
Reincarnation: Devoted Romance

Qin Zhen felt that she had to be blind in her previous life. How did she only realize how much He Guinian loved her after she died? After reincarnating, Qin Zhen was ready to make it all up to He Guinian. She would pamper him as much as possible. However, the moment she reincarnated was the moment she asked for a divorce and was preparing to leave him. In her previous life, she felt nothing but disgust and fear when he told her how he was suffering and how he wished to be with her. She was afraid the crazy person would go crazy and kill her... Now, she wished she had a pair of wings and could fly to him. Qin Zhen's eyes filled with tears when she saw how he was tied up and covered in blood. She could only imagine how much pain he was in when she left. Meanwhile, when the severely depressed man saw her, he looked pitifully at her like a golden retriever. He was even murmuring to himself while he dipped in and out of consciousness. "Zhen, stay with me for a while longer before you leave. Please..." Qin Zhen teared up. "Alright." Once he calmed down and fell asleep, Qin Zhen went to see the doctor. She wanted to find out everything and help him recover. However, the man who was supposed to be asleep suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was clear as the blue sky. "Master, if you keep hurting yourself like this, your body won't be able to take it..." The butler felt sorry for him. He Guinian looked at the wounds all over his body. He closed his eyes. "She already wants a divorce. If I don't do this, how can I... Once she's truly gone, I won't be able to make her stay even if I wanted to. What's the point of living then..." He Guinian felt uneasy. He was constantly worried that Qin Zhen would leave. However, he gradually realized that Qin Zhen finally had feelings for him, and she would never leave...

Lu Han · Urban
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40 Chs

A Perfect End

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Because Qin Zhen had not appeared for quite some time, the audience was left with nothing to do but discuss animatedly amongst themselves.

"What's going on? Why isn't she on stage yet?"

"Don't tell me she's scared. Is she pretending to be brave? If she is, then she shouldn't have signed up…"

In the front row, the school leaders looked at each other and frowned. They did not know what had happened.

Then, Qin Zhen slowly walked onto the stage. However, she didn't change her clothes and still wore her school uniform.

Jia Qing, Xie Liang, and the others were all sweating in their seats. They had agreed that they would still applaud loudly no matter how good or bad Qin Zhen danced! They would support Zhenzhen! After all, in their opinion, Zhenzhen may have the skills to fight, but whether she could do anything as soft as dancing… Uh… In any case, they were going to support her no matter what!


Du Juan focused all her attention on Qin Zhen, who was standing on the stage. She couldn't help but imagine how bad things would go down, and could not suppress the excitement in her heart. Moreover, there were so many board leaders in the audience. It was enough to embarrass Qin Zhen for a lifetime. 

'Let's see who would still support Qin Zhen's stinky feet in the future!'

Under everyone's gaze, Qin Zhen finally moved! Even the best dance would feel a little lacking without music or accompaniment. However, Qin Zhen didn't need any of that.

Qin Zhen's every move was perfect and clean. She wasn't like Qin Si, who kept showing off her skills. She was like a natural dancer, one with her soul. She didn't try to please anyone, she was just jumping around across the stage, doing her own thing. Her movement seemed to have some kind of magic that attracted everyone's attention.

Once the performance was done, everyone was stunned for a long time.

"Zhenzhen is awesome!" Jia Qing and the others were the first to react and erupted in shocking cheers.

The hall was filled with a thunderous round of applause.

"Qin Zhen is so amazing! Nobody expected her to be so good at dancing! She danced so well without accompaniment. I was completely immersed in it!"

"I used to think that Qin Si's dancing was amazing enough. Compared to her, she's nothing!"

The crowd applauded fiercely, and the boys even shouted for their goddess!

Amidst the cheers, Qin Zhen remained calm and composed. She bowed and left.

Backstage, Qin Si's expression turned into an ugly frown. She never knew that Qin Zhen could dance so well! How was that possible? She had grown up with Qin Zhen. When Qin Zhen was young, she only started dancing for two days before the dance teacher left in anger. After that, Qin Jin and Qin Youting never hired a teacher for her. How could she dance so well?

"Qin Zhen!" Qin Zhen had just arrived backstage when Du Juan and her group decided to block her.

Du Juan glared at her with gritted teeth, "You were clearly dancing Qu Shen's dance! You must have practiced for a long time, huh? You're really f*cking cheap. You secretly learned from us and practiced his dance. Then you told us it didn't suit us. Now you're just showing off! You were waiting for this moment, didn't you? You're such a snake!"

"There must be something wrong with your memory, I advised you to go to the hospital. Delaying the treatment will cause dementia." Qin Zhen retaliated, shocked by the accusation.

"Why are you still pretending?!" Du Juan hated the look Qin Zhen had on her face. It was as if Qin Zhen didn't care, like nothing affected her! She was so angry that she wanted to hit her. Du Juan raised her hand and was about to hit her—

But Qin Zhen easily dodged it with a slight move to the side. Due to the force she put into the slap, Du Juan threw herself forward. She fell face first to the ground and judging from the sound of it, she fell quite hard.

The girls from Class 28 quickly helped her up.

The teacher in charge walked over with a smile and praised Qin Zhen. He had thought that Qin Zhen would cause a huge mess when she went on stage. He did not expect that the atmosphere would bring them to the climax.

"Let's find out the truth first! Someone had written it with a pen. Whether we look at the handwriting or the surveillance cameras, we should be able to find the culprit very quickly," Qin Zhen said lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll look into it," the teacher in charge promised.

The celebration ended successfully, and all the staff and performers stayed behind. This was because the teacher in charge wanted to find out who was behind this. The nature of this matter was extremely vile!

The first suspect was the emcee.

"It really wasn't me! I don't hold any grudges against Qin Zhen. Why would I want to humiliate her? Besides, I'm only emceeing. If something happens, I'll be the first to be punished." The emcee was on the verge of tears. She felt wronged. This really had nothing to do with her.

"Since it didn't cause any big trouble, let's not pursue the matter anymore. It's already so late. It will be dark by the time we return home. That's not safe." Du Juan said dryly, her eyes somewhat evasive.

"Yes, Sir. Maybe it's just a prank. I believe that this person had already realized their mistake. If we continued, it would only affect the school's reputation. Everyone is also very tired. Let them go back and rest." After Qin Si finished speaking, she turned to Qin Zhen, "Zhenzhen, what do you think? Look at how well you danced. Everyone liked it too."