
Reincarnation: Devoted Romance

Qin Zhen felt that she had to be blind in her previous life. How did she only realize how much He Guinian loved her after she died? After reincarnating, Qin Zhen was ready to make it all up to He Guinian. She would pamper him as much as possible. However, the moment she reincarnated was the moment she asked for a divorce and was preparing to leave him. In her previous life, she felt nothing but disgust and fear when he told her how he was suffering and how he wished to be with her. She was afraid the crazy person would go crazy and kill her... Now, she wished she had a pair of wings and could fly to him. Qin Zhen's eyes filled with tears when she saw how he was tied up and covered in blood. She could only imagine how much pain he was in when she left. Meanwhile, when the severely depressed man saw her, he looked pitifully at her like a golden retriever. He was even murmuring to himself while he dipped in and out of consciousness. "Zhen, stay with me for a while longer before you leave. Please..." Qin Zhen teared up. "Alright." Once he calmed down and fell asleep, Qin Zhen went to see the doctor. She wanted to find out everything and help him recover. However, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was clear as the blue sky. "Master, if you keep hurting yourself like this, your body won't be able to take it..." The butler felt sorry for him. He Guinian looked at the wounds all over his body. He closed his eyes. "She already wants a divorce. If I don't do this, how can I... Once she's truly gone, I won't be able to make her stay even if I wanted to. What's the point of living then..." He Guinian felt uneasy. He was constantly worried that Qin Zhen would leave. However, he gradually realized that Qin Zhen finally had feelings for him, and she would never leave...

Lu Han · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Qin Si gave Qin Zhen, who had been sitting on the chair playing with her phone, a seemingly simple, yet difficult question. If Qin Zhen continued to insist, she would seem too petty. After all, she had already said so much. How could Qin Zhen have the audacity to trouble everyone? But Qin Zhen didn't think anyone would feel inconvenienced by her request, especially after she gave them a good performance.

Qin Zhen supported her chin and looked straight at her cousin, "I understand what's going on. So this matter has something to do with you. You did it."

"What? What does it have to do with me? Don't talk nonsense. I'm just worried that everyone is too tired," Qin Si hurriedly defended herself, startled to be accused as such.

"Then why are you panicking? Nobody is complaining. The teacher was just asking the emcee, but you and Du Juan seemed so eager to go home," Qin Zhen asked casually.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her, Qin Si's expression darkened but said nothing else. Du Juan bit her lip tightly and didn't dare to look up.

Qin Zhen lowered her head and looked at her phone. The phone screen changed from the blue screen at the beginning. She put her phone away and stood up. She said to the teacher, "I'm going to the washroom."

The teacher waved her hand, indicating for her to go, and then continued to question everybody one by one. She had checked the surveillance cameras before, but the surveillance cameras had been tampered with and were broken. Therefore, she felt that this matter had been planned for quite some time.

Du Juan was so nervous that she broke out in a cold sweat. Seeing that the teacher was asking the other students, she sneaked out to get some fresh air. However, she noticed Qin Zhen by the door.

Qin Zhen leaned lazily against the wall and glanced at her as if she was deliberately waiting for her, "You did it, didn't you?"

Du Juan's heart, which was already beating violently, was about to jump out of her chest. She subconsciously looked backstage and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that no one was paying attention to them. "Stop accusing me!" She growled in a low voice.

The surveillance cameras had been destroyed and the evidence was gone anyway. The teacher had investigated for so long, but they wouldn't be able to find anything. In the end, this matter would be left unfinished! As for the handwriting, she wrote it with her left hand, so no one would recognize it. At the thought of this, Du Juan became more confident.

Qin Zhen didn't say anything and just stared at her with her usual look. Du Juan's panicked face was reflected in her clear eyes.

"I'll give you one chance. If you admit it, then this matter will be over." Qin Zhen's voice was flat. "Honestly, I don't want to have any conflict with you because it's annoying. But if you're asking for it, don't blame me."

Du Juan thought that Qin Zhen was trying to trick her, so she sneered and said, "Do you have evidence? You're completely accusing me of something I didn't do! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you're stinking rich!" Seeing that Qin Zhen did not speak, she became even more arrogant.

The commotion attracted the attention of the people backstage.

The teacher walked toward them and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sir! It was Qin Zhen! She said that I did it for no reason! She was accusing me. What right does she have to say that? I want her to apologize to me!"

Du Juan felt that this was a great opportunity. Qin Zhen's baseless slander might give the teacher in charge a bad impression of her, so he would stop pursuing the matter.

The girls from Class 28, who were good friends with Du Juan, also sought justice for her, "Qin Zhen, are you sick? Suspecting the people in your own class!? Do you even have a heart?"

"That's right. Do you think you're so great just because you're the first in the grade and can dance? You don't care about anyone. Why are you so arrogant—"

"Quiet!" The teacher in charge berated them sternly, and the students immediately shut up.

"Qin Zhen, you said Du Juan did it. Do you have any evidence?" He asked Qin Zhen, his tone involuntarily softening.

Qin Zhen glanced at Du Juan.

Meeting her gaze, Du Juan raised her chin, fearlessly staring back.

Qin Zhen couldn't be bothered to continue dawdling. She had already wasted a lot of her time today. Because of their age, she really treated these people like little girls and would not pursue anything. Moreover, there was no grudge between them, so she gave her another chance. "I'll give you one last chance." Her voice was colder than before.

Seeing her trying to threaten her, Du Juan felt more convinced that Qin Zhen had no evidence and was deliberately coaxing her to admit. If she had evidence, she would have taken it out long ago. Why would she have to ask her again and again? "You don't need to give me any chances. I'm not wrong," she sneered, "If you can't produce the so-called evidence to prove that I did it, you must apologize to me in front of everyone!"

Du Juan's plan was very simple. She just wanted to deliberately stir up the matter to cover her tracks. She was confident that she could keep this secret to her grave.

Qin Zhen looked at her and decided that was enough. She picked up her phone and handed it to the teacher, "Sir, take a look for yourself."