times. I can't think about it now.

I yawn and close my eyes.

"Thank you for today "

The last thing I remember was a faint welcome and arms wrapped around my body and being lifted